我港語文系列 : 關於字體
#我港語文 #language_kongcept 我港語文系列 - 關於 #字體 ✍️/ 每個字有獨特的意思/故事/意象,而字體則是傳播字意的渠道,更是一門藝術。字體是娛樂,供人欣賞;是工具,操控閱讀者的心理,影響文字的傳達;是文化,能反應時代的背景;是歷史,字體的發展歷史就是一個地方的發展歷史;是你的生活,陪伴你成長,塑造你的回憶,大至霓虹燈牌小至路邊街招。(🤫祖國啲banner字體夠晒記憶點) 未來我港語文會介紹各類型的字體以及文字工作者。今日的主角是現處於眾籌階段的《思緒重生體》。九十後字體設計師Roy Chan創立了《思緒俠造字》團隊,希望透過更多的創作喚醒香港人對字體的感覺,希望更多人重視字體設計。《思緒俠造字》現今已有超過200款字體成品,是香港字體的推動者。《思緒重生體》眾籌將於2022年3月10日 - 23:59完結。🔗 https://wabay.tw/projects/reborn-font?locale=zh-TW&ref=dea7f2d3de ✍️字體:思緒重生體 |👨嘉賓:Roy Chan|🚩捍衛繁體字,由文字設計做起🚩 Q. 關於思緒俠造字? Roy: 香港字體研發及教育團隊。旨在保育屬於我們的繁體字,繼而創造新的造字風氣。早年以獨特文字設計產品為媒介,引導大眾認識字體設計; 繼而製作第一套字體【思緒重生體】,教育大眾付費使用字型和版權認知; 未來期望吸引更多設計師入行字體設計,慢慢匯聚成行業。 Q. 關於思緒重生體? Roy: 《思緒重生體》字型設計結合宋體 x 黑體,寓意新舊融合、吶喊喚醒昔日香港露魂!經過推出「千字試用版」,越來越多人使用思緒俠造字的字體。希望透過募資借助大家的支持完成一套約五千字的字型,為香港的繁體字和廣東話努力,讓香港的文化和靈魂延續下去。 Q. 你對香港有什麼感覺? Roy: 我心目中的香港是有種得天獨厚的魅力,長居於此的人會被壓力逼得喘不過氣,但只要跳岀框框,敢於想像,還是座充滿活力的城市。 #我港 #kongcept #兩文三語 #香港歷史 #法定語文條例 #廣東話 #粵語 #字體 #香港字 #書法 #繁體字 #香港語文 #cantonese #font #caligraphy #traditionalchinese #hklanguage
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我港語文系列 - 關於 #認識香港文化,先從語言文字著手
#我港語文 #language_kongcept 我港語文系列 - 關於 #認識香港文化,先從語言文字著手 🇭🇰/ 💬「我港,我講文化,但我用咩講?點解咁講?」 語言和文字是文化中的主要成份,構成我們的身分認同,記載並幫助文化的承傳,與社會一同變遷。今個系列與大家一同認識香港人的語和文,並帶領你認識在這個領域裏的人、事、物。💬「唔好連自己講緊咩都唔知。」 有見及此Kongcept 將會有一個新系列:#我港語文 ,與你分享我們每天所使用的繁體字、字體、粵語、俗語典故等...。總言以之,一起認識更多自己的母語和文字歷史。 1841_香港開埠 1933_第一部粵語電影《白金龍》 1970前_英語為唯一法定語言 1970_香港教育界及大專學生爭取香港人最常用的中文成為法定語文。 1974_政府正式修改《法定語文條例》,中文獲立為法定語文。 1987_進一步規定所有法例都必須以中英文制定和頒布。 1995_12月4日香港法庭首次以中文(粵語)進行審訊 1997_香港政府實行「兩文三語」:中文、英文書寫,粵語、英語和普通話口語。 1997後??? Announcing Kongcept’s new series: #language_kongcept . Understand what we speak & write, Chinese Characters/Cantonese/Font/Phrases…etc. 1841_Hong Kong Foundation Day 1933_The first Cantonese film 《白金龍》 Pre1970_English was the only official language 1970_Educator and students strive for Chinese to become the official written language 1974_Govt. officially revised the "Official Languages Ordinance", Chinese was established as the official language. 1995_First Cantonese trial in Hong Kong court 1997_Implement "biliteracy and trilingualism" Written: Traditional Chinese, English Spoken: Cantonese, English and Mandarin After 1997_??? #我港 #kongcept #兩文三語 #香港歷史 #法定語文條例 #廣東話 #粵語 #字體 #香港字 #書法 #繁體字 #香港語文 #cantonese #font #caligraphy #traditionalchinese #hklanguage
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 豆豉與鯪魚的邂逅/ 隔離期間食太多午餐肉?由細食到大嘅豆豉鯪魚呢?1893年,第一罐豆豉鯪魚在廣洲廣茂香罐頭廠面世。這可追溯十九世紀時,依水為生的珠三角勞工,偶然發現鯪魚的甘鮮和豆豉的咸香十分配合。豆豉、鯪魚和調味料的配方一直長相廂守至今,你能想像一樣的味道能流傳百年嗎? 雖說豆豉鯪魚起源於廣州,但絕對不輸午餐肉的「頹人恩物」,美味的鯪魚加上豆豉汁撈飯可能是很多香港人的日常,它的味道也讓很多移居外國的香港人回憶家鄉的感覺。在疫情如此嚴重的時刻,跨境運輸的阻礙更令它的價錢一度上調至💰50元!!!祝願大家仍能在超市找到罐豆豉鯪魚😂 百年不變的制作方法/ 豆豉味滲進魚肉,魚汁浸泡豆豉,互為融合,但其實制作過程中,豆豉和魚是入罐後才相遇的。首先將豆豉入罐,再把解凍好的魚乾和調料液里浸泡一定時間,他倆才能相遇,最後注入精煉豆油。一罐豆豉鯪魚在高溫消毒後便成香氣與味覺滿分的完成品。 The encounter of tempeh and dace/ Beside spam, canned “Dace in Tempeh” is an other top can food in Hong Kong. In 1893, the first can was launched at a factory named 廣茂香 in Guangzhou. Tracing back to the 19th century, when workers in the Pearl River Delta who depended on the water for a living, accidentally discovered that the sweetness of dace and the salty aroma of tempeh go very well together. Then the recipe passed down for a hundred years… Although Dace in Tempeh originated in Guangzhou, having a bite of delicious Dace in Tempeh with rice is the daily life of many Hongkongers and the taste of it may even recall the feeling of home when you away. Nevertheles, its price increased to 💰HKD50 per because of cross-border transportation issue. Hope that everyone can still find cans of Dace in Tempeh in the supermarket 😂 The production method that has not changed for a hundred years / First put the tempeh in the can, then soak the thawed dried fish and seasoning liquid for a certain period of time before they are canned together, and finally inject refined soybean oil. After a can of tempeh dace is sterilized at high temperature, it becomes a finished product with perfect aroma and taste.
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 午餐肉的港式生活 - 疫情良物🥲🥩 午餐肉的一段風光史/ 午餐肉源自於美國,由Jay Hormel在1937年發現,取名為大家很熟悉的SPAM。當時正值經濟大蕭條,Jay 將豬肉、鹽、水和馬鈴薯澱粉製造成午餐肉。因為加入了硝酸鈉,所以才會呈現出我們平常看見的粉紅色。雖然午餐肉是較平宜的食物,但是只有中產及富豪階層才會常吃,也只有他們才吃得起午餐,當時他們的午宴(Luncheon)流行吃SPAM,因此SPAM又稱為Luncheon Meat(午宴吃的肉)。 美國傳到冰室 - 餐蛋麵的日常🍳/ 午餐肉很快就流傳到英國,他們將午餐肉配搭生菜薯仔沙律。但這個飲食文化並沒有傳入香港(好彩冇咋!)。在50年代,冰室盛世的時期,廉價又方便的午餐肉成為了冰室的囊中物,加入荷包蛋、兩條菜和即食麵,制作成平宜又飽肚的餐蛋麵。直到現在,餐蛋麵成為香港人的最懶之選和Comfort Food,如果你說你只識煮餐蛋麵,多會被冠上「你根本就唔識煮野食」之名。 但其實午餐肉要煎得好吃也很講究!首先午餐肉就像牛排,肉排必須保持外層焦香與內部軟嫩多汁,切的厚度約5毫米。 注意午餐肉本身已附有很多油份,所以落少量的油即可,然後煎到兩邊金黃色。(你唔好煎午餐肉都煎濃啊XD) 附上餐蛋麵食譜(希望大家都唔需要😂),一齊捱過第五波疫情! PS: 正在強制家居隔離中🥲
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#我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 霓虹燈是如何運作的?需要電嗎?需要火嗎?電離? 讓我們一起認識它魅力的根源!⚡️ 「電離」的原理! / 如想製作霓虹燈管,你首先需要一條封閉的玻璃管,將兩端接駁電極和發熱線,注入不能缺少的主角 - 「惰性氣體」。準備就緒後,發動電源將發熱線通電,管中的氣體隨即產生「電離」~~~意思是高壓電流令管中的氣體能量提升,氣體以光線形式釋放儲存的不穩定氣體,發出我們熟悉的「霓虹光」。 相反,鎢絲燈需要達到高溫才能發光,所以我們靠近鎢絲燈時會感受到其熱力,你也會想像到大量的電能化成熱力流失於空氣中,你的電費也一樣下場。霓虹燈同時又被稱為「冷光管」,盡管閃亮著,保持你也能夠安心用手觸碰它的溫度,當然不同顏色的霓虹燈有着輕微的溫差。 你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?你心目中又有怎樣的聯想?喜歡王家衛的顏色藝術嗎? #KongceptualPop : 🎶血色幻燈泛起了千滴 渴望🎶 🎶翠色幻燈種出妄想和 荒唐🎶 🎶冷色幻燈引起了當日 百態怒放🎶 🎶暖色幻燈照出曠世鋒芒 光芒🎶 霓虹燈的個性: 形狀x顏色/ 霓虹燈的個性相信是來自它的形狀與顏色。如果你有發現,我們在《霓虹叢林》的歌詞裏有提到「血色、翠色、冷色、暖色幻燈」。不同顏色的霓虹燈是透過各種惰性氣體所產生的不同能量而演化而成。有趣的是,由於惰性氣體的能量會影響光線亮度,導致光線不足。例如較弱的「氬氣」,為了增加其紫外光度,製作時通常都會在玻璃管內加上「水銀」,若再將管塗上螢光劑,管內發出的紫外光就能夠化成我們肉眼所見的柔和藍色。日常中最常見的霓虹燈顏色則由氫(紅色)、氦(粉紅色)、二氧化碳(白色)、汞蒸氣(藍色)等氣體亮起。霓虹燈使用的玻璃管可以透過燒製彎曲成多樣的形狀,令創作的成品具有極大的靈活性,成為了「港式字體」的最佳拍檔。再加上一支質量合格的霓虹燈擁有20,000 - 30,000小時的壽命,即若三到五年,令它成為八、九十年代户外亮化燈制或招牌的最佳選擇。 -----《懷舊時光》JUSTIN WONG SOLO PHOTO EXHIBITION ----- 展覽將轉瞬即逝的瞬間描繪成電影般的場景,不論以數碼或菲林都能表達出每張照片背後故事的最深刻意義。Justin透過近期的作品試圖喚起我人們意識到招牌等香港傳統文化和價值的存在。 地點: 新城市廣場一期 250A鋪 - Shout Art Hub & Gallery 日期: 18/1/-18/2/2022 時間: 11:00-21:00 ——— The principle of ``ionization''! / If you want to make a neon tube, you first need a closed glass tube, and it needs to be connected with electrodes and heating wires at both ends. Of course, the protagonist-inert gas is indispensable in the glass tube.Turning on the power to energize the heating wire, the gas in the tube will be "ionized" immediately! The high-voltage current increases the energy of the gas in the tube, and the gas releases the stored unstable gas in the form of light, which is the neon light we are familiar with. What forms a perfect neon light? shape x color/ Common neon colours are formed by gases such as hydrogen (red), helium (pink), carbon dioxide (white), mercury vapor (blue), etc. In addition, a qualified neon lamp has a lifespan of 20,000-30,000 hours, which is approx. 3 to 5 years, that’s the reason it became the best choice for outdoor lighting systems or signs in the 1980s and 1990s.
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021【 5/8:紅豆西多,香港人的下午 @kongcept852】 ***31/12投選你最喜歡的貼文種類*** 關於 #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 💬//我港從生活和飲食入手,探討香港人間的微妙連結。無形的種種讓我們產生“共鳴”、“安心”,而一切其實有跡可尋。// 香港人的滿分下午 💬//紅豆冰配西多士係定律!// / 跟大家分享過,傳統冰室是屬於較高級的場所,蘊含的文化內容包括下午茶、咖啡廳、舊香港的社會環境等等...冰室的招牌菜式,香港人最渴求的下午茶,非紅豆冰和西多士莫屬!兩者都是源於香港的冰室,極具本土風味! 紅豆冰/ 說到豪華高級的港式飲品,童年時的最愛,一定是始於香港冰室的「紅豆冰」- 像是冰室化後的紅豆沙。把綿綿的紅豆、白滑的三花淡奶、涼透心的碎冰放進高身的蓮花杯,再用長長的鐵匙搞拌,把紅白色分明的它混合成紫紅色,大吸一口...簡單的快樂和治癒感。傳統紅豆冰多從大冰塊刨出碎冰製作飲料,但因成本較高而被淘汰,並以製冰機造的冰粒或碎冰代替。當然,在香港無法自行製冰的年代,紅豆冰是格外珍貴的飲品。有別於大x樂之流,上水的「廣成冰室」創立於1962年, 四個大字的招牌、通透的門面、天花板的大風扇、還有招牌紅豆冰!3/5杯的豆紅色+1/5杯的奶白色+1/5利用古董刨冰機手刨出的刨冰柱,6/70年代的傳統冰室味道透入你心。 西多士/ 西多士HK French Toast,原型大概是歐洲流行的法蘭西多士French Toast,分別在於前者是「炸」香夾層中有花生醬的兩塊麵包,塗上牛油和糖漿(有茶餐廳會加入火腿)食用;後者是「煎」香一塊塊的麵包,配上糖漿或水果等食用。西多士實際的歷史故事無從得知,但French Toast的製作手法原是為了善用不新鮮麵包而出現的一條妙計。對於某些老一輩,最著緊的可能還是那英國出品的高級糖漿,那份港英時期的味道。 💬//有人話我知邊到嘅西多士好食就好啦😚// Cover Photo📷: @mr_nkf The best 2-Course Tea Set/ Talking about a perfect authentic taste at the Bing Sutt, “HK French Toast” and “Red Bean Ice” form a destined set. Both of them originated in the Bing Sutt industry of HK. Given the high calories and memories that Hongkongers had with them, they can offer you the most authentic taste of HK. “HK French Toast” is a twist from the classic French toast in Europe, except in a sandwich form that is traditionally stuffed with peanut butter (sometimes with condensed milk or ham) and deep-fried. Then, served with a glaze of syrup and butter on top. On the other hand, traditionally, “Red Bean Ice” consists of 3/5 cup of red bean, 1/5 cup of evaporated milk, and hand-shaved ice. #我港 #kongcept #西多士 #紅豆冰 #冰室 #茶餐廳 #下午茶 #FrenchToast #廣成冰室
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【4/8 建築與地方:如何分辨房署和房協的居屋? @kongcept852】 關於 #我港建築 #archi_kongcept 💬// 我港為你介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,藉着探索這些空間與我們的關係,尋找建築和地方的存在價值。// 如何分辨房協和房署的居屋?房協居屋具私樓的質素和設計實驗性 相信好多人發現有時經過發現很多特別的房屋設計,既不是私樓又不像倒模般的公屋,這很大機會是房協起的居屋! 房協被稱為「房屋實驗室」,不是政府組織?/ 雖然大部居屋都是由政府的房屋署所興建,但其實有部份居屋是交由房協(香港房屋協會)去執行和管理。很多人誤以為房協是政府方,但其實他們是獨立的非牟利機構,獲政府以低於市價批出土地,興建過公屋(例如祖堯、乙明邨)和為數不少的居屋。房協一直擔當「房屋實驗室」的角色,發展及研究不同的房屋計劃。例如: 🌿香港首個環保房屋——茵怡花園 👴🏻長者房屋——樂頤居 🏗市區重建房屋——荷李活華庭 設會所、附送的家電和裝修、媲美私樓般——綠悠雅苑 房署居屋/房協居屋/公屋要如何分辨?/ 房署的居屋有與公屋相似的固定建築類型(近年因方便公居屋互換而趨向與公屋設計無異),而房協的居屋則是千變萬化,既不用像私樓般按當時建築政策去抄盡容積率,或像公屋般為追趕效率而倒模式設計,可算難得地從香港房屋找到創意和人性化的考慮。 公屋以「邨」estate 命名,房署的居屋則根據英國council housing (英國的公共房屋)以「苑」court命名,而苑內的大廈則用「閣」House命名。而房協的居屋並沒有這個限制,過往有出現過「龍濤苑」、「祈德尊新邨」、「駿發花園」、「健康村」、「寶石大廈」、「綠悠雅苑」等等。相信大家要從名分辨房協居屋是有一定的難度😂。 #我港 #kongcept
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【1/8工藝精神:一代宗師也難逃行業的式微 @kongcept852】 關於 #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 💬//香港工藝事業享負勝銘,”MADE IN HONG KONG” 一詞對世界顧客都有信心保證。可惜隨著科技進步,經濟發展等等因素,不少工藝已經式微。我講工藝希望與大家分享一些僅存的工藝,好讓更多一起欣賞和記得種種的工藝精神!// 手寫小巴膠牌/ 記得嗎?我們2020年尾介紹過香港小巴的歷史和文化,如果忘記了或未閱讀可以先看回!而今日會延伸介紹一種香港獨有的傳統工藝,見證著小巴這幾十年時光的藝術。走到旺角先達廣場附近便容易看到一排又一排的小巴在等候乘客,但我們怎樣分辨小巴s的目的地和收費呢? 線索就放在擋風玻璃上,那又紅又藍的白膠牌。 最後一位工藝師/ 每輛紅色小巴上都總會有幾塊小巴膠牌。現時小巴牌都是出自於同一位工藝師,麥錦生師傅。因為他已經是香港最後一位手寫小巴膠牌的工藝師。由於紅色小巴並沒有固定路線和收費,司機隨意更換小巴膠牌。而最為人熟悉定必是紅白藍三色的繁體字和價錢。別小看這一塊小膠片,原來當中大有學問⋯字的顏色方面,行內規定途經的地方是藍色、終點是紅色。例如圖1,就是途徑九龍城,前往黃大仙的小巴。而膠板也有學問,必須先用酒清消毒,逐一擦拭乾淨,因為若有靜電,會令油墨化開干擾筆跡。 繁體字的堅持與獨有字型/ 麥師傅的獨特字型也申請了專利。早期用毛筆沾油漆,字體夠大夠明顯就足夠。而油漆的濃稠度也非常講究,太稠的話字體會起泡,太稀的話字體會缺色。現今更要加上英文字。多年來,麥師傅都堅持使用繁體字,這才真正代表中文字。簡體字就像切開了一樣,缺乏了字體當中的意義。除了有一個字就是觀塘,麥師傅會寫做「官塘」,這是小巴司機要求,因為「觀」太多筆畫,遠處未必能夠清晰看見。 Hand-painted minibus plastic signs/ Do you still remember that we mentioned Hong Kong minibus history and culture earlier. So, what makes the passengers get the right minibus to their destination and charge? All these rely on the red and blue plastic signs on the windshield, a unique traditional craftsmanship in Hong Kong that has witnessed the past decades of minibuses. The only ONE craftsman left in HK/ Nowadays, most of the minibus signs used in red minibuses are from the same person, Master Mak Kam Sang. He is the last craftsman in Hong Kong to create hand-painted minibus plastic sign. This simple sign also takes a lot of learning. In terms of colour, there are regulations in the industry. Blue words indicate the place that would pass by, red words indicate the final destination. Insistence on using of Traditional characters and fonts/ Master Mai's unique font has even applied for a patent. For many years, Master Mai insisted on using traditional Chinese words to truly represent Chinese characters. Except for a special word, Kwun Tong, Master Mak would write "Kwun” (觀)into another word (官)which has the same pronunciation. That was required by the minibus drivers because there are too many strokes and may not be clearly visible from a distance on road.
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尖沙咀鐘樓迎來首鳴一百週紀念,你又知不知為何當初會在這裡興建鐘樓? 其實這鐘樓原名為九廣鐵路鐘樓,鐘樓隔離本來是建於第一次世界大戰前的尖沙咀火車站(現址香港文化中心)。它其實是為該火車報時用的,除了日佔時段,它一直默默為火車站服務,一直到1950年因馬達零件問題而停止轉動。可惜的是以紅磚和花崗岩建成的火車站因紅磡搬遷計劃而清拆。當時的古蹟學會曾收集15000個簽名向英女王請願要求保留火車站建築,但最後郤是無疾而終。 今天的鐘樓只剩下象徵意義,火車站原有的幾條羅馬柱被移到市政局百週年紀念公園卻無人問津。今晚六點,鐘樓會再次響起,提醒我們,不要再讓自己珍重的事物消失。 The clock tower in Tsim Sha Tsui is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Do you know why the clock tower was built here in the first place? This clock tower was originally called the Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower. The clock tower was originally built for the Tsim Sha Tsui Railway Station, before the First World War. The clock tower was actually used for the train's timekeeping. The service was stopped in 1950 due to a problem with motor parts. It is a pity that the railway station built of red brick and granite was demolished due to the Hung Hom relocation plan. At that time, the Antiquities Society collected 15,000 signatures and petitioned the Queen of England to keep the railway station building, but in the end it was nothing. Today’s clock tower only has symbolic meaning. The original Roman columns of the railway station were moved to the Centennial Park of the Municipal Council but no one cares about it. Tonight, at six o'clock, the clock tower will ring again, reminding us not to let the things we cherish disappear. #我港 #kongcept #香港文化 #hkculture #自己香港自己救 #ฮ่องกง #홍콩 #hongkonger #hkig #insidehongkong #hkculture #hongkongmoment #hkdaily #capturehongkong #尖沙咀鐘樓 #hkclocktower
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歎一杯好的咖啡或茶的同時,你有嘗試感受四周的空間和氣氛嗎?☕ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 🎁送禮遊戲!看第四頁指引 以「鴛鴦」命名由咖啡混合奶茶而成的港式飲品,是取自其物種的特性,雌雄有著截然不同的外貌卻能共處,正如中西文化在港融合。每個香港人平均只有2.8平方米的居住面積,咖啡店和茶室是他們重要的社交場所,建築設計公司 Building Narrative @building_narrative 把「鴛鴦」延伸成「穿梭於香港每個角落的咖啡店與茶室」,探討他們在香港的社會角色。 香港人IG的saved post塞滿各式的咖啡店與茶室,每逢假日都愛到「打卡Cafe」chill一chill,約會、思考、看看街上的人、物和事。其實咖啡店與茶室是紮根於社區的公共空間,透過設計和環境營造出能促進人交流的氣氛。 //那麼...你知道你口中的Chill是源自哪裏嗎?// //每間別樹一格的Cafe或Tea House蘊藏了甚麼設計意圖?// 「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。書中除了看似普通的街坊聚腳點,亦有備受注目的項目,例如由國際著名建築公司OMA設計的 K11 Musea KUBE 。 //致建築師、設計師、香港人:// //讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! // 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》Giveaway!!!📖 🎁 Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友 Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3 - Follow Kongcept 然後把story截圖DM給 @kongcept852 💛我們會當中揀選兩位幸運兒送上新書一本,並被邀請到下星期三的新書會💛 Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store ‘’ Yuen Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book that illustrates and presents coffee and tea houses in HK through story-telling and from a design perspective. While Cha Chaan Tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that goes well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that becomes the new amenities of our local communities and plays a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁 Step 1-Comment to share your impressed coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852 💛 We will select two winners to give out a FREE book and be invited to their book launch on next Wednesday 💛
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被掣肘的霓虹燈- 「條例和計畫」 除了城市發展模式的改變,政府也因樓宇結構安全問題而增加對霓虹招牌的管制,加劇了它的消失速度。 2013年9月2日,屋宇處增設了自願性「檢核計劃」,潛在風險較低並在當天前所建成的霓虹燈招牌,招牌的擁有人可參與將其保留。計劃會安排建築專業人士或註冊承建商會對有關招牌進行檢查、鞏固(如有需要)及向屋宇署核證其安全。通過檢核的招牌可保留5年,屋宇署暫不會干預已通過檢核的招牌。 事實上,這個做法只是政府的「通容」,由於那些招牌在相關的街道條例出現前已經出現,即使檢核後確保安全,仍然有違現時的建築工程條例。一但五年後,招牌必須重新進「檢核」或被拆除,以確保安全的結構。不少招牌擁有人為避免反覆的程序而選擇拆除。諷刺的是,政府屋宇署網站指出:「大部份現存違例招牌的存在確實對香港繁榮有一定價值。」但除了把霓虹招牌列入為違例招牌,就沒有其他方案處理? 在《我港專訪》中,劉師傅說到:「香港係拆得太誇張,條街好似原本一個smokey eyes孔妝,突然間變咗素顏咁啊。」,此段亦成了《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞 #KongceptualPop : 🎶假使卸下濃艷晚妝,通通都脫下,惟恐那色與慾無餘地再幻~化🎶 因時代而去 因時代而去/ 上一個時代的香港經濟蓬勃與政府對於霓虹燈牌的監管相對寬鬆,孕育了香港成為經典的霓虹燈街道畫面。輝煌時代過去,政府對招牌的規管也變得更加嚴厲,即使增設一個小型招牌也需提交多份文件和圖則,例如現在的招牌對面積和安裝地方都有複習的規限。加上LED 的出現,即使商戶們安裝一些戶外招牌都會因成本較便宜、維修等原因而選擇LED。種種原因導致今天霓虹燈絕跡,我們為霓虹燈與時代扣上不能分割的關係,但究竟霓虹燈能否在這時代中找到生存之道?(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等) Neon SIgnature - What is left?/ Signature owners are encouraged to join the Validation Scheme implemented by the Building Department since 2013, owners are required to appoint the prescribed building professionals or contractors to inspect, strengthen (if required) and certify the structural safety of the existing billboards that already existed before 2 September 2013. Even if the inspection is done, the safety check is still required to be carried out again every 5 years or the signature should be removed. The 5 years can be viewed as temporary permission, as most of the signature do not fit with the current regulations, they are still illegal technically. It is interesting that the website of the Building Department states that “many of the existing unauthorised signboards…...carries notable value for sustaining local commercial activities and contributing to Hong Kong’s prosperity”. So, are there any better regulations that the government can think of to preserve the neon billboards and ensure the persistent building safety problem? 🔔follow 《我港 Kongcept》IG/FB @kongcept852 🔗 https://linktr.ee/kongcept852 🔗 ➵Youtube 訪問片/未來大製作 ➵Instagram 最多內容 ➵Facebook 分享貼文,與長輩討論香港文化 #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlight #招牌 #霓虹叢林 #kongceptualpop
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🌱種出霓虹燈的土壤 - 「綜合用途建築物」/ 五十年代的城市肌理,正是霓虹燈生長的土壤。早在轉角唐樓的介紹裡有提過[註1],五十年代的政府為了回應戰後的人口膨脹和經濟復甦,修改了《建築物條例》,城市出現了大量「綜合用途建築物」,像彌敦道兩側盛放著霓虹燈的便是「商住兼容」的大廈群。當時政府並沒有刻意規管霓虹燈牌的大小、形狀和高度。七、八十年代經濟起飛之時,商家爭艷鬥麗,務求將街上的行人帶到自己的樓上舖。加上香港獨有的樓高街窄,才成就了其人人皆曉的霓虹場景 - 繁華盛世。 💭你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?#KongceptualPop : 🎶牽掛這窄牆 牽掛這馬路 牽掛這漂亮🎶 🎶開遍這細巷 開遍這市面 開遍這世上🎶 🎶籠罩晚空內 每一道 狹縫🎶 🎶填滿記憶內 每分鬧~鬨🎶 🆕新市鎮:住宅與商業空間的分離/ 但隨著七八十年代後的城市發展以新市鎮為主,住宅與商業空間都清晰地分隔開,一個個大型屋苑與底座的商業空間分散於城市各處。加上以馬路優先規劃和住宅密度增加,街道減少了,取而代之是商場外牆的廣告面,霓虹燈失去所需的土壤,同時候政府設立了不同的條例和計劃(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等),清拆違例招牌同時,所有新建的招牌進出受更嚴格的監管。霓虹燈牌逐漸成為「舊區」的景象,卻未能遷移到新市鎮裡繼續繁殖。 Composite Building acted as the soil for breeding neon light/ The urban fabric in the 1950s formed the soil where neon light grew. As mentioned in the introduction of the Corner Tong Lau [Note 1], in the 1950s, the government revised the "Building Regulations", and a large number of "Composite Building" emerged in the city. Neon signages on both sides of Nathan Road are on buildings compatible with commercial and residential purposes. At that time, the government did not deliberately regulate neon signs' size, shape and height. Then, when the economy took off in the 1970-80s, the street was like having a beauty contest; gorgeous signages were installed to bring pedestrians upstairs. Then became the famous HK neon scene, with large volume&density. The detach between commercial and residential space/ However, as the urban development from the 1970s was dominated by new towns, where residential and commercial spaces were separate, and the commercial spaces of large housing estates and pedestals are scattered in the city. Also, the priority of road planning and the increase in residential density have reduced the number of streets and replaced them with advertising surfaces on the facades of shopping malls. As a result, neon lights have lost their soil and are seeking a wonderland. #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #kongceptualpop #project_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlights
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延期完工二十一年、連接旺角道與彌敦道的天橋終於完成,有網民笑說「羅馬鬥獸場只花了十年時間興建」,究竟一條只有一百米的天橋如何能夠拖足二十年? 新自由主義: 政府將建造的基建責任轉向私人發展商/ 你應該會感到困惑,為何一條公共行人天橋會交由新鴻基去出資、設計和建造?首先讓我們先了解天橋背後的公共政策。新自由主義可以被理解為市場化傾向的公共政策,而在香港的體現有很多方式,以下是其中幾個: 1️⃣鼓勵發展商提供「私有化公共空間」[註1],由政府提出給予發展商更多建造面積,換取所謂的「公共空間」。 斥資方:發展商 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 例子: 時代廣場、新城市廣場露天平台 2️⃣由政府與發展商磋商興建天橋、公共交通交匯處等基建,由發展商管理,並可獲額外建造面積。 斥資方:發展商 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 例子:中環天橋系統、裕民坊公共交通交匯處 3️⃣政府將公共建築項目以public-private partnership (公私營合作)方式向發展商招標,被稱為「社區工程」。 斥資方:發展商or 政府 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 or 政府 例子:西隧、星光大道 對政府的好處可能是:無需為基建承擔公共開支、日後的管理責任(視乎情況而定)、其他風險。並借助私人發展商的建造效率和質素提供足夠的基建供應。 市場化後的公共建築/ 回到旺角行人天橋,政府原意是想舒緩旺角街道人車爭路的問題,將整個天橋網絡交由新鴻基斥資建造,再交由政府管理。以他們持有的新世記廣場作為起點,連接到剛完成的旺角道段。天橋全程數分鐘路程,既方便了市民,發展商又可能換取到更多建造面積,吸引人流到商場裡。 公共建築原由政府興建,如工程延期,牽涉公帑,或需再經立法會審批,公眾尚存在監察權。即使由政府斥資再向私人發展商招標,或尚有周旋的空間。但今次整項工程由私人發展商斥資和建造,公眾無從中干預,而政府的角色是十分被動,亦更難以追究延期賠償,因延期只涉及工程費用脹價,不論政府或私人發展商興建也未必需要為延期作出保償。 「新自由主義」下的市場化公共政策,由基建到整個城市構劃發展,甚至建築保育像中環街市[註2]都有著深遠影響,下回再續! 如有錯漏,敬請指正🙆🏻‍♂️ [註1] 私有公共空間 [註2] 港式保育後的中環街市 攝: 楊嘉朗(旺角天橋) 延伸閱讀: 1.Defying Disappearance: Cosmopolitan Public Spaces in Hong Kong, Lisa Law 2. Hong Kong: Neoliberal heaven or neoliberal nightmare?, Priscilla Roberts 3. 歷史解密:點解旺角行人天橋廿幾年都未起好?, 獨立新聞網
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🧪Neon(氖)由英國化學家發現,再於1910年由法國化學家George Claude發展成「Neon Light」,漢語以音譯相近,帶有彩虹含義的「霓虹」命名。1912年於蒙馬特大道出現世界上第一塊霓虹廣告牌,其後於歐美盛行,2、30年代發展到上海,伴隨上海的專才(霓虹師傅、書法家等)移民到港,50年代發展到香港並開始發展。 🇭🇰談及世界對香港的印象,西方電影總喜歡包含夜景、黑社會、Cyberpunk等等,而「霓虹燈 Neon Light」是當中不可或缺的元素;有色慾的紅色、富裕的黃色、神秘的紫色。王家衛的電影入《旺角卡門》亦經常看到。8/90年代是香港霓虹燈的高峰期,形形色色的霓虹燈箱籠罩香港晚空內每一道狹縫,以及記憶內的每分鬧鬨。在香港最輝煌的時期,有霓虹燈,曾經維港海旁的高樓頂層,都有大型霓虹燈招牌,不但形成五光十色的夜景,也象徵了香港的輝煌 - 「東方之珠」。 「以前有一句說話,香港繁榮靠設計,就係講霓虹㗎啦。」 - 劉穩師傅👨‍🏫 法國發明的霓虹燈與香港有甚麼關係?霓虹燈象徵香港8、90年代的繁榮背景、明星般的氣場和社會氛圍。當時「搵錢易」的氣氛促成香港的消費主義生活方式,不論是百貨公司、餐廳、酒店、企業都以霓虹燈作為宣傳工具,加上,引發「霓虹燈箱」宣傳戰。市民相約朋友,會以霓虹招牌作地標。香港當時唐樓和綜合用途建築物的建築結構(下舖上居),以及寬鬆的管制和有限的空間,香港霓虹燈在狹窄的街道上拼湊成層層疊疊的獨特景象,當中的density & volume便是香港霓虹燈的獨特風貌 - 「霓虹叢林」。 The Chinese name 霓虹 is similar to the transliteration of "Neon Light" with the meaning of rainbow. The world’s first neon billboard was built on Boulevard Montmartre in 1912, it spread to Shanghai in the 20/30s. There was once a storm of Shanghai’s professionals (neon masters, calligraphers, etc.) immigrating to Hong Kong, which initiated the beginning of HK in the 50s. The HK that you see in western movies is always linked to "Neon Light"; red for lust, yellow for wealth, and purple for mystery etc. The 8/90s were the peak period of HK’s neon lights. All kinds of neon signs covered every slit in the night sky of HK, and every bit of the memory of Hongkongers at that time. Talking about the night view along the Victoria Harbour, many huge neon signs can once be found on the rooftops of those skyscrapers which created a colourful night scene and also symbolized the glory of HK - "Pearl of the Orient". "There used to be a saying that Hong Kong's prosperity depends on the design, which refers to neon signs."-Master Liu, neon signs creator. In the 80/90s the ever-rising economy of HK promoted a consumerist lifestyle, all walks of life had a bright future. Department stores, restaurants, hotels, and enterprises, all used neon signs as a promotional tool. A "neon signs" competition is formed which the champion of it was treated as the most powerful party. HK's neon lights are patched together into a unique street scene, high density & volume. Such a unique style of HK's neon lights-"Neon Jungle".
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☕️🧇 上回提到,冰室和茶餐廳之間的分別,早期兩者連牌照上也有所不同。今次我們嘗試拆解現時最常見的可供堂食的兩種飲食牌照。 「細牌」/ 當時冰室的牌照與現時小食食肆牌照類似,俗稱「細牌」,與普通食肆牌照一樣可以堂食,但只可售賣《⼩⻝⻝肆獲准烹製及售賣的⻝物》內所列明的“已預先製作”的⻝物。持有細牌的食肆只准烹製及售賣被規定的六種類内其中一種。 「大牌」/ 相反,普通食肆牌照又稱「大牌」,只要不是售賣受限制的食品,例如壽司🍣、生蠔🦪等,准許持牌人基本上是沒有限制的,而且食客也可以堂食。 茶餐廳牌照/ 衛生局 於1960年設立了「茶餐廳牌照」,但現時已被廢除。有關牌照的特性和廢除的原因,我也沒有太多資訊,我嘗試聯絡過相關部門但都空手而回。然而我們相信現時所有茶餐廳領取著普通食肆牌照。若讀者們知道這些歷史和條例,不妨與我們分享。 今時今日的冰室/ 現時大部份的所謂冰室也領取着「普通食肆牌照」。除了裝修外,實際上他們所提供的食品與普通茶餐廳沒有太大的分別。所以現在我走進冰室,吃的主要是當年環境氣氛的感覺,食物種類和質素是次要的。 Types of restaurant licenses/ As mentioned last time, in the 1980s and early 1990s, the licences of traditional “Bing Sutt” and “Cha Chaan Teng” were different. Today let’s illustrate the two most common catering licenses which are available for dine-in service. “Small license"/ In the earlier stage, the “Bing Sutt’s” license was similar to the current light refreshment restaurant license, commonly known as "small license". It allows dine-in service but strictly restricted the food items that the licensee can prepare and sell for consumption, only one group of the food items as stated can be chosen. “Big license”/ On the contrary, ordinary restaurant licenses are known as "big license." As long as licensee does not sell restricted food items, like sushi and oysters, that require a specific permit, the licensee basically can sell anything and is also available for dine-in. “Cha Chaan Teng’s” license/ This license was established in 1960 by the former Health Bureau but has now been suspended. And we believe all Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong nowadays have a general restaurant license. Detailed information and the reasons for its suspension are hard to find, so if you know anything about the history and regulations, please do not hesitate to share them with us. Today’s “Bing Sutt”/ Basically, most of the so-called “Bing Sutts” are now holding general restaurant licenses. Except for the decoration, their menu is more or less the same as ordinary “Cha Chaan Teng”. For me, when I now walk into Bitt Sutt, what I am enjoying the most is the taste of time rather than the taste of food.
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茶餐廳: (二) 香港生存食糧
今天的香港,冰室 和 茶餐廳 遍佈街頭小巷,但兩者有甚麼分別?上回談到傳統冰室只能販賣飲品和小吃,打造《港式優雅生活》。今日繼續旅程,認識茶餐廳... 茶餐廳=餐廳+冰室/ 隨著中西方文化的融合,冰室的數量節節上升,而50年代香港經濟「火箭升空」引致「西餐館」和「咖啡室」變得更普遍;市民消費能力更高;飲食界變化與競爭更激勵。傳統冰室行業承不上這枝火箭,落後於大市。為了生存,店主們設法納入餐廳元素,售賣中西小炒以及各種飯類,開拓新戰線 - 《打工仔生存食糧》。傳統冰室行業於60年代開始正式面臨建構性壓力,大部份只領「小牌」的冰室已於80-90年代式微,而隨社會演變應運而生的便是 -《茶餐廳》。 👨:「幾多位?依到啦!」 (啪啪,夥計放下兩杯清茶) 👨:「想食咩?」 ☕冰室有冰,茶餐廳有茶,每間茶餐廳都會為客人奉上清茶(Local Tips:香港人不會喝),食品種類應有盡有,除冰室之選外,更提供中西式正餐如燴意粉、碟頭飯(蓋飯)、粥麵etc。香港經典食品如沙爹牛肉麵和蛋撻亦是來自茶餐廳。作為冰室的變體,茶餐廳有別於街邊的大牌檔,於舊時屬中檔食肆,配有妥當的裝修和較整潔的環境。據說1946年的蘭香閣茶餐廳是第一間以茶餐廳命名的鋪;而政府衛生局則於1960年才新設了「茶餐廳牌照」,第一個牌照由「漁利泰茶餐廳」獲得。時至今天,很多市肆都以「冰室」為名作招徠,但實際與茶餐廳無明顯差別,皆以茶餐廳形式營運。 🇭🇰香港象徵/ 傳統冰室的一杯冷飲一碟小吃,為香港人提供生活中的調製,展示出香港中西文化的交匯 ; 而茶餐廳則支撐著香港人的的日常飲食,盡顯香港人努力和 #平靚正 的精神。兩者都伴隨香港人的生活而生,與香港人的生活和香港歷史不可分割。茶餐廳食物配搭多變而且份量十足,是普羅大眾的食堂,由落單、上菜、到結帳,最緊要快!果腹後繼續工作!回應著一項傳說:「香港人最喜歡工作、最勤力、最高效率。」 A blend of Bing Sutt and Restaurants/ The word-word translation of Cha Chaan Teng is “Tea Restaurant”, while they would greet customers with a cup of tea (Local Tips: Hongkongers won’t drink it) and you can enjoy a decent Silk-stocking Milk Tea. Cha Chaan Teng and Bing Sutt are not the same but connected. While traditional Bing Sutt can only serve drinks and snacks(can ref. to previous post), Cha Chann Teng provides a full and wide range of F&B. 👨: "How many people? Sit here la." (Waiter puts down two cups of tea) Today, traditional Bing Sutt is rare and most of them are operating as a Cha Chaan Teng. Looking back to the 50s, the number of Bing Sutt peaked, when the rocketing period of HK economy boosted citizens' purchasing power and caused the number of "western restaurant" and "cafe" to increase, the catering industry became too competitive for Bing Sutt to survive. Therefore, Bing Sutt owners expanded their service spectrum by adding Chinese and Western main courses to their menu and created authentic HK dishes like Satay Beef Noodles. Instead of the cafe vibe of Bing Sutt, Cha Chaan Teng is more like the "Survival Kit for Workers". The govt. established an official "Cha Chaan Teng” License in 1960. Cha Chaan Teng supports the daily diet of Hongkongers, demonstrating the general 3E desire of the city: economic, efficient, effective .HKers love working?
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冰室: (一) 舊香港優雅生活
🧊冰室是否屬於香港?/ |雖然|冰室這個詞可能並不是由香港創造,|但是|港式冰室是屬於香港的。 冰室與廣州或上海的冰廳相類似,同樣是東西文化交匯的產物,會售賣冷飲及雪糕等小食,但兩者有著關鍵性的分別。港式冰室的 #Kongcept 源自香港的獨特環境和社會狀況,而內容亦與廣州的冰室有所不同,當中涉及以下的題目: 1)英式下午茶文化和英式咖啡室; 2)製冰業的興起; 3)香港自創的Fusion飲食 🇭🇰冰室起源/ 港式冰室於戰後的香港興起,冰室早期的主要客源為受西方文化薰陶的白領。港式冰室的起源可以追溯到英國維多利亞時代,當時的Coffee Shop及Tea House如雨後春筍般開業,加上製冰技術面世,英國的下午茶文化以及咖啡廳形式漸漸傳到香港,平民咖啡室因而出現 - #港式冰室。聽說最早的冰室出現於20年代,但資料已經難以追尋,只知道由40年代開始廣為人知,而50-60年代為冰室的盛世。 早港英時期,西式餐點只能在稱為「西菜館」或「餐室」的高級西式餐廳嚐到,價錢非一般人能承擔。直至二次大戰後,市民對西式食品的好奇,引致40年代初「冰室」的冒起,提供價錢較便宜的「彷西式食品」。由於冰室只持有市政局辦發的「小食菜館牌照」(小牌),只可以提供飲品和輕食如三文治,不能明火賣飯。有一些冰室更會配搭烘製麵包拍照。 🧊何謂啊「冰」?最緊要正/ 舊時候的廣州很流行「飲冰」這個詞,意指「喝冷飲」,而喝冷飲的店便稱之為「冰室」,據說名字背後與清未民初的中國思想家梁啟亦有關...詳情暫且不說。回望香港,其實除了冰室,還有相類似的業務被稱為咖啡店、咖啡廳、茶冰室等等,象徵著一樣的 #kongcept 。除了仿西方咖啡室外,與香港的社會狀況亦有密切關係,舊時候一般香港家庭負擔不起冷氣機或雪櫃的價錢 ,香港的冰室見機創造了各種冰凍飲品如紅豆冰作為招徠,再配上天花板的大吊扇為客人送爽。所以冰室曾經算是一種較高級的場所,屬於香港人的一種優雅生活態度~ 下回續...🔔 Bing Sutt - A blend of Western and Eastern culture/ The word-for-word translation of Bing Sutt is “Ice Room”; it, traditionally, is only allowed to serve drinks and light meals due to its license. It is characterised by its hanging fans, iced drinks, and Eastern-Western fused beverages and foods. It began by targeting white-collar workers who were fascinated by the Western culture. Tracing back to the Victorian era in England, when the advent of ice making technology, the British afternoon tea culture, and coffee shops have spread to HK. The HK-style ice room imitates the high-end cafe in the western restaurant. They have been widely known since the 1940s, and the 50-60s were the flourishing age of Bing Sutt. In the early days of British-HK, Western style meals can only be tasted in high-end Western-style restaurants and the price was not affordable for ordinary civilians. Until the Second World War, the public's curiosity about Western-style food led to the emergence of "Bing Sutt" in the early 1940s, creating a series of fusion food & beverages that fit the locals’ appetite, acting as cheaper alternatives to western-style food. Bing Sutt is named when the average family cannot afford to pay for an air conditioner or refrigerator. To be continued…🔔 📸: @mr_nkf
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中大建築碩士年展 CUHK Master of Architecture Year Show 2021/ 這兩年間,香港人對於建築與城市形態的認知起了不少變化,發現原來商場不只是購物,還能夠展現公民功能;也因疫情不想困在家中,而探索了香港每一個角落。希望《我港》在這個艱難時期,有成功協助到你去更認識香港,與這裡的一事一物建立更深厚的情感。此時此刻,正有一班中大的建築系硯士畢業生密鑼緊鼓,籌備著畢業年展,他們除了要適應不同的新常態,還需面對學校全新制度 - 他們會如何利用建築去回應香港環境的蛻變? 60個作品,60個對於城市與空間的回應/ 今年的主題是<<共鳴與蛻變>>,畢業生在蛻變之間收集了社會上多元的聲音,透過建築設計找出了人與空間的共鳴。今年一共有60位畢業生,被分配到9個不同的STUDIOS,但與往年截然不同的事,除了展出60個個人作品,同學們更希望以九個STUDIOS作區間 ,明確地帶出9種不同的重要訊息。訊息包括「探討舊區深水埗的貧窮問題」、「新市鎮東涌的未來發展」、「探索大自然與人的關係,香港近郊鄉村的保育」等等...。如不認識何謂STUDIO和THESIS ,可以重溫 @archipodcasthk EP17! 將學術研究帶到專業實踐,甚至乎普及於大眾?/ 今次年展除了展出學生作品外,還會有webinar、sharing session、 和 guided tour。從科學到藝術、人文到自然,建築課題可涉獵的領域十分廣泛。在學習建築的過程中,一篇論文、一棟建築、甚至一件物件都能使我們產生相關範疇的興趣。修讀過建築的你...還記得自己對建築的哪部份最著迷?畢業過後已將它拋諸腦後?有見及此,學生們邀請了 @kongcept852、 @hkarchitecturalhistory、主教山設計提案的Shita Lam 和 @archipodcasthk 建築宅男,希望能讓畢業生們或普羅大眾瞭解到本地建築行業的不同面向,探討如何將學術研究延伸到專業實踐,甚至推廣至社會不同階層的可能性! 建築與香港文化密不可分! 展覽時間: 25/5 TUE By invitation 26/5 WED 10:00-20:00 27/5 THUR 10:00-20:00 28/5 FRI 10:00-21:00 29/5 SAT 10:00-21:00 30/5 SUN 10:00-17:00 地點: 灣仔香港藝術中心 - 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Art Centre, Wanchai Follow @kongcept852,探索香港文化的一切~ #kongcept #我港 #kongcept_archi #hkarchitecture #cuhk #cuhkarchi #中大建築 #我港建築 #review #presentation #MArch #masterofarchitecture #hongkongculture #hklife
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冰室&茶餐廳: (序) 美食天堂的中流砥柱
美食文化的幕後功臣-飲食文化的進程/ 飲食是生存必需品和生活的調劑,而飲食文化見證人和社會的成長。基於70年代香港經濟起飛和其獨特的國際身份,香港成為了美食天堂,世界美食的匯聚點。在此背後默默支撐著一切的是最地道且屬於香港人的本土飲食文化,見證了香港的歷史進程,支持著每個香港人的日常。 香港介紹過: (1)《大牌檔》由二次大戰後開始支撐著香港人的每一餐; (2) 大牌檔創出《絲襪奶茶》流芳百世; (3)《港飲文化》相繼而生; 今個月開始,我港會帶領你探索《冰室》和《茶餐廳》。 去 @kongcep852 右上角開著 🔔 通知,今個月唔會令你失望! The Inner Side of the Food Paradise – HK Food Culture/ Food culture witnesses the history and growth of a society. In light of the take-off of Hong Kong economy in the 1970s and its unique international identity, HK has become a food paradise with Michelin Starssss. And when we see through all the fame and spotlight, there is something more valuable to Hongkongers, the most authentic food culture which has recorded the history and story of HK, and supported the daily life of every Hongkongers. Previously, @Kongcept852 introduced you the “Dai Pai Dong”, “Silk-stocking Milk Tea” and “HK Beverage Culture”. In the upcoming weeks, let’s begin to drill into "冰室Bing Sutt" and "茶餐廳Cha Chaan Teng". 📸: @mr_nkf Visit @kongcept852 and turn on the 🔔notification on the top right hand corner, and be prepared. #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept #冰室 #茶餐廳 #茶記 #chachaanteng #bingsutt #香港文化 #hkfoodblogger #hkfoods #hkdrinks #自己香港自己救 #ฮ่องกง #홍콩 #hongkonger #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #japaneseinhk #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #hkphotography #visualhongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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皇都戲院: (二) 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!
皇都第二回! 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!⚒🎭 我港分享了各種被遺忘和值得保育的香港文化,但今次不再紙上談兵,而是為保育一級歷史建築-皇都戲院-略盡綿力。新世界投得皇都戲院後,承諾形神俱備地讓皇都戲院重生,而旗下非牟利機構 @culturefortomorrow 最近籌辦了名為《尋找你我他的皇都》的代入式歷史體驗活動,作為是次計畫的序章。皇都戲院有多方面的價值:推動香港文化產業、劃時代的建築技術、和香港的生存印證。上次我港介紹了關於皇都對香港文娛發展的深遠影響(註1),今次會著墨更多在其建築和空間之關係的介紹。 被忽視的現代主義建築/ 在繼續介紹皇都之前,先讓我說說皇都代表的現代主義建築。它們既沒有古典主義的羅馬柱,又沒有現代玻璃大廈的未來感,而當時現代主義多以建築功能作設計的首先考慮,因此被很多人覺得它們都只是平平無奇的水泥建築。但其實好的現代主義建築能透過外牆與其建築功能分佈的協調,透過規律的線條散發著含蓄而冷靜的美感。而現代主義建築記錄香港戰後的殖民地歷史,從其設計能找到香港當時的生活模式、社會狀況、甚至政治意圖。例如上回介紹的順利邨商場般(註2)的粗獷主義建築是內藏當時港英政府戰後更新國家形象的意圖。 香港獨有的現代主義演釋 - 皇都/ 當然,不是所有現代主義建築都擁有同等的價值,而最直接的量度好壞的方法是看設計背後的意圖和美學考慮的多寡。從整體設計來看,皇都戲院像是個反叛的孩子,與當時建造的戲院手法毫不相近, 建築師劉新科及工程師George. W. Grey 巧妙利用了外露的飛拱水泥鋼根結構,一個個規律的圓拱告訴你他們抓著的戲院究竟有多大。飛拱令戲院無需支柱支撐,提升了視覺和聽覺的質素。中大建築學教授鍾宏亮Thomas Chung更認為這設計是受著名現代主義建築師 Le Corbusier 的蘇維埃宮殿設計所啟發。 🎬🛍️戲院與商場的結合/ 但令我最印象深刻是原為停車場改建而成的商場,這可能是該年代香港少數集住宅、戲院、和商場於一身的建築。商場巧妙地利用上方戲院座位的高度差創造了與典型商場不同的商業空間。當你處身於商場內的走廊上,不難發覺每隔一段路就有樓梯向上或下行,商鋪高度也跟住坡道改變,十分有趣。而鋪頭的招牌和鋪頭外的信箱形造出街鋪。我曾探訪過停業前的皇都商場,看到一位店主的愛妻在鋪外埋頭苦幹做飯的畫面(註3),商場環境好比一個小社區。 未來的活化計劃是將會重用戲院部份作表演空間,這是十分令人鼓舞的消息。有別於大館或PMQ等活化都將原建築功能改為文化空間,皇都戲院能夠將其背負著的那段輝煌的香港娛樂文化歷史帶到現在,為本地藝術工作者提供表演場地,這令此建築具更深的意義。過往很多現代主義建築都逃不過清拆的命運,例如政府帶頭清拆的皇后碼頭、舊政府總部、中環郵局總部等,皇都得以保留值得我們感到欣慰,我港寄望借它來告訴大眾,不少看現代主義建築的美! (註1)重溫: 皇都印證著香港文娛的發展 (註2)重溫: 順利邨商場流動的粗獷主義 (註3)重溫: 皇都店主愛妻的日常 Story有link! #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #StateTheatre #皇都戲院 #NewWorld #hkarchitecture #hkconservation #hkheritage #readopt #活化 #皇都活化 #再說皇都 #歷史建築 #hkhistory #香港歷史 #香港社區 #hkmall #hkshopping #香港商場 #hktheatre #香港戲院 #hkculture #香港文化 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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古諮會會議: 石階、水務建設、警署 - 通通都與我們的生活相關。
古諮會第一九二次會議 🏙石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築 通通都與我們的生活相關。 流程簡介/ 我港上星期參加了古諮會舉辦的公開會議。這種公開會議每逢三個月會舉辦一次,公眾和傳媒都可以去旁聽的,而會議內容也會上載於網站供市民查閱。會議分別為幾部分,首先是介紹和確定數項法定古蹟,然後討論了一個活化項目的文物影響報告,最後討論並擬定數個新加入的歷史建築,即包括近來受公眾十分關注的主教山儲水池。聽過了一個個歷史建築的介紹,我感到一點慚愧,其實這些寶藏一直在我們身邊,但我們卻沒有在意。 這些歷史建築拼湊出香港人的生活/ 石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築通通都與我們的生活相關。會議中介紹了很多隱藏在我們社區當中的歷史建築。 1️⃣🚓大埔舊警署,它其實已經有超過一百年歷史,連同附近的舊北區理民府、前新界分區警司官邸及前新界華民政務司官邸,代表著當時剛發展的新界政制中心,在二O一五年被活化為綠匯學苑。 2️⃣🪜磅巷台楷,不要少看這幾段看似平平無奇的花崗岩(部份段落為水泥)樓梯,其實每段樓梯都勾劃著華人在不同時期於太平山區生活的過程。 3️⃣🧧沙頭角沙咀村協天宮,坐落於香港邊界的禁區,體現了「廟校合一」的價值,從廟內的碑文中能找到以前華人移民到澳洲、紐西蘭的一段歷史。 4️⃣⛲️主教山蓄水池,除了其建築特色外,作為界限街以北的新九龍水務發展的起點,它一直默默地作為城市的脈搏,為當時的人提供乾淨食水。 古蹟辦的職能限制/ 值得一提的是剛決定為三級歷史建築,屯門何福堂建築群。他們也擁有超過一百年歷史,現存放完整度也十分高。當時是傳道會送贈於中華基督教會香港區會,已被丟空十多年。但教會一直去信古蹟辦聲稱該建築群不值得被評為歷史建築,卻未能提出具說服力的原因。雖然教會沒有權力去否定這決定,但有委員擔心教會或不會為建築群提供保護及活化計劃。這反映了即使為一些具價值的歷史建築評級,因為沒有法律的保障和古蹟辦職能的局限,我們難以保證他們會否受到保護,作為公眾或政府的角色其實十分被動的。 確幸的充權/ 雖然作為旁聽者的我未能在會議中提供意見,但我與其他公眾和傳媒作為委員的「監察者」,我們能夠看到這些重要決定的決策過程,有不滿意或認為不正確的地方,我們可以透過不同平台發表,而委員們作為「被監察者」也會更認真地審視各個決定。香港教育一直很缺乏對於香港史的內容,而這些重要的歷史卻是我們認識香港建築價值的根本。或者你會覺得這些會議可能不關你事,但作為香港人,我們有責任去認識我們的歷史,以及作為「監察者」保護敘述這些歷史的建築。 #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #tonglau #hkconservation #我港建築 #保育 #香港歷史建築 #hkhistory
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香港農曆新年: 盆菜起源
🧧我港拜年/ “我港仝人向各位拜個年,祝大家牛年快樂、百毒不侵、心想事成,新一年我港會繼續努力,以更引人入勝的表達,為你帶來更豐富的內容。” Bio有link:🧧 https://payme.hsbc/kongcept852🧧 歡迎各位善長人翁獻出一點點的支持與愛心❤️ 利是可以寫上你對我港的期待或意見~ ——————————————————————————— 香港人的那兩個新年/ 🎆 👫🏻👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻10 9 ...3 2 1 新年快樂!! 🧨 👨‍👩‍👦🏠恭喜發財身體健康...x 100times 基於香港獨特的歷史背景,慶祝兩次新年已是屬於香港人的一套文化,雖然兩者的意義有所不同但於香港皆受到重視。港英年代時,雖然 #西曆新年 作為節日登陸了香港,但港英政府並沒有干預當時的傳統習俗,更於1965年起,每逢農曆新年前夕都會有港督發表新年賀詞,孕育出中西文化交融的環境。香港人慶祝西歷新年是現代化和社會的體現,獨立性較高,作為生於香港的都市人,經歷了一年的 #最長工時 後與愛人和朋友狂歡並發洩出所有壓力,然後1月1日為自己訂立新一年的Smart Goal和人生計畫。相反, #農曆新年 則注重傳統習俗、信念和親情,並為新一年作準備。由「年廿八,洗邋遢」到「年三十團年」和「年初一拜年」等等,雖然習俗較多但當中所有活動都是以「家」為單位。即使你不相信某些習俗背後的寓意,這些都是和家人親戚共處的好機會。🌃😢如你曾到外國留學或工作,身處異地,你最想念家的日子就是農曆新年時份。大家適逢農曆新年請好好與家人共度時光。 香港農曆新年,飲食/ 作為全世界華人的節日,不同地方都有着不同的慶節食品,而香港許多賀年食品的由來都是源於粵語的諧音。例如年糕,顧名思義有着年年高的意思,男女老少都適用,而在職認識會希望事業更上一層樓,小朋友則祈求快高長大。另外,髮菜蠔豉正是寓意發財好市,有別於一般賀年食品原來這個菜式並不油膩,而且營養價值更頗高,髮菜高鐵高鈣高蛋白而蠔豉有着多種良好氨基酸有助去除體內有毒物質,有助預防動脈硬化。 至於🥘 #盆菜 呢?這是 #香港飲食文化 ?!盆菜起源 於南宋末年,宋帝與多名大臣南下時來到香港新界圍村,當時他們飢餓萬分,村民得知皇上到來不敢怠慢,於是各家各戶拿出各自最好的食材。但由於時間緊急,一時三刻沒有足夠的盤碟承載食物供給多人享用,村民於是利用洗衣服的木盤作為代替,把所有食物一同放進去,成為「盆菜」。時至今日每逢有喜慶活動,圍村的村民都會聚在一起吃盆菜,成為香港獨有的文化。加上今年受疫情所影響,團年及農曆新年大家都未能夠外出當食,不少食肆也推出盆菜,方便大眾與家人慶節。 #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #農曆新年 #西曆新年 #香港文化 #傳統 #利是 #家 #祝福 #恭喜發財 #盤菜 #圍村 #身體健康
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大牌檔: (一)大牌檔? 大排檔? 怎樣才算元祖大牌檔
大牌檔? 大排檔?/ 夥計,一打藍妹!🍻作為香港人對大牌檔一定不陌生,但現今真正保留著其獨特歷史文化的元祖級大牌檔還有多少間?最傳統的大牌檔是怎樣的?單是其名稱已眾說紛紜,據說真相是當年政府為了避免出現大量非法擺賣熟食的攤檔,所有大牌檔都需要於當眼處裱裝起一張註有持牌人及檔位資料,約A4大的「固定攤位(熟食或小食)小販牌照」,大牌檔亦因此成名。而「大排檔」有指源自廣東的「排檔」,代表一連成排的路邊餐檔。此外,大牌檔不一定提供小炒,亦有以麵、絲襪奶茶、輕食等作主調的店主。 元祖大牌檔/ 大牌檔的原型可以追溯到二次大戰後,港英政府設立的小販牌照。於1921年,小販分成俗稱大牌的固定小販牌照 和小牌的流動小販牌照(e.g.炒栗子🌰)兩種牌照。直至1950,由於戰後的香港處於百廢待興的狀態加上大批難民從中國大陸湧入,居民生活十分艱難,因優先考慮經濟困難和老弱的人士,港英政府將牌照二合為一並發放出去,為低下層其提供一個謀生的機會。由於牌照費不高和經營成本輕,大牌檔價廉物美的食物深受普羅大眾歡迎。但是1970年代香港經濟起飛和快餐文化(1968年的大家樂/1978麥當勞)興起,加上政府希望整頓市容而加強對大牌檔的經營限制,令大牌檔面臨危機。 大牌檔的變奏/ 於1972年,政府停止發牌,所有牌照持有者需要集中經營,如遷入「熟食中心」,不願意搬遷者則可交還牌照,並領取約六萬元的金額補償。同樣在1970年代初,政府推行了十年建屋計劃,為滿足居民日常生活所需,俗稱「冬菇亭」的熟食舖位伴隨公營房屋應運而生。由於大部分面積小的冬菇亭都喜歡往外搭建帆布帳篷以便擺放更多檯凳招待客人,令其外觀如同大牌檔。由於以上兩者與大牌檔有相似的經營模式,在現今世代亦會被稱為大牌檔。 直至2009年,政府才實施大牌檔保育計劃,為大牌檔建設排污渠及煤氣管,並且協助破舊的大牌檔進行翻新工程。此外,大牌檔牌照亦可以傳給牌主配偶和直系親屬。2015年,當局檢討在滿足環境衛生、污水排放及座位劃分等條件下,解凍已停止多年的大牌檔新牌照發放,在有附加條件下發出新牌照,同時亦研究放寬現有大牌檔牌照的繼承條件,可由直系家庭成員繼承牌照。大牌檔有以上變奏/保育,但我港認爲都未能充分體現大牌檔的神韻...大牌檔的最大特色是其環境,能感受街道上的各種不確定因素,在香港這個發達城市中,那份對比感更具風味。 The Intangible Culture - HKers’ Treasure/ Dai Pai Dong serves you with the most authentic and free eating environment in HK, . In 1950 post-war, Hong Kong was in a state of desperation, and with the large influx of refugees from mainland China, the residents in HK were having a tough time. The British-HK government prioritised the ease on elderly and people who can barely make a living. overnment issued a license that allows food stalls to be operated in public space. It provided a chance for the lower class to earn a living. In the 1970s, HK economy rocketed, fast-food culture entered HK and the government began to tighten the restrictions and even stopped issuing licenses in 1972. Stalls are required to concentrate into a cooked food centre(operating like an ordinary restaurant), or they will need to return the license and receive a compensation of about 60,000HKD. Meanwhile, the government implemented a ten-year housing construction plan. To meet residents' daily needs, cooked food stalls commonly known as Mushroom Pavilions came fundamentally with public housing and replacing Dai Pai Dong. In 2015, the license issuance finally unfrozen but its potential value is yet to be well exerted.
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿 香港古物與古蹟架構/ 「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。 The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO. #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #hkconservation
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從四個保育案例看香港古蹟制度的敗處🗿 竟然沒有法律保障歷史建築物!? 皇后碼頭/ 皇后碼頭以現代主義建築形式興建而成,原是皇后像廣場的停泊處,只供香港總督及英國主要官員往返香港時使用。後來改建成皇后碼頭,價值不止是其現代主義建築,還有它作為記錄香港人集體回憶的公共空間。政府以發展為由,竟帶頭將這個一級歷史建築清拆。十三年後,至今仍沒有重建計劃。其實香港的「歷史建築」只有參考作用,沒有法律效力;「法定古蹟」才有法律保障。即使近年政府提出,被評為一級歷史建築能被接納為已列入具高度價值的建築,增加成為法定古蹟機會,但很多歷史建築因私人業權問題難以保育,最後也只能落得清拆下場,例如「同德大押」(grade III) 和「何東花園」(grade I)。 「古蹟辦」被笑稱「估即辦」,考察過程草率了事 皇都戲院/ 皇都戲院已經有六十九年歷史,它作為香港昔日娛樂事業風光年代的證據,也盛載我們的集體回憶。國際保育專業組織 Docomomo International在一六年發出「文物危急警示」促請為它評級為一級歷史建築,但古蹟辦被揭發對戲院的內部改動情況不充分掌握就草率提出將戲院列為三級歷史建築的建議。先不論古蹟辦考察過程透明度之低,其中一位負責評審的學者竟說:「假若漢墓值5分,清代(建築)最多4分,咁皇都幾多分?」(bio有「活現香港」皇都戲院評級爭議懶人包的link),從這話可看出他們的想法已與現今保育方向脫節。幸好最後古諮會評定它為一級,現時被新世界發展商收購,是首個發展商主動提出的活化項目。 Queen's Pier; No legal protection for historical buildings Built in the form of modernist architecture, its value lies in its use as a public space that records the Hong Kong people’s collective memory. The government demolished this first-class historic building for the new development scheme. In fact, Hong Kong’s "historical buildings" are only for reference and have no legal validity; only "declared monuments" have legal protection. Even though the government has proposed in recent years that historic buildings rated as Grade I can be accepted as buildings of high value which increasing the chance of becoming statutory monuments, many historic buildings are difficult to preserve due to private ownership issues, and they can only be demolished in the end. State Theatre; ‘Antiquities and Monuments Office’ teased as ‘Assumption Making Office’ . The inspection process was regarded as hasty It has a history of 69 years. It serves as evidence of Hong Kong's past entertainment industry and also contains our collective memories as a HKer. Docomomo International, an international conservation professional organization, issued the "Cultural Relics Emergency Warning" in 2016, urging it to be graded as a Grade I historical building. However, the AMO was revealed that it did not fully acknowledge the internal changes to the theatre and rashly proposed to list it as a Grade III historical building. It is currently being purchased by the New World Development and is the first conservation project proposed by the developer.
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿‍香港古物與古蹟架構/「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。‍The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO.
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僅存的戰前唐樓其實一直扎根於香港的市區裡,給自己一天的時間去好好探訪這些唐樓! 我們或許不能拯救他們,但請用你的眼晴去記錄轉角唐樓的歷史吧。 1. 汝州街269及271號, 深水埗, 1920s, grade III 2. 雷生春, 荔枝角道及塘尾道交界, 太子, 1931, grade I 3. 青山道301及303號, 深水埗, 1933, non-graded 4. 北河街58號, 深水埗, 1920, grade II 5. 皇后大道西1號, 上環, 1920s, grade III 6. 史釗域道6號, 灣仔, 1920s, grade III 7. 德輔道西207號, 西營盤, 1921, grade II 8. 彌敦道190號, 尖沙咀, 1937, grade III 9. 廣東道578號, 佐敦, 1945, non-graded The only remaining pre-war corner Tong Lau are actually rooted at Hong Kong city centre. Give yourself a day to visit these them! We may not be able to preserve them all, but please use your eyes to record the history of those corner Tong Lau. 1. 269 and 271 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, 1920s, grade III 2. Lui Seng Chun, junction of Lai Chi Kok Road and Tong Mei Road, Prince Edward, 1931, grade I 3. 301 and 303 Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, 1933, non-graded 4. 58 Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po, 1920, grade II 5. 1 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, 1920s, grade III 6. 6 Steward Road, Wan Chai, 1920s, grade III 7. 207 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, 1921, grade II 8. 190 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 1937, grade III 9. 578 Canton Road, Jordan, 1945, non-graded #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #tonglau #hkconservation #我港建築
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轉角唐樓: (二) 蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿
蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿 比利時義品公司/ 轉角唐樓與比利時地產公司其實有莫大關係。19世紀的比利時是歐洲工業革命中發展得較蓬勃的國家。有別於其他歐洲大國積極擴展軍事及殖民地,比利時郤側重於資金、工業及學術出口到全世界。這造就了比利時義品公司在香港的出現。比利時義品公司在香港的生意主要在房地產投資、建築設計、施工作業、抵押貸款到物業管理,可算是一條龍服務。公司的總部在布魯塞爾,支部都由比利時人領導,但都需要華人在港管理。而他們的建築師大多來自比利時,不但引入現代摩登主義的設計,還因應香港的地貌與天氣,生產出具香港特色的轉角唐樓。很多轉角唐樓因應香港熱帶天氣而設計露天的走廊,作為室外與室內的緩衝空間。你更可以從圍欄通花找到裝飾藝術的足跡。范威利克出任當時的總負責人,是其中一個具影響力的建築師帶領著裝飾藝術到摩登主義的過渡。 瀕臨絕種/ 唐樓的起源在港島,但轉角唐樓的起源則在九龍。他象徵了當時香港的城市發展,摩登的轉角建築塑造了中產階層的社區。現在香港只剩下九座戰前的轉角唐樓,而青山道301,303號因遲遲未被評為歷史建築,而面臨被清拆的命運。現今被活化保留的轉角唐樓只有改造成中醫學院的雷生春及剛翻新的為群公寓。 的確,要將唐樓的商業價值提高至摩天大樓般是沒有可能的。但如果我們將商業與文化價值去看,活化唐樓群組不但保留社區特色,更可以打造成特色景點,商業與文化價值也能相輔相成。香港,這個地方有著世界級的商業中心,背後其實還有更大的建築資源等待被好好利用。但在經濟效益主導的世道下,究竟我們能否運用建築價值去記錄和分享其年代的故事? Who is Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient (CFEO)/ Corner Tong Lau had a relationship with some of the Belgium developers. In the 19th century, Belgium attained substantial development from industrial revolution. Belgium based companies such as the Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient(CFEO) expanded to Hong Kong with Belgian-styles development investment, architectural design, construction work, mortgage service, and property management. Moreover, through localisation, corner Tong Lau was designed in response to the geographical and climate context in HK. Gabriel Van Wylick was the office head in Hong Kong, he was one of the influential architects who led the transition from Art Deco to the modernism age. Endangered/ Tong Lau's emergence was in Hong Kong Island, but Tong Lau first appeared in Kowloon. It emblemed the city development of Hong Kong in a particular period. Even though looking at the significance of Castle Park Road 301-303, it cannot escape from the destiny of demolition that it still has not been graded as a historical building. When we take community and cultural value into consideration, the assembly of different preserved historic buildings can be the hero. It can protect the community's unique character while accelerating the cultural and commercial value of that area. At the age of economic dominance, are there opportunities left for architecture to record n share stories of this city? #archi_kongcept
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樂華邨商場: 中式亭園與現代主義的結合
⛩中式亭園與現代主義的結合/ 樂華邨商場是單棟的商業建築,它通過懸挑的屋頂連接各個屋苑平台和公共空間。 由巴士總站出發,你的視線會先被屋頂上的鮮色圖案吸引, 這裏是老年人休息或居民等待巴士的地方。然後經過拱形走廊,一直到懸臂屋頂覆蓋著的公共空間,這裡的空間被分成兩部份,上半部份主要通往不同的屋苑,下半部份為綠化的休憩空間。 最後你可以隨意選擇從任何位置進入商業建築,並通過圍繞著建築的扶手梯或樓梯穿梭不同樓層。 建築的形態和顏色體現了樂華邨名稱的含義 - 「快樂中華」。建築師將中國亭園的形態以簡約的現代主義方式呈現,抽象地以桁架、垂直和水平的線條演繹。此外,中式元素貫穿了整個屋邨,由巴士站旁走道頂的紅黃橙色、商業建築的紅色地磚、再到屋苑的粉紅色外牆。 地區:觀塘 建造年份:1985 屋邨商場類型:庭院式 樓層:3 持有公司:領展 ⛩ Chinese Architecture in Modernist Translation/ Lok Wah Shopping Centre is a single commercial block linking various podiums and open spaces, with a cantilevered roof. The journey starts from the bus terminal; you will reach the first open space that is with a welcoming warm-coloured roof, it is where the elderly take a rest or wait for buses. Then the journey continues by passing through the arch-shaped corridor and down to the two-floors-split open spaces covered by the cantilevered roof. You can then enter the commercial block and circulate around through escalators or staircases. The architectural form and colours embody the meaning of the name ‘’ Lok Wah樂華’’, which means ‘’ joyful Chinese 快樂中華 ’’. The Chinese pavilion form is explicitly abstracted to a modernist translation of planes, angler trusses and columns. They are also coherent to the red floor tiles placed throughout the commercial block. District: Kwun Tong Year: 1985 Type: Courtyard Floor: 3 Ownership: Link Reit #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #我港社區 #archi_kongcept #kongcept_community #樂華邨 #屋邨商場 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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轉角唐樓: (一) 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?
唐樓第二課! 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?🏢 喘息空間/ 轉角唐樓泛指座落於兩條道路交界的唐樓,起源於1930年代。上回提到這年代的唐樓屬第三代的戰前產品,開始由建築師去設計。普通的唐樓牆身都緊近著另外兩側的唐樓,設計局限於面向街的外牆上花心思,但轉角唐樓則能夠運用轉角位伸展更大的臨街外牆,擁有僅餘的喘息空間去演變不一樣的變化。 發水蛋糕樓的那五年/ 轉角唐樓的出現源於19世紀中的條例規定,如樓宇的騎樓部份能作遮雨的公共用途則不計算為建築面積。作為精打細算的香港人當然“著數”拿最盡,樓宇跟著行人路的形狀走,於是出現了能為行人遮雨的弧形唐樓。第一代的轉角唐樓特色是它的騎樓多需以柱作支撐,這些大得誇張的騎樓又可以叫做「走馬騎樓」;第二代轉角唐樓出現在二戰後,因人口的膨脹,轉角唐樓的騎樓部份被僭建為室內空間,而當時政府是容忍的;第三代的轉角唐樓則建於1962到66年。因政府在1962提出修例以防止樓宇建得過大和高,但因修例改動太大而推遲到1966先推行。於是發展商紛紛趕著在這五年蓋最高最大的轉角唐樓。 The Breathing Space/ Do you know that corner Tong Lau is most common to be found in the Kowloon district?And it is a mixed-race of Hong Kongese and Belgian ? Corner Tong Lau, occurred in the 1930s, is regarded as the Tong Lau that was situated across two roads. The previous introduction of Tong Lau mentioned that they are the third generation of Tong Lau but were the first to be designed by architects. Ordinary Tong Lau sat side by side and limited the space for design efforts to be delivered, only on the façade facing the street. However, taking advantage of using a stretching façade crossing two roads, the variance could be found from the remaining breathing space. The Five Year of Cake-formed Tong Lau/ The emergence of corner tong lau originated in the mid-19th century regulations stipulating that if the extended part of a building can be served for public purposes as a shelter from rain, it was not counted as a built area. Of course, smart Hong Kong people did not miss out this chance to maximise their gain, they built an arc-shaped building contours extended along the footpath, formed the corner Tong Lau. The first-generation corner tong lau’s characteristic is the columns that need to be built to support the extended part. These exaggerated verandas could also be called " Horse-crossing Veranda "; the second-generation corner tong lau occurred due to the expansion of the population, the extension of the corner tong lau was illegally built as indoor spaces, tolerated by the government. The third-generation corner tong lau was built during 1962-66. The government proposed amendments in 1962 to prevent buildings from being built too large and tall, but delayed to be established until 1966.
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究竟紅Van這個行業何去何從?變成過去成為歷史📜,還是具有香港特色延續下去?🚌 紅色小巴的(可見)將來/ 紅色小巴數量日益減少,行內人士更認為不久將來有機會在香港消失。隨著新型交通的發展,紅色小巴的角色越來越不重要。例如港鐵港島延伸至西環及南港島線開通後,相關路線和數以百計的紅色小巴一次性被淘汰了。預計未來沙中線全面開通後,業界又會面臨另一次淘汰潮。重重的限制令紅色小巴營運困難。事實上,政府如果能夠檢討和放寬對紅色小巴的限制,他們是有生存空間和價值。例如許多新市鎮到了深夜,主要公共交通停運,居民只能選擇繞路比較遠的巴士,或者被迫乘搭的士,如果是允許紅色小巴提供服務,路線會較直接,費用也一定比的士平。另外高速公路在日間負荷較重,禁止紅色小巴駛入,這是能夠理解的,但是到深夜,交通壓力下降,應該開放予他們使用。 🏎例子:旺角來往西貢的路線,紅色小巴只需要大概25-30分鐘的車程,相反巴士所需時間會多出一倍甚至更多。 如果香港政府未能夠充分利用小巴彈性服務優勢,這只會導致他們最後無法經營。對他們來說,唯一的出路就是將所有紅色小巴變成專營路線的綠色小巴,這同時意味着紅色小巴將會在香港永久消失。 The possible future of red minibus/ It can be seen that the number of red minibus is decreasing day by day, people in the industry even think that it may disappear in Hong Kong in the foreseeable future. With the development of new transportation, the role of red minibus is becoming less important. For example, after the MTR Hong Kong Island line extended to Kennedy Town and started South Island Line, numerous relevant red minibus routes are eliminated at a time. And after the full opening of the Sha Tin-Central Line, the industry will face another wave of elimination. Under different restrictions, the operation of red minibus is veering more difficult. In fact, if the government can review and relax the restrictions on red minibuses, there must be room and value for it survive. For instance, in late night, main public transportation in new towns are suspended and residents can only hop on the only available bus route which has a longer than usual journey and travel time or forced to take taxi instead. If the red minibus is allowed to respond to those needs, the route will be more direct and the cost will be far less than that taxi. It is understandable to eliminate red minibus from the highway due to heavy load during the daytime. However, at midnight, the traffic pressure drops and they can be opened for use. 🏎Example: Travel time of a red minibus from Mong Kok to Sai Kung takes 25-30 minutes. But takes more than an hour when by bus. If the Hong Kong government fails to take full advantage of the flexibility of red minibuses, they will no longer sustain their business. #紅van #minibus
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商業與公眾利益的取捨 Give and take of commercial and communal interest 以人的角度出發/ 私有的特定公共空間不應只是一個換取更多建造面積的工具,而應以第一身的體驗為出發點。現時發展商提供只限於行人走道這個較低層次的功能,他們認為從商業角度來看公共空間有損鄰近商鋪的價值,所以我們難以找到一個舒適而方便的私有公共空間。但只有從第一身的角度去設計公共空間才可將其空間與商業空間連結,為人們提供一個完整的體驗,更能提升其商場的知名度與價值。一個吸引人來和享受的公共空間反而能夠刺激消費,而不是用方法去阻止人們去使用這空間。青衣城二期便是一個成功將商場與公共空間合作的例子。他們將商場的天台改造成5000平方米多層次的綠化空間,人們能夠經過商場來到怡人的綠化區域,享受著開揚的沿岸河景。 香港,這個世界上數一數二擠迫的城市,對每個室外或室內的空間都爭分寸土,卻不忘尋找一點公共空間讓我們好好享受一個下午。城市當然需要發展,但發展商也有他們的社會責任,不只是為換取建造面積而提供公共空間,而真正讓人享受的空間,這是我們的權利去擁有的。 _______________________________________________________ From the angle of user/ The dedicated POPS should be considered as more than a tool to gain extra areas to build more floors but from the angle of the user's experience. Most of the dedicated POPS provided by developers only reached the first layer objective to provide a space for people passing through. They are examined from the commercial angle that public space will affect the economic value of retail stores nearby. Therefore, it is rare to find a dedicated POPS that is pleasant to stay but also easily accessible. However, only when the public space is designed by the angle of user can bind the commercial and public space together to provide a comprehensive experience for customers. It could be possible to foster the reputation and value of the shopping mall. Rather than setting rules to pushing out people away from the public space, welcoming public space can already fascinate people to stay but also consume in the mall potentially. Maritime Square 2 in Tsing Yi is a delightful example that uses its spacious public park as the magnetism binds with its shopping mall. Located at the terraces, people are engaged to access the 5000 sq m stretching park on different levels through the mall to enjoy the view of the habour. As one of the most dense cities in the world, we are fighting for every inch of space we can have inside and in between buildings, but also a public space that we can pause and relax in the busy afternoon. We do need new development. Developers have their social responsibility not only to provide public spaces for their own interest of extra floors to build, but public spaces that people can really enjoy
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好的咖啡或茶不僅只著重質素,還有氣氛和環境! ☕️ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 「鴛鴦」由建築設計公司 Building Narrative 出版的書。他們希望透過故事陳述與設計構想角度去介紹香港的茶舍與咖啡廳。雖然茶餐廳向來「快、靚、正」的賣點,一直都穩固地作為香港人用餐的首選,但新式的茶舍與咖啡廳不僅僅是提供飲食的地方,而成為了我們新的社區休憩空間。作者希望透過這本書讓讀者認識每個茶舍與咖啡廳經營者的理念其實構成了一個新的社區休憩網絡。致建築師、設計師、香港人:讓我們感受這一波茶舍與咖啡廳的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! 請稍移玉步先去看看他們的IG,「鴛鴦」的實體書很快就會面世! ‘’ Yin Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book to illustrates and presents tea house and cafes in Hong Kong through story-telling and from a design perspective. While cha chaan tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that go well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that become the new amenities of our local communities and play a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee shops and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have together created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. This is not only a book for architects and designers; it is a present for all HKers who have immersed themselves in this new wave of coffee and tea culture, and who totally enjoy it. As starter, enjoy their Instagram introduction of each tea house or café! The book will be released very soon! #kongcept #我港 #yinyeung #hkcafe #hkteahouse
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🧐Kongcept 飲品大全/ 每次步進港式咖啡室/餐廳,你只會叫奶茶、咖啡還是檸檬茶?可惜!…香港地道飲品其實五花八門。 入門:黑與白的大戰/ 「呵瀝&華田」(Holicks&Ovaltine)兩者都是麥芽飲品,雖然不是本土特產但經過年月的洗禮,現已成為大眾的兒時回憶,茶餐廳更會把兩者混合為兒童或黑白鴛鴦,一句到尾,呵瀝更好飲! 初級挑戰:汽水/ 各種外國引入的汽水也被香港人玩弄於股掌之間,像雞尾酒般調配。源自70年代尾的忌廉溝鮮奶,必須先把牛奶倒進杯然後才加入當時稱為荷蘭水的玉泉忌廉;熱檸樂煲薑,這是一種是香港一種民間食療,因舊時的公共醫療體系尚待發展完善,難以負擔診金的市民便希望以此治療感冒。雖然其藥效不明,但暖水和薑至少可以紓緩發冷及喉嚨不適。 中級挑戰:走/ 絲襪奶茶是香港之光,而茶走是它的演變體,據說從前食客害怕奶茶加入砂糖會惹痰,所以店家開始以煉奶代替砂糖,成為「茶走」,漸漸更出現鴦走和華田走等等的煉奶飲品。 地獄級:滾水蛋/ 這是只有老牌餐廳才會提供的飲品,做法是把一顆生蛋雞打進一杯滾燙的熱,攪拌開來後再加上砂糖調味。古曰,雞蛋進水有如「跳海」;蛋白花開彷如「袈裟」,輕飄落下;蛋黃之圓滑,就如「光頭」。這飲品又名為「和尚跳海」。由於舊時香港物資匱乏,「滾水蛋」是當時的一款營養食品。 愛我請分享/ 融合、創新、演變、再創新,被外國朋友問及香港文化時,大家都理應可以滔滔不絕的自豪地介紹。喝哪種飲品?如何品嚐一杯絲襪奶茶?如何用廣東話下單?這些話題都已足夠打動你的外國朋友,試利用一個下午茶的時間去介紹,你好 鍾意的香港。 Kongcept Drink Menu/ Are milk tea, coffee or coke always your choices of drinks? Shame, you are missing out a lot... Beginner Challenge: Soda/ There are different kinds of soda mocktail in HK. For instance, adding preserved limes and fresh lemon into 7up is the summer cure. Health-wise, boiling Coca Cola with ginger and lemon is a kind of folk diet therapy in old HK. When the public medical system has yet to be well developed, citizens who cannot afford the consultation fee would try to treat flu with this drink, although its efficacy is not proved, it at least relieves sore throat. Intermediate Challenge: “走jau2”/ Silk stocking milk tea is the pride of HK, and when you replace the evaporated milk and sugar in it with condensed milk, it becomes “茶走cha4 jau2”. In the past, diners were afraid that adding sugar to milk tea would cause phlegm, so the store began to replace sugar with condensed milk. Likewise, adding the word “走” at the end of any HK local beverage could means the use of condensed milk. Boss: Monk Jumping into the Sea/ This is a drink that only the oldest HK restaurants can offer, it’s made by adding a raw egg into a cup of boiling water. Egg yolk represents the shiny bald head of the monk and egg white that spread over the water is like the monk cassock. This drink was treated as a power drink for the lower-class. Complicated yet Loveable/ Learning but not blindly pursuing; harmonious but diversified. The concept of Yin Yeung represents the culture of HK.
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唐樓看似平凡,卻反映香港的寫照 🏙Tong Lau may look ordinary but reflecting the portraits of Hong Kong 街道生活/ 唐樓外表的確是本身較平凡,也是基層階級的產物,但是唐樓卻衍生出樓梯鋪、天台屋、街道生活的出現,描寫了更多香港的寫照。底層地鋪多元不同,其商品更延伸到行人路上,街頭擺賣繼而伸展到馬路。這種一層又一層的連繫形成了街頭生活。現有的摩天大樓,因商業考慮而令圖則變得奇形怪狀,只用冷氣解決通風問題,將室外與室內毫無留情地分隔開。但唐樓的設計正方而擁有自然通風的對流窗,而這裡每天發生的不只有行人的流動與商業的交易,而是人與人之間交流是自然和有溫度的。唐樓展現了香港繁華背後的樸素日常的一面。 唐樓背後/ 在這看似繁華的香港出現劏房問題是十分諷刺的,但無奈唐樓仍然是很多基層和年輕人的經濟選擇。很多人在唐樓的地鋪裡創業,也很多人不介意住在「唐八樓」「唐九樓」,只求一個居住的地方,為了生存,為了未來的生活。雖然城市發展是無法避免的,但一個城市也需要多元化的面貌,唐樓正是其中一面。 _____________________________________________ Street Life/ Although Tong Lau may look ordinary and is the representative of the lower social class, the emergence of Tong Lau also introduced the staircase store, roof housing and street life that narrated different moments of Hong Kong. Diverse types of ground-floor-stores extended to the pedestrian lane and attracted hawkers to operate nearby. The layering linked moments are the street life that is needed in Hong Kong. The current skyscrapers design that is emphasising the position of economic concern results in irregular forms of buildings using a.c. to resolve every ventilation problem. Indoor and outdoor spaces are mercilessly separated. On the other hand, Tong Lau, by using opposite openings for natural ventilation, is designed to be in regular forms. It is about the emotional interaction between people, rather than some senseless pedestrian and money flow. Behind the Scene/ Tong Lau embodied the simple and daily faces behind the bustling of Hong Kong. The subdivided flat problem inside Tong Lau still exists nowadays, which is ironic for it to happen in such a wealthy city. However, it is still a popular choice for lower social class and youngsters as a survival from and start-up of life. They do not mind living on the eighth or ninth floor without a lift, they just want to survive and hopefully can live a life in the future. We shall admit that it is unrealistic to avoid city development, but please do not ignore the many other faces of the city, that realistically exist, Tong Lau. Photography by @mr_nkf #archi_kongcept #我港建築 #kongcept #我港 #唐樓 #舊區 #街道生活 #tonglau #olddistrict #streetlife
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你對唐樓的印象是甚麼? 🤔What is your impression of Tong Lau? 唐樓與洋樓/ 唐樓,唐樓我們就叫得多,你又知不知道唐樓為何叫做唐樓?其實香港的唐樓出現在1841年英國佔領香港之後。當時香港正值發展農業和漁業,並於太平山開始興建道路和樓房,這些作為華人聚居的建築被稱為唐樓;但又有另一個說法指出其實唐樓這個詞是在1880年代開始出現,唐樓作為在地契條款上與洋樓的區分。當時的洋樓只可以是單一住宅用途和單一住客或租客;而唐樓則可下鋪上居,亦可分拆出租。這也反映了當時兩種不同的社會階級水平,分拆作不同單位大小當然較受相對貧窮的人歡迎。而唐樓可分為四個階段的漸變。 鄰里之間/ 唐樓的出現與設計的改變都反映了當時香港社會的生活寫照,因空間的需求與西方文化的影響加入了「廣州式騎樓」和「藝術裝飾」的元素,唐樓成為香港其中一種最有代表性的建築風格。而因為唐樓容許隔格改動與沒有租客的上限,創造了居民們之間強烈的鄰里關係。各種生活模式微妙地相互重疊與交錯,當然日常生活多少也會嗌霎,但也創造了很多鄰里之間的交流與故事。 _____________________________________________ Tong Lau vs Yeung Lau/ You can find Tong Lau here and there in Hong Kong, but do you know the origin of the name “Tong Lau”? Tong Lau first existed in the period after the United Kingdom occupied Hong Kong in 1841, a time when fishery and agriculture were the primary industries, and people started to construct roads and houses on Victoria Peak. All the houses were built for the settlement of Chinese and thus named as “唐樓Tong Lau”, which is a direct translation from Cantonese as the meaning of Chinese occupied tenement house. However, there is another claim that the term Tong Lau was formed in the 1880s as the clear division between it and ‘’洋樓Yeung Lau‘’, the residential mansions that were usually occupied by Western. Yeung Lau was only allowed for one occupant in one unit and with a single function of residential use. While Tong Lau was allowed for more than one occupant in one unit, and with commercial use at the ground floor; residential use at the upper floor. It reflected the difference of two distinct social classes that the flexible partitioning of Tong Lau was more favourable to those who had financial difficulties to rent multiple shelters. There are a total of four generations of Tong Lau. Street Life/ The presence and evolution of Tong Lau is the reflection of stories of Hong Kong society at different periods.Influenced by the eastern culture of veranda and western culture of “Art Deco”, Tong Lau became one of the typical architectural styles in Hong Kong. Thanks to the flexibility of partitioning and the grant of unlimited tenants, it created the tenacious bonding between neighbours. Illustration by @donfo.lio
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🚍🚌🚦小巴不只是一種交通工具,更是一種香港獨有的歷史和情懷,你對它又有甚麼認識? Minibus is not simply a public transport, it is the history and value of HK... 紅和綠/ 除了香港運輸處所設立的禁區外,紅色小巴基本上能在沒有固定路線、班次和票價的情況下前往香港所有地區。紅色小巴司機就像的士司機一樣工作,也是自僱人士。到了1974年香港政府建立了綠色專線小巴系統。綠色小巴有適當的時間表,固定的票價和指定的站點。毫無疑問,它對部份少乘搭小巴的乘客變得更方便。現今綠色小巴大都有特許經營權,例如有不少綠色專營小巴路線是由上市的AMS公共交通擁有,它更是香港唯一營業小巴生意至上市的公司。 總有你專屬的小巴路線/ 小巴不僅見證著香港歷史,而且對香港市民也具有一定價值。有別於視私家車為日常必需品的國家,由於香港土地有限和人口密度高,香港人主要依靠公共交通工具。小巴由於體積小、班次頻密和多而提供了更快,更高效的運輸解決方案。事實上,我自己也是每天需要乘搭小巴出入的一群。這無疑證明了小巴是具有最高性價比並在香港有極高需要的交通工具,上山過海無難度! Red and Green Minibus/ Red Minibuses have non-scheduled services, they are free to operate anywhere, except prohibited areas set by the Transportation Department. And there is no control over routing, frequency and fares. All drivers are self-employed like taxi drivers. Meanwhile, the HK government established the Green Minibus System in 1974, minibuses with green roofs. Green Minibuses have proper schedules, fixed fares and designated stops. With no doubt, it is more manageable and user friendly, although you still need to raise your courage to shout out at the right timing, “Stop please!”. Chin up, and you are good to go. Green Minibuses today are operating as franchises controlled by different companies, for example, many are owned by the publicly listed AMS Public Transport (the only listed minibus company). Unlike Red Minibus drivers, Green Minibus drivers are company employees with fixed salaries. Your Personalised Route/ Minibus is not only a historical witness, it has a unique value for Hongkongers. Due to limited land and high population density in HK, owning a car is never a necessity and Hongkongers mainly rely on public transportation. Minibuses offer a faster and more efficient transportation solution with its small size, high frequency and diverse range of routes. To be precise, minibus drivers are always speedy and provide the highest cost-performance wise service among other HK transportation systems. 📷 @mr_nkf #我港 #kongcept #香港工藝 #香港精神 #生活節奏 #香港日常#hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #minibus #hkminibus #小巴
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品味奶茶🏝️Luxurious Milk Tea 習以為常的錯/ 有時候對茶餐廳不能要求太多,但有一杯好飲的絲襪奶茶絕對係點綴! 絲襪奶茶已有多年歷史,由50年代藍領階層的恩物變成照顧全香港市民的獨特文化。發展至今,絲襪奶茶於香港已經隨處可見,不論是日式餐廳或以港式奶茶為招徠的店鋪層出不窮,奶茶雪糕,奶茶爆谷,奶茶味乳清蛋白…縱使有金茶王大賽或港式奶茶機械人等相關事物,但針對奶茶本身的發展還是較遜色。「絲襪奶茶已是香港最多人喝的飲品,你還要求什麼?」,無可否認,香港人每年對奶茶的消耗量高達9億杯,但習以為常換來的會是價值的下降和冷漠的對待,比起作為一杯跟餐的免費飲品,絲襪奶茶值得擁有更多。 絲襪奶茶的調配很講求多階段的技巧,一沖、二焗、三撞、四回溫為基本的沖茶步驟。作為靈魂的茶膽則以三到六種不同粗幼的茶葉拼成,粗茶香氣濃郁而茶色清澈;幼茶色澤較深而茶味最濃;至於中粗茶的質素則較平均,用作平衡茶膽。箇中的學問為此飲品增添了一定的價值,有很大的進步和發展空間。或許絲襪奶茶可以代替咖啡,成為你和我的生活品味,手工絲襪奶茶店於世界偏地開花亦非空想。先生小姐,請問想要咖啡或茶? Taste of HK Lifestyle/ Silk Stocking Milk Tea has now become the most famous and sometimes complimentary beverage in Hong Kong, from the energy drink for blue-collar workers in the 50s to a necessity for every Hong Konger. In recent years, it even bloomed as a gimmick in different areas, silk stocking milk tea flavoured ice-ream, popcorn, whey protein powder, the sky is the limit. However, the study and development of the milk tea itself are lost behind, despite there are even related competitions such as the KamCha. Although Hong Kongers drinks 900million milk tea every year, it is actually being treated as a super ordinary drink as people don't value the things they get for free. Making a decent cup of Silk Stocking Milk Tea requires different techniques, with proper blending and selection of tea leaves and evaporated milk, you enjoy the perfect balanced milk-rich layers of tastes. Silk Stocking Milk Tea has a high potential, decent cupping and tasting are granted, let us stay tuned for the bloom of Silk Stocking Milk Tea industry. I don’t need a Barista, I want a Milkteaista! . . 📷 @mr_nkf . #lifestyle_kongcept #我港生活 #kongcept #我港 #絲襪奶茶 #生活品味 #hkmilktea #silkstocking #milkteaalliance
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愛上絲襪 🦵🏻☕The silk stocking fantasy~ 奶茶聯盟/ 泰國有泰式奶茶,台灣有珍珠奶茶,印度有香料奶茶,香港呢?港式奶茶又名為絲襪奶茶,作為香港非物質文化遺產,它以港式奶茶製作技藝被歸類為傳統手工藝。嘆一杯絲襪奶茶,憑:色、香、味、口感、回甘和故事。絲襪奶茶的馥郁芳香反映了香港中西文化的交融與發展。​ 中西交融/ 港式奶茶的原型為英式奶茶,於港英時期,英國人喜歡使用錫蘭(現稱斯里蘭卡)的紅茶加糖和鮮奶飲用,但當時英式奶茶大多使用貴價材料,只有達官貴人才可以在高級西餐廳享用,味道較絲襪奶茶清淡。事至大約於二次大戰後,喝奶茶的文化才漸漸普及化,當時政府為解決市民的就業和飲食需要,發出眾多大牌檔牌照,使服務基層市民的大牌檔等食肆興起,從中脫穎而出的便是於1952創立的「蘭芳園」,其創辦人為林木河先生,或稱絲襪奶茶之父。 絲襪奶茶的雛形源於林先生於三角碼頭(香港的第一個碼頭)的一個偶遇,話說當時他正學習調配英式奶茶,獲一位剛上岸的海員贈送錫蘭紅茶葉後他開始細心鑽研,首創以體積較小的銅製梯壺沖茶以減少苦味,然後利用林太自製的高密度白布茶袋濾走茶渣以令奶茶更香滑。經重複使用後的白布袋染上茶漬而顏色變黃,加上其彈性仿如女性用的絲襪,因而被當時的一些咕喱(Collie) 命名為「絲襪奶茶」。與英式奶茶相比,絲襪奶茶採用更濃的紅茶葉並以淡奶代替鮮奶泡製。 Milktealogy/ Thai milk tea, bubble tea, chai milk tea or the Silk Stocking Milk Tea from Hong Kong? The making of the HK-style milk tea requires traditional craftsmanship which is one of the HK Intangible Cultural Heritages, its fragrant taste and smooth texture are the basis of this signature drink. And the history behind has made it become the perfect icon of the integration of eastern and western culture in HK. Origin and the Cultural Integration/ In the era of British Hong Kong, the British “afternoon tea” culture has come along, serving a black tea with fresh milk is the golden rule. Initially, it is only shared among the upper class of society, and until the end of the second world war, it started to gain popularity. At that time, the government established a large number of the cooked-food stall (Dai Pai Dong) licenses to settle public chaos and needs, and provided a chance for the growth of local food and beverage industry. Remarkably, there is a standout Dai Pai Dong named Lan Fong Yuen whose founder is the father of the Silk Stocking Milk Tea - Mr.Lam. The Silk Stocking Milk Tea is made by blending at least three types of Ceylon tea leaves with different coarseness and replacing fresh milk with evaporated milk to balance the bitter taste. Crucially, a customised sackcloth bag made by Mrs.Lam is used to filter tea leaves for a smoother texture. Since the black tea dyed the frequently used bag and it has an elastic texture, some fans dubbed it the name Silk Stocking. . . #lifestyle_kongcept #我港生活 #kongcept #我港 #絲襪奶茶 #生活品味 #hkmilktea #silkstocking #milktea
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建築與地方🏘 現在經過屋邨商場你還會願意流連嗎?⛲️Gorgeous Mall or Neighbourhood Centre? Illustration by: @donfo.lio 城市客廳/ 你還記得小時候在屋邨商場打發時間的回憶嗎?香港在50年代開始興建大量高層的公共房屋以應付大量的人口增長。以規劃角度來說,要在地面上建造足夠的社區空間去滿足幾座、幾十層居民是十分困難的。於是你便會發現許多公園、社福機構、廣場穿插於屋邨商場裡,成為了商場的一部份。與現今商場的建造目的不同,屋邨商場除了有快餐店、士多、雜貨店讓居民購物用餐,有著照顧社區的功能。同時,因為無需要達到龐大的商業價值和利潤,屋邨商場的設計十分多元化,令它變得不只是一個賺錢的盒子。 只有商業價值/ 但你會否發現這種模式的屋邨商場買少見少?因為03年時面對沙士導致經濟衰退,政府為了開源節流,將原先由房委會擁有和管理的屋邨商場出售給領展 (原名領匯)。以價高者得的商業原則下,較低利潤的士多、雜貨店搬走,一些高檔次及奢侈品的商舖隨之進駐,租金跟隨上調。通過翻新商場,以此為由加租,亦為了讓商場保持新鮮感,更會要求商戶每隔幾年調鋪一次。休憩空間的元素因沒有商業價值而相應被移取。的確,翻新了的商場設計觀感有了很大的改善,但卻失去了我們流連在此的原因。 Urban Living Room/ Recalling the fading memories of my childhood, estate shopping centres used to be one of my favourite places to wander around. In the 1950s, to support the rapid population growth, the government decided to build a large number of high-rise public housings. Some of the estate shopping centres are combined with parks, social welfare institutions and open plaza.The purposes of estate shopping centres are not only to provide restaurants and shops but more importantly, also to cater to the needs and desires of the local microcosm. Moreover, as commercial value is not the only concern, it is something more than just a profit-making machine which brings the design of an estate shopping centre has more opportunity and diversity. Commercial Purpose Only/ Unfortunately, the purpose of being a community centres is coming to an end. Before 2003, most of the estate shopping centres were initially being managed by the Housing Authority, the government has sold the majority of estate shopping centres to a real estate developer to recover recession from SARS, Under the principle of the highest bidder wins, with the rent increases accordingly, numerous small local shops and grocery stores are now replaced by high-profit luxury shops and all kinds of chain stores. Besides, some merchants are required to refurbish or relocate their shops every few years to maintain a fresh look. Eventually, commercial value has become the only priority, and the elements of being the open space are removed. They look better, but the purpose of staying is lost. #archi_kongcept #我港建築 #kongcept #我港
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Countdown 1️⃣!!!! 建築師只設計建築,但地方是由你湊建 🏘Architects design buildings, but you build your own places 如果你在google搜尋香港的照片,十居其九都會看到俯瞰維港一帶高樓的照片,這不止告訴著你香港的繁華,也能讓你驚歎著每棟樓亂中有序地拼湊出香港這個地方,但這真的是香港全貌嗎?香港人每天為了擁有一個住的地方而打拼,由那些在唐樓劏房逆境求存的日子,或經過那些年的屋邨生活,到終於上到私樓,卻被困在無盡的商場裡。這些畫面大概才是香港的真實寫照吧。「建築與地方」會介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,希望能夠藉著此去探索這些空間與我們的關係和他們存在的價值。 ___________________________________________ When you try to google the images of ‘’Hong Kong ‘’, you can find a bunch of photographs with a overlooking view of the Victoria Harbour and stunning skyscrapers. It projects Hong Kong as a bustling city and impresses you by the buildings' order from chaos. However, is it really the full picture of Hong Kong? Hong Kongers are fighting for a home to live every day: From the struggle of survival at subdivided flat inide Tong Lau to the good old days in public housing neighbourhood, and to finally owning a dream house but trapped among identical shopping malls. These are the cruel reality of Hong Kong. The category ‘’Architecture and places’’ includes the introduction of buildings and places that recorded every moment of our living in this city. We wish to reveal the values and relationships between them and us and every one of you are part of the story. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #koncept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #hkarchitecture #hkplaces #concretejungle #subdividedflat #hkneighbourhood #香港建築 #香港地方 #石屎森林 #劏房 #香港屋邨
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Countdown2️⃣ 發展和傳承之間🔨 Between Development and Preservation 香港,短短幾十年,由一個小魚村發展成為今日的國際金融中心。不能不提的是,各種行業的興旺和發展都是孕育出今日香港的重要一環。可惜的是,營運成本、產品需要、經濟回報等種種困難,許多昔日的香港傳統行業變得不合時宜,漸漸淡出大眾視野。然而,現時本地的傳統工藝行業並非完全消失,它們只是在經歷輝煌之後,退居二線。事實上,有些工藝師仍然默默耕耘地繼續傳統工藝製作。我們希望通過介紹他們的故事,了解他們的價值並討論如何能夠在社會發展和傳統手藝的保育和傳承間取之平衡。 _______________________________________________________ Hong Kong, in just a few decades, has developed from a small fish village to today's international financial centre. There is no doubt that the prosperity and development of various industries play an important role to the Hong Kong we know nowadays. It is a pity that with various difficulties such as operating costs, product requirements and economic returns, many traditional Hong Kong industries in the past have become untimely and gradually fade. However, some of the local traditional craft industries have not completely disappeared, they just retreated to the second line after experiencing glory. In fact, some craftsmen still work silently to continue their traditional craftsmanship. We hope to introduce their stories, understand their value and discuss how to balance social development and the preservation and inheritance of these traditional craftsmanship. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #kongcept #藝術品 #香港工藝 #生活節奏 #香港日常 #hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #neonlights #taxi #ฮ่องกง #hkspirit #hongkongneedshelp #hongkonger #hkig #insidehongkong #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #oldhongkong #awesomehongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【4/8 建築與地方:如何分辨房署和房協的居屋? @kongcept852】 關於 #我港建築 #archi_kongcept 💬// 我港為你介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,藉着探索這些空間與我們的關係,尋找建築和地方的存在價值。// 如何分辨房協和房署的居屋?房協居屋具私樓的質素和設計實驗性 相信好多人發現有時經過發現很多特別的房屋設計,既不是私樓又不像倒模般的公屋,這很大機會是房協起的居屋! 房協被稱為「房屋實驗室」,不是政府組織?/ 雖然大部居屋都是由政府的房屋署所興建,但其實有部份居屋是交由房協(香港房屋協會)去執行和管理。很多人誤以為房協是政府方,但其實他們是獨立的非牟利機構,獲政府以低於市價批出土地,興建過公屋(例如祖堯、乙明邨)和為數不少的居屋。房協一直擔當「房屋實驗室」的角色,發展及研究不同的房屋計劃。例如: 🌿香港首個環保房屋——茵怡花園 👴🏻長者房屋——樂頤居 🏗市區重建房屋——荷李活華庭 設會所、附送的家電和裝修、媲美私樓般——綠悠雅苑 房署居屋/房協居屋/公屋要如何分辨?/ 房署的居屋有與公屋相似的固定建築類型(近年因方便公居屋互換而趨向與公屋設計無異),而房協的居屋則是千變萬化,既不用像私樓般按當時建築政策去抄盡容積率,或像公屋般為追趕效率而倒模式設計,可算難得地從香港房屋找到創意和人性化的考慮。 公屋以「邨」estate 命名,房署的居屋則根據英國council housing (英國的公共房屋)以「苑」court命名,而苑內的大廈則用「閣」House命名。而房協的居屋並沒有這個限制,過往有出現過「龍濤苑」、「祈德尊新邨」、「駿發花園」、「健康村」、「寶石大廈」、「綠悠雅苑」等等。相信大家要從名分辨房協居屋是有一定的難度😂。 #我港 #kongcept
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尖沙咀鐘樓迎來首鳴一百週紀念,你又知不知為何當初會在這裡興建鐘樓? 其實這鐘樓原名為九廣鐵路鐘樓,鐘樓隔離本來是建於第一次世界大戰前的尖沙咀火車站(現址香港文化中心)。它其實是為該火車報時用的,除了日佔時段,它一直默默為火車站服務,一直到1950年因馬達零件問題而停止轉動。可惜的是以紅磚和花崗岩建成的火車站因紅磡搬遷計劃而清拆。當時的古蹟學會曾收集15000個簽名向英女王請願要求保留火車站建築,但最後郤是無疾而終。 今天的鐘樓只剩下象徵意義,火車站原有的幾條羅馬柱被移到市政局百週年紀念公園卻無人問津。今晚六點,鐘樓會再次響起,提醒我們,不要再讓自己珍重的事物消失。 The clock tower in Tsim Sha Tsui is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Do you know why the clock tower was built here in the first place? This clock tower was originally called the Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower. The clock tower was originally built for the Tsim Sha Tsui Railway Station, before the First World War. The clock tower was actually used for the train's timekeeping. The service was stopped in 1950 due to a problem with motor parts. It is a pity that the railway station built of red brick and granite was demolished due to the Hung Hom relocation plan. At that time, the Antiquities Society collected 15,000 signatures and petitioned the Queen of England to keep the railway station building, but in the end it was nothing. Today’s clock tower only has symbolic meaning. The original Roman columns of the railway station were moved to the Centennial Park of the Municipal Council but no one cares about it. Tonight, at six o'clock, the clock tower will ring again, reminding us not to let the things we cherish disappear. #我港 #kongcept #香港文化 #hkculture #自己香港自己救 #ฮ่องกง #홍콩 #hongkonger #hkig #insidehongkong #hkculture #hongkongmoment #hkdaily #capturehongkong #尖沙咀鐘樓 #hkclocktower
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延期完工二十一年、連接旺角道與彌敦道的天橋終於完成,有網民笑說「羅馬鬥獸場只花了十年時間興建」,究竟一條只有一百米的天橋如何能夠拖足二十年? 新自由主義: 政府將建造的基建責任轉向私人發展商/ 你應該會感到困惑,為何一條公共行人天橋會交由新鴻基去出資、設計和建造?首先讓我們先了解天橋背後的公共政策。新自由主義可以被理解為市場化傾向的公共政策,而在香港的體現有很多方式,以下是其中幾個: 1️⃣鼓勵發展商提供「私有化公共空間」[註1],由政府提出給予發展商更多建造面積,換取所謂的「公共空間」。 斥資方:發展商 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 例子: 時代廣場、新城市廣場露天平台 2️⃣由政府與發展商磋商興建天橋、公共交通交匯處等基建,由發展商管理,並可獲額外建造面積。 斥資方:發展商 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 例子:中環天橋系統、裕民坊公共交通交匯處 3️⃣政府將公共建築項目以public-private partnership (公私營合作)方式向發展商招標,被稱為「社區工程」。 斥資方:發展商or 政府 建造方:發展商 管理方:發展商 or 政府 例子:西隧、星光大道 對政府的好處可能是:無需為基建承擔公共開支、日後的管理責任(視乎情況而定)、其他風險。並借助私人發展商的建造效率和質素提供足夠的基建供應。 市場化後的公共建築/ 回到旺角行人天橋,政府原意是想舒緩旺角街道人車爭路的問題,將整個天橋網絡交由新鴻基斥資建造,再交由政府管理。以他們持有的新世記廣場作為起點,連接到剛完成的旺角道段。天橋全程數分鐘路程,既方便了市民,發展商又可能換取到更多建造面積,吸引人流到商場裡。 公共建築原由政府興建,如工程延期,牽涉公帑,或需再經立法會審批,公眾尚存在監察權。即使由政府斥資再向私人發展商招標,或尚有周旋的空間。但今次整項工程由私人發展商斥資和建造,公眾無從中干預,而政府的角色是十分被動,亦更難以追究延期賠償,因延期只涉及工程費用脹價,不論政府或私人發展商興建也未必需要為延期作出保償。 「新自由主義」下的市場化公共政策,由基建到整個城市構劃發展,甚至建築保育像中環街市[註2]都有著深遠影響,下回再續! 如有錯漏,敬請指正🙆🏻‍♂️ [註1] 私有公共空間 [註2] 港式保育後的中環街市 攝: 楊嘉朗(旺角天橋) 延伸閱讀: 1.Defying Disappearance: Cosmopolitan Public Spaces in Hong Kong, Lisa Law 2. Hong Kong: Neoliberal heaven or neoliberal nightmare?, Priscilla Roberts 3. 歷史解密:點解旺角行人天橋廿幾年都未起好?, 獨立新聞網
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中大建築碩士年展 CUHK Master of Architecture Year Show 2021/ 這兩年間,香港人對於建築與城市形態的認知起了不少變化,發現原來商場不只是購物,還能夠展現公民功能;也因疫情不想困在家中,而探索了香港每一個角落。希望《我港》在這個艱難時期,有成功協助到你去更認識香港,與這裡的一事一物建立更深厚的情感。此時此刻,正有一班中大的建築系硯士畢業生密鑼緊鼓,籌備著畢業年展,他們除了要適應不同的新常態,還需面對學校全新制度 - 他們會如何利用建築去回應香港環境的蛻變? 60個作品,60個對於城市與空間的回應/ 今年的主題是<<共鳴與蛻變>>,畢業生在蛻變之間收集了社會上多元的聲音,透過建築設計找出了人與空間的共鳴。今年一共有60位畢業生,被分配到9個不同的STUDIOS,但與往年截然不同的事,除了展出60個個人作品,同學們更希望以九個STUDIOS作區間 ,明確地帶出9種不同的重要訊息。訊息包括「探討舊區深水埗的貧窮問題」、「新市鎮東涌的未來發展」、「探索大自然與人的關係,香港近郊鄉村的保育」等等...。如不認識何謂STUDIO和THESIS ,可以重溫 @archipodcasthk EP17! 將學術研究帶到專業實踐,甚至乎普及於大眾?/ 今次年展除了展出學生作品外,還會有webinar、sharing session、 和 guided tour。從科學到藝術、人文到自然,建築課題可涉獵的領域十分廣泛。在學習建築的過程中,一篇論文、一棟建築、甚至一件物件都能使我們產生相關範疇的興趣。修讀過建築的你...還記得自己對建築的哪部份最著迷?畢業過後已將它拋諸腦後?有見及此,學生們邀請了 @kongcept852、 @hkarchitecturalhistory、主教山設計提案的Shita Lam 和 @archipodcasthk 建築宅男,希望能讓畢業生們或普羅大眾瞭解到本地建築行業的不同面向,探討如何將學術研究延伸到專業實踐,甚至推廣至社會不同階層的可能性! 建築與香港文化密不可分! 展覽時間: 25/5 TUE By invitation 26/5 WED 10:00-20:00 27/5 THUR 10:00-20:00 28/5 FRI 10:00-21:00 29/5 SAT 10:00-21:00 30/5 SUN 10:00-17:00 地點: 灣仔香港藝術中心 - 包氏畫廊 Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Art Centre, Wanchai Follow @kongcept852,探索香港文化的一切~ #kongcept #我港 #kongcept_archi #hkarchitecture #cuhk #cuhkarchi #中大建築 #我港建築 #review #presentation #MArch #masterofarchitecture #hongkongculture #hklife
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皇都戲院: (二) 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!
皇都第二回! 保留皇都形與神的保育方案!⚒🎭 我港分享了各種被遺忘和值得保育的香港文化,但今次不再紙上談兵,而是為保育一級歷史建築-皇都戲院-略盡綿力。新世界投得皇都戲院後,承諾形神俱備地讓皇都戲院重生,而旗下非牟利機構 @culturefortomorrow 最近籌辦了名為《尋找你我他的皇都》的代入式歷史體驗活動,作為是次計畫的序章。皇都戲院有多方面的價值:推動香港文化產業、劃時代的建築技術、和香港的生存印證。上次我港介紹了關於皇都對香港文娛發展的深遠影響(註1),今次會著墨更多在其建築和空間之關係的介紹。 被忽視的現代主義建築/ 在繼續介紹皇都之前,先讓我說說皇都代表的現代主義建築。它們既沒有古典主義的羅馬柱,又沒有現代玻璃大廈的未來感,而當時現代主義多以建築功能作設計的首先考慮,因此被很多人覺得它們都只是平平無奇的水泥建築。但其實好的現代主義建築能透過外牆與其建築功能分佈的協調,透過規律的線條散發著含蓄而冷靜的美感。而現代主義建築記錄香港戰後的殖民地歷史,從其設計能找到香港當時的生活模式、社會狀況、甚至政治意圖。例如上回介紹的順利邨商場般(註2)的粗獷主義建築是內藏當時港英政府戰後更新國家形象的意圖。 香港獨有的現代主義演釋 - 皇都/ 當然,不是所有現代主義建築都擁有同等的價值,而最直接的量度好壞的方法是看設計背後的意圖和美學考慮的多寡。從整體設計來看,皇都戲院像是個反叛的孩子,與當時建造的戲院手法毫不相近, 建築師劉新科及工程師George. W. Grey 巧妙利用了外露的飛拱水泥鋼根結構,一個個規律的圓拱告訴你他們抓著的戲院究竟有多大。飛拱令戲院無需支柱支撐,提升了視覺和聽覺的質素。中大建築學教授鍾宏亮Thomas Chung更認為這設計是受著名現代主義建築師 Le Corbusier 的蘇維埃宮殿設計所啟發。 🎬🛍️戲院與商場的結合/ 但令我最印象深刻是原為停車場改建而成的商場,這可能是該年代香港少數集住宅、戲院、和商場於一身的建築。商場巧妙地利用上方戲院座位的高度差創造了與典型商場不同的商業空間。當你處身於商場內的走廊上,不難發覺每隔一段路就有樓梯向上或下行,商鋪高度也跟住坡道改變,十分有趣。而鋪頭的招牌和鋪頭外的信箱形造出街鋪。我曾探訪過停業前的皇都商場,看到一位店主的愛妻在鋪外埋頭苦幹做飯的畫面(註3),商場環境好比一個小社區。 未來的活化計劃是將會重用戲院部份作表演空間,這是十分令人鼓舞的消息。有別於大館或PMQ等活化都將原建築功能改為文化空間,皇都戲院能夠將其背負著的那段輝煌的香港娛樂文化歷史帶到現在,為本地藝術工作者提供表演場地,這令此建築具更深的意義。過往很多現代主義建築都逃不過清拆的命運,例如政府帶頭清拆的皇后碼頭、舊政府總部、中環郵局總部等,皇都得以保留值得我們感到欣慰,我港寄望借它來告訴大眾,不少看現代主義建築的美! (註1)重溫: 皇都印證著香港文娛的發展 (註2)重溫: 順利邨商場流動的粗獷主義 (註3)重溫: 皇都店主愛妻的日常 Story有link! #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #StateTheatre #皇都戲院 #NewWorld #hkarchitecture #hkconservation #hkheritage #readopt #活化 #皇都活化 #再說皇都 #歷史建築 #hkhistory #香港歷史 #香港社區 #hkmall #hkshopping #香港商場 #hktheatre #香港戲院 #hkculture #香港文化 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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古諮會會議: 石階、水務建設、警署 - 通通都與我們的生活相關。
古諮會第一九二次會議 🏙石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築 通通都與我們的生活相關。 流程簡介/ 我港上星期參加了古諮會舉辦的公開會議。這種公開會議每逢三個月會舉辦一次,公眾和傳媒都可以去旁聽的,而會議內容也會上載於網站供市民查閱。會議分別為幾部分,首先是介紹和確定數項法定古蹟,然後討論了一個活化項目的文物影響報告,最後討論並擬定數個新加入的歷史建築,即包括近來受公眾十分關注的主教山儲水池。聽過了一個個歷史建築的介紹,我感到一點慚愧,其實這些寶藏一直在我們身邊,但我們卻沒有在意。 這些歷史建築拼湊出香港人的生活/ 石階、水務建設、警署、宗教建築通通都與我們的生活相關。會議中介紹了很多隱藏在我們社區當中的歷史建築。 1️⃣🚓大埔舊警署,它其實已經有超過一百年歷史,連同附近的舊北區理民府、前新界分區警司官邸及前新界華民政務司官邸,代表著當時剛發展的新界政制中心,在二O一五年被活化為綠匯學苑。 2️⃣🪜磅巷台楷,不要少看這幾段看似平平無奇的花崗岩(部份段落為水泥)樓梯,其實每段樓梯都勾劃著華人在不同時期於太平山區生活的過程。 3️⃣🧧沙頭角沙咀村協天宮,坐落於香港邊界的禁區,體現了「廟校合一」的價值,從廟內的碑文中能找到以前華人移民到澳洲、紐西蘭的一段歷史。 4️⃣⛲️主教山蓄水池,除了其建築特色外,作為界限街以北的新九龍水務發展的起點,它一直默默地作為城市的脈搏,為當時的人提供乾淨食水。 古蹟辦的職能限制/ 值得一提的是剛決定為三級歷史建築,屯門何福堂建築群。他們也擁有超過一百年歷史,現存放完整度也十分高。當時是傳道會送贈於中華基督教會香港區會,已被丟空十多年。但教會一直去信古蹟辦聲稱該建築群不值得被評為歷史建築,卻未能提出具說服力的原因。雖然教會沒有權力去否定這決定,但有委員擔心教會或不會為建築群提供保護及活化計劃。這反映了即使為一些具價值的歷史建築評級,因為沒有法律的保障和古蹟辦職能的局限,我們難以保證他們會否受到保護,作為公眾或政府的角色其實十分被動的。 確幸的充權/ 雖然作為旁聽者的我未能在會議中提供意見,但我與其他公眾和傳媒作為委員的「監察者」,我們能夠看到這些重要決定的決策過程,有不滿意或認為不正確的地方,我們可以透過不同平台發表,而委員們作為「被監察者」也會更認真地審視各個決定。香港教育一直很缺乏對於香港史的內容,而這些重要的歷史卻是我們認識香港建築價值的根本。或者你會覺得這些會議可能不關你事,但作為香港人,我們有責任去認識我們的歷史,以及作為「監察者」保護敘述這些歷史的建築。 #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #tonglau #hkconservation #我港建築 #保育 #香港歷史建築 #hkhistory
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿 香港古物與古蹟架構/ 「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。 The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO. #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #hkconservation
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從四個保育案例看香港古蹟制度的敗處🗿 竟然沒有法律保障歷史建築物!? 皇后碼頭/ 皇后碼頭以現代主義建築形式興建而成,原是皇后像廣場的停泊處,只供香港總督及英國主要官員往返香港時使用。後來改建成皇后碼頭,價值不止是其現代主義建築,還有它作為記錄香港人集體回憶的公共空間。政府以發展為由,竟帶頭將這個一級歷史建築清拆。十三年後,至今仍沒有重建計劃。其實香港的「歷史建築」只有參考作用,沒有法律效力;「法定古蹟」才有法律保障。即使近年政府提出,被評為一級歷史建築能被接納為已列入具高度價值的建築,增加成為法定古蹟機會,但很多歷史建築因私人業權問題難以保育,最後也只能落得清拆下場,例如「同德大押」(grade III) 和「何東花園」(grade I)。 「古蹟辦」被笑稱「估即辦」,考察過程草率了事 皇都戲院/ 皇都戲院已經有六十九年歷史,它作為香港昔日娛樂事業風光年代的證據,也盛載我們的集體回憶。國際保育專業組織 Docomomo International在一六年發出「文物危急警示」促請為它評級為一級歷史建築,但古蹟辦被揭發對戲院的內部改動情況不充分掌握就草率提出將戲院列為三級歷史建築的建議。先不論古蹟辦考察過程透明度之低,其中一位負責評審的學者竟說:「假若漢墓值5分,清代(建築)最多4分,咁皇都幾多分?」(bio有「活現香港」皇都戲院評級爭議懶人包的link),從這話可看出他們的想法已與現今保育方向脫節。幸好最後古諮會評定它為一級,現時被新世界發展商收購,是首個發展商主動提出的活化項目。 Queen's Pier; No legal protection for historical buildings Built in the form of modernist architecture, its value lies in its use as a public space that records the Hong Kong people’s collective memory. The government demolished this first-class historic building for the new development scheme. In fact, Hong Kong’s "historical buildings" are only for reference and have no legal validity; only "declared monuments" have legal protection. Even though the government has proposed in recent years that historic buildings rated as Grade I can be accepted as buildings of high value which increasing the chance of becoming statutory monuments, many historic buildings are difficult to preserve due to private ownership issues, and they can only be demolished in the end. State Theatre; ‘Antiquities and Monuments Office’ teased as ‘Assumption Making Office’ . The inspection process was regarded as hasty It has a history of 69 years. It serves as evidence of Hong Kong's past entertainment industry and also contains our collective memories as a HKer. Docomomo International, an international conservation professional organization, issued the "Cultural Relics Emergency Warning" in 2016, urging it to be graded as a Grade I historical building. However, the AMO was revealed that it did not fully acknowledge the internal changes to the theatre and rashly proposed to list it as a Grade III historical building. It is currently being purchased by the New World Development and is the first conservation project proposed by the developer.
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其實香港古蹟制度是如何運行?🗿‍香港古物與古蹟架構/「古物及古蹟條例」於一九七六年實施,以確保香港最具價值的文物古蹟得到適當保護。古物諮詢委員會及古物古蹟辦事處於同年相繼成立。[圖3]古物古蹟辦事處的文物保育組由五個小組組成,分別負責考古、 歷史建築、教育及宣傳和技術及顧問,以及策劃及管理方面的工作職能,他們先為古物古蹟作考察研究,[圖4]再將其建議交給由二十一人組成的古物諮詢委員會作討論和決定「歷史建築」和「法定古蹟」,全員由特首委任,來自超過十個界別。決定「法定古蹟」後會提交給古物事務監督(發展局局長),最後經特首同意藉憲報公告宣布法定古蹟,由古物古蹟辦事處執行其行政工作。‍The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. [Pic3]In AMO, there is a Heritage Conservation Unit with five sections: archaeology, historical buildings, education and publicity, technical and advisory, planning and management. They first conduct research on antiquities and historic sites, and then submit their recommendations to the AAB, [Pic4]which is composed of 21 people for discussion and decision on "historical buildings" and "declared monuments”. All 21 members are all appointed by the chief executive and come from more than 10 industries and professions. After the decision is made, it will be submitted to the Antiquities Authority (Secretary for Development), and the Chief Executive will announce the official monuments through a gazette announcement, which will be implemented by the AMO.
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僅存的戰前唐樓其實一直扎根於香港的市區裡,給自己一天的時間去好好探訪這些唐樓! 我們或許不能拯救他們,但請用你的眼晴去記錄轉角唐樓的歷史吧。 1. 汝州街269及271號, 深水埗, 1920s, grade III 2. 雷生春, 荔枝角道及塘尾道交界, 太子, 1931, grade I 3. 青山道301及303號, 深水埗, 1933, non-graded 4. 北河街58號, 深水埗, 1920, grade II 5. 皇后大道西1號, 上環, 1920s, grade III 6. 史釗域道6號, 灣仔, 1920s, grade III 7. 德輔道西207號, 西營盤, 1921, grade II 8. 彌敦道190號, 尖沙咀, 1937, grade III 9. 廣東道578號, 佐敦, 1945, non-graded The only remaining pre-war corner Tong Lau are actually rooted at Hong Kong city centre. Give yourself a day to visit these them! We may not be able to preserve them all, but please use your eyes to record the history of those corner Tong Lau. 1. 269 and 271 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, 1920s, grade III 2. Lui Seng Chun, junction of Lai Chi Kok Road and Tong Mei Road, Prince Edward, 1931, grade I 3. 301 and 303 Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, 1933, non-graded 4. 58 Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po, 1920, grade II 5. 1 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, 1920s, grade III 6. 6 Steward Road, Wan Chai, 1920s, grade III 7. 207 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, 1921, grade II 8. 190 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 1937, grade III 9. 578 Canton Road, Jordan, 1945, non-graded #我港 #kongcept #archi_kongcept #tonglau #hkconservation #我港建築
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轉角唐樓: (二) 蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿
蘊藏在唐樓背後的是未被利用的歷史文化價值🗿 比利時義品公司/ 轉角唐樓與比利時地產公司其實有莫大關係。19世紀的比利時是歐洲工業革命中發展得較蓬勃的國家。有別於其他歐洲大國積極擴展軍事及殖民地,比利時郤側重於資金、工業及學術出口到全世界。這造就了比利時義品公司在香港的出現。比利時義品公司在香港的生意主要在房地產投資、建築設計、施工作業、抵押貸款到物業管理,可算是一條龍服務。公司的總部在布魯塞爾,支部都由比利時人領導,但都需要華人在港管理。而他們的建築師大多來自比利時,不但引入現代摩登主義的設計,還因應香港的地貌與天氣,生產出具香港特色的轉角唐樓。很多轉角唐樓因應香港熱帶天氣而設計露天的走廊,作為室外與室內的緩衝空間。你更可以從圍欄通花找到裝飾藝術的足跡。范威利克出任當時的總負責人,是其中一個具影響力的建築師帶領著裝飾藝術到摩登主義的過渡。 瀕臨絕種/ 唐樓的起源在港島,但轉角唐樓的起源則在九龍。他象徵了當時香港的城市發展,摩登的轉角建築塑造了中產階層的社區。現在香港只剩下九座戰前的轉角唐樓,而青山道301,303號因遲遲未被評為歷史建築,而面臨被清拆的命運。現今被活化保留的轉角唐樓只有改造成中醫學院的雷生春及剛翻新的為群公寓。 的確,要將唐樓的商業價值提高至摩天大樓般是沒有可能的。但如果我們將商業與文化價值去看,活化唐樓群組不但保留社區特色,更可以打造成特色景點,商業與文化價值也能相輔相成。香港,這個地方有著世界級的商業中心,背後其實還有更大的建築資源等待被好好利用。但在經濟效益主導的世道下,究竟我們能否運用建築價值去記錄和分享其年代的故事? Who is Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient (CFEO)/ Corner Tong Lau had a relationship with some of the Belgium developers. In the 19th century, Belgium attained substantial development from industrial revolution. Belgium based companies such as the Crédit foncier d'Extrême-Orient(CFEO) expanded to Hong Kong with Belgian-styles development investment, architectural design, construction work, mortgage service, and property management. Moreover, through localisation, corner Tong Lau was designed in response to the geographical and climate context in HK. Gabriel Van Wylick was the office head in Hong Kong, he was one of the influential architects who led the transition from Art Deco to the modernism age. Endangered/ Tong Lau's emergence was in Hong Kong Island, but Tong Lau first appeared in Kowloon. It emblemed the city development of Hong Kong in a particular period. Even though looking at the significance of Castle Park Road 301-303, it cannot escape from the destiny of demolition that it still has not been graded as a historical building. When we take community and cultural value into consideration, the assembly of different preserved historic buildings can be the hero. It can protect the community's unique character while accelerating the cultural and commercial value of that area. At the age of economic dominance, are there opportunities left for architecture to record n share stories of this city? #archi_kongcept
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樂華邨商場: 中式亭園與現代主義的結合
⛩中式亭園與現代主義的結合/ 樂華邨商場是單棟的商業建築,它通過懸挑的屋頂連接各個屋苑平台和公共空間。 由巴士總站出發,你的視線會先被屋頂上的鮮色圖案吸引, 這裏是老年人休息或居民等待巴士的地方。然後經過拱形走廊,一直到懸臂屋頂覆蓋著的公共空間,這裡的空間被分成兩部份,上半部份主要通往不同的屋苑,下半部份為綠化的休憩空間。 最後你可以隨意選擇從任何位置進入商業建築,並通過圍繞著建築的扶手梯或樓梯穿梭不同樓層。 建築的形態和顏色體現了樂華邨名稱的含義 - 「快樂中華」。建築師將中國亭園的形態以簡約的現代主義方式呈現,抽象地以桁架、垂直和水平的線條演繹。此外,中式元素貫穿了整個屋邨,由巴士站旁走道頂的紅黃橙色、商業建築的紅色地磚、再到屋苑的粉紅色外牆。 地區:觀塘 建造年份:1985 屋邨商場類型:庭院式 樓層:3 持有公司:領展 ⛩ Chinese Architecture in Modernist Translation/ Lok Wah Shopping Centre is a single commercial block linking various podiums and open spaces, with a cantilevered roof. The journey starts from the bus terminal; you will reach the first open space that is with a welcoming warm-coloured roof, it is where the elderly take a rest or wait for buses. Then the journey continues by passing through the arch-shaped corridor and down to the two-floors-split open spaces covered by the cantilevered roof. You can then enter the commercial block and circulate around through escalators or staircases. The architectural form and colours embody the meaning of the name ‘’ Lok Wah樂華’’, which means ‘’ joyful Chinese 快樂中華 ’’. The Chinese pavilion form is explicitly abstracted to a modernist translation of planes, angler trusses and columns. They are also coherent to the red floor tiles placed throughout the commercial block. District: Kwun Tong Year: 1985 Type: Courtyard Floor: 3 Ownership: Link Reit #我港 #kongcept #我港建築 #我港社區 #archi_kongcept #kongcept_community #樂華邨 #屋邨商場 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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轉角唐樓: (一) 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?
唐樓第二課! 有無發現你經常在九龍抬起頭來會發現轉角唐樓的蹤影?🏢 喘息空間/ 轉角唐樓泛指座落於兩條道路交界的唐樓,起源於1930年代。上回提到這年代的唐樓屬第三代的戰前產品,開始由建築師去設計。普通的唐樓牆身都緊近著另外兩側的唐樓,設計局限於面向街的外牆上花心思,但轉角唐樓則能夠運用轉角位伸展更大的臨街外牆,擁有僅餘的喘息空間去演變不一樣的變化。 發水蛋糕樓的那五年/ 轉角唐樓的出現源於19世紀中的條例規定,如樓宇的騎樓部份能作遮雨的公共用途則不計算為建築面積。作為精打細算的香港人當然“著數”拿最盡,樓宇跟著行人路的形狀走,於是出現了能為行人遮雨的弧形唐樓。第一代的轉角唐樓特色是它的騎樓多需以柱作支撐,這些大得誇張的騎樓又可以叫做「走馬騎樓」;第二代轉角唐樓出現在二戰後,因人口的膨脹,轉角唐樓的騎樓部份被僭建為室內空間,而當時政府是容忍的;第三代的轉角唐樓則建於1962到66年。因政府在1962提出修例以防止樓宇建得過大和高,但因修例改動太大而推遲到1966先推行。於是發展商紛紛趕著在這五年蓋最高最大的轉角唐樓。 The Breathing Space/ Do you know that corner Tong Lau is most common to be found in the Kowloon district?And it is a mixed-race of Hong Kongese and Belgian ? Corner Tong Lau, occurred in the 1930s, is regarded as the Tong Lau that was situated across two roads. The previous introduction of Tong Lau mentioned that they are the third generation of Tong Lau but were the first to be designed by architects. Ordinary Tong Lau sat side by side and limited the space for design efforts to be delivered, only on the façade facing the street. However, taking advantage of using a stretching façade crossing two roads, the variance could be found from the remaining breathing space. The Five Year of Cake-formed Tong Lau/ The emergence of corner tong lau originated in the mid-19th century regulations stipulating that if the extended part of a building can be served for public purposes as a shelter from rain, it was not counted as a built area. Of course, smart Hong Kong people did not miss out this chance to maximise their gain, they built an arc-shaped building contours extended along the footpath, formed the corner Tong Lau. The first-generation corner tong lau’s characteristic is the columns that need to be built to support the extended part. These exaggerated verandas could also be called " Horse-crossing Veranda "; the second-generation corner tong lau occurred due to the expansion of the population, the extension of the corner tong lau was illegally built as indoor spaces, tolerated by the government. The third-generation corner tong lau was built during 1962-66. The government proposed amendments in 1962 to prevent buildings from being built too large and tall, but delayed to be established until 1966.
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商業與公眾利益的取捨 Give and take of commercial and communal interest 以人的角度出發/ 私有的特定公共空間不應只是一個換取更多建造面積的工具,而應以第一身的體驗為出發點。現時發展商提供只限於行人走道這個較低層次的功能,他們認為從商業角度來看公共空間有損鄰近商鋪的價值,所以我們難以找到一個舒適而方便的私有公共空間。但只有從第一身的角度去設計公共空間才可將其空間與商業空間連結,為人們提供一個完整的體驗,更能提升其商場的知名度與價值。一個吸引人來和享受的公共空間反而能夠刺激消費,而不是用方法去阻止人們去使用這空間。青衣城二期便是一個成功將商場與公共空間合作的例子。他們將商場的天台改造成5000平方米多層次的綠化空間,人們能夠經過商場來到怡人的綠化區域,享受著開揚的沿岸河景。 香港,這個世界上數一數二擠迫的城市,對每個室外或室內的空間都爭分寸土,卻不忘尋找一點公共空間讓我們好好享受一個下午。城市當然需要發展,但發展商也有他們的社會責任,不只是為換取建造面積而提供公共空間,而真正讓人享受的空間,這是我們的權利去擁有的。 _______________________________________________________ From the angle of user/ The dedicated POPS should be considered as more than a tool to gain extra areas to build more floors but from the angle of the user's experience. Most of the dedicated POPS provided by developers only reached the first layer objective to provide a space for people passing through. They are examined from the commercial angle that public space will affect the economic value of retail stores nearby. Therefore, it is rare to find a dedicated POPS that is pleasant to stay but also easily accessible. However, only when the public space is designed by the angle of user can bind the commercial and public space together to provide a comprehensive experience for customers. It could be possible to foster the reputation and value of the shopping mall. Rather than setting rules to pushing out people away from the public space, welcoming public space can already fascinate people to stay but also consume in the mall potentially. Maritime Square 2 in Tsing Yi is a delightful example that uses its spacious public park as the magnetism binds with its shopping mall. Located at the terraces, people are engaged to access the 5000 sq m stretching park on different levels through the mall to enjoy the view of the habour. As one of the most dense cities in the world, we are fighting for every inch of space we can have inside and in between buildings, but also a public space that we can pause and relax in the busy afternoon. We do need new development. Developers have their social responsibility not only to provide public spaces for their own interest of extra floors to build, but public spaces that people can really enjoy
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唐樓看似平凡,卻反映香港的寫照 🏙Tong Lau may look ordinary but reflecting the portraits of Hong Kong 街道生活/ 唐樓外表的確是本身較平凡,也是基層階級的產物,但是唐樓卻衍生出樓梯鋪、天台屋、街道生活的出現,描寫了更多香港的寫照。底層地鋪多元不同,其商品更延伸到行人路上,街頭擺賣繼而伸展到馬路。這種一層又一層的連繫形成了街頭生活。現有的摩天大樓,因商業考慮而令圖則變得奇形怪狀,只用冷氣解決通風問題,將室外與室內毫無留情地分隔開。但唐樓的設計正方而擁有自然通風的對流窗,而這裡每天發生的不只有行人的流動與商業的交易,而是人與人之間交流是自然和有溫度的。唐樓展現了香港繁華背後的樸素日常的一面。 唐樓背後/ 在這看似繁華的香港出現劏房問題是十分諷刺的,但無奈唐樓仍然是很多基層和年輕人的經濟選擇。很多人在唐樓的地鋪裡創業,也很多人不介意住在「唐八樓」「唐九樓」,只求一個居住的地方,為了生存,為了未來的生活。雖然城市發展是無法避免的,但一個城市也需要多元化的面貌,唐樓正是其中一面。 _____________________________________________ Street Life/ Although Tong Lau may look ordinary and is the representative of the lower social class, the emergence of Tong Lau also introduced the staircase store, roof housing and street life that narrated different moments of Hong Kong. Diverse types of ground-floor-stores extended to the pedestrian lane and attracted hawkers to operate nearby. The layering linked moments are the street life that is needed in Hong Kong. The current skyscrapers design that is emphasising the position of economic concern results in irregular forms of buildings using a.c. to resolve every ventilation problem. Indoor and outdoor spaces are mercilessly separated. On the other hand, Tong Lau, by using opposite openings for natural ventilation, is designed to be in regular forms. It is about the emotional interaction between people, rather than some senseless pedestrian and money flow. Behind the Scene/ Tong Lau embodied the simple and daily faces behind the bustling of Hong Kong. The subdivided flat problem inside Tong Lau still exists nowadays, which is ironic for it to happen in such a wealthy city. However, it is still a popular choice for lower social class and youngsters as a survival from and start-up of life. They do not mind living on the eighth or ninth floor without a lift, they just want to survive and hopefully can live a life in the future. We shall admit that it is unrealistic to avoid city development, but please do not ignore the many other faces of the city, that realistically exist, Tong Lau. Photography by @mr_nkf #archi_kongcept #我港建築 #kongcept #我港 #唐樓 #舊區 #街道生活 #tonglau #olddistrict #streetlife
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你對唐樓的印象是甚麼? 🤔What is your impression of Tong Lau? 唐樓與洋樓/ 唐樓,唐樓我們就叫得多,你又知不知道唐樓為何叫做唐樓?其實香港的唐樓出現在1841年英國佔領香港之後。當時香港正值發展農業和漁業,並於太平山開始興建道路和樓房,這些作為華人聚居的建築被稱為唐樓;但又有另一個說法指出其實唐樓這個詞是在1880年代開始出現,唐樓作為在地契條款上與洋樓的區分。當時的洋樓只可以是單一住宅用途和單一住客或租客;而唐樓則可下鋪上居,亦可分拆出租。這也反映了當時兩種不同的社會階級水平,分拆作不同單位大小當然較受相對貧窮的人歡迎。而唐樓可分為四個階段的漸變。 鄰里之間/ 唐樓的出現與設計的改變都反映了當時香港社會的生活寫照,因空間的需求與西方文化的影響加入了「廣州式騎樓」和「藝術裝飾」的元素,唐樓成為香港其中一種最有代表性的建築風格。而因為唐樓容許隔格改動與沒有租客的上限,創造了居民們之間強烈的鄰里關係。各種生活模式微妙地相互重疊與交錯,當然日常生活多少也會嗌霎,但也創造了很多鄰里之間的交流與故事。 _____________________________________________ Tong Lau vs Yeung Lau/ You can find Tong Lau here and there in Hong Kong, but do you know the origin of the name “Tong Lau”? Tong Lau first existed in the period after the United Kingdom occupied Hong Kong in 1841, a time when fishery and agriculture were the primary industries, and people started to construct roads and houses on Victoria Peak. All the houses were built for the settlement of Chinese and thus named as “唐樓Tong Lau”, which is a direct translation from Cantonese as the meaning of Chinese occupied tenement house. However, there is another claim that the term Tong Lau was formed in the 1880s as the clear division between it and ‘’洋樓Yeung Lau‘’, the residential mansions that were usually occupied by Western. Yeung Lau was only allowed for one occupant in one unit and with a single function of residential use. While Tong Lau was allowed for more than one occupant in one unit, and with commercial use at the ground floor; residential use at the upper floor. It reflected the difference of two distinct social classes that the flexible partitioning of Tong Lau was more favourable to those who had financial difficulties to rent multiple shelters. There are a total of four generations of Tong Lau. Street Life/ The presence and evolution of Tong Lau is the reflection of stories of Hong Kong society at different periods.Influenced by the eastern culture of veranda and western culture of “Art Deco”, Tong Lau became one of the typical architectural styles in Hong Kong. Thanks to the flexibility of partitioning and the grant of unlimited tenants, it created the tenacious bonding between neighbours. Illustration by @donfo.lio
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建築與地方🏘 現在經過屋邨商場你還會願意流連嗎?⛲️Gorgeous Mall or Neighbourhood Centre? Illustration by: @donfo.lio 城市客廳/ 你還記得小時候在屋邨商場打發時間的回憶嗎?香港在50年代開始興建大量高層的公共房屋以應付大量的人口增長。以規劃角度來說,要在地面上建造足夠的社區空間去滿足幾座、幾十層居民是十分困難的。於是你便會發現許多公園、社福機構、廣場穿插於屋邨商場裡,成為了商場的一部份。與現今商場的建造目的不同,屋邨商場除了有快餐店、士多、雜貨店讓居民購物用餐,有著照顧社區的功能。同時,因為無需要達到龐大的商業價值和利潤,屋邨商場的設計十分多元化,令它變得不只是一個賺錢的盒子。 只有商業價值/ 但你會否發現這種模式的屋邨商場買少見少?因為03年時面對沙士導致經濟衰退,政府為了開源節流,將原先由房委會擁有和管理的屋邨商場出售給領展 (原名領匯)。以價高者得的商業原則下,較低利潤的士多、雜貨店搬走,一些高檔次及奢侈品的商舖隨之進駐,租金跟隨上調。通過翻新商場,以此為由加租,亦為了讓商場保持新鮮感,更會要求商戶每隔幾年調鋪一次。休憩空間的元素因沒有商業價值而相應被移取。的確,翻新了的商場設計觀感有了很大的改善,但卻失去了我們流連在此的原因。 Urban Living Room/ Recalling the fading memories of my childhood, estate shopping centres used to be one of my favourite places to wander around. In the 1950s, to support the rapid population growth, the government decided to build a large number of high-rise public housings. Some of the estate shopping centres are combined with parks, social welfare institutions and open plaza.The purposes of estate shopping centres are not only to provide restaurants and shops but more importantly, also to cater to the needs and desires of the local microcosm. Moreover, as commercial value is not the only concern, it is something more than just a profit-making machine which brings the design of an estate shopping centre has more opportunity and diversity. Commercial Purpose Only/ Unfortunately, the purpose of being a community centres is coming to an end. Before 2003, most of the estate shopping centres were initially being managed by the Housing Authority, the government has sold the majority of estate shopping centres to a real estate developer to recover recession from SARS, Under the principle of the highest bidder wins, with the rent increases accordingly, numerous small local shops and grocery stores are now replaced by high-profit luxury shops and all kinds of chain stores. Besides, some merchants are required to refurbish or relocate their shops every few years to maintain a fresh look. Eventually, commercial value has become the only priority, and the elements of being the open space are removed. They look better, but the purpose of staying is lost. #archi_kongcept #我港建築 #kongcept #我港
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Countdown 1️⃣!!!! 建築師只設計建築,但地方是由你湊建 🏘Architects design buildings, but you build your own places 如果你在google搜尋香港的照片,十居其九都會看到俯瞰維港一帶高樓的照片,這不止告訴著你香港的繁華,也能讓你驚歎著每棟樓亂中有序地拼湊出香港這個地方,但這真的是香港全貌嗎?香港人每天為了擁有一個住的地方而打拼,由那些在唐樓劏房逆境求存的日子,或經過那些年的屋邨生活,到終於上到私樓,卻被困在無盡的商場裡。這些畫面大概才是香港的真實寫照吧。「建築與地方」會介紹一些穿插在這城市並記錄著香港的日常建築和充滿故事性的地方,希望能夠藉著此去探索這些空間與我們的關係和他們存在的價值。 ___________________________________________ When you try to google the images of ‘’Hong Kong ‘’, you can find a bunch of photographs with a overlooking view of the Victoria Harbour and stunning skyscrapers. It projects Hong Kong as a bustling city and impresses you by the buildings' order from chaos. However, is it really the full picture of Hong Kong? Hong Kongers are fighting for a home to live every day: From the struggle of survival at subdivided flat inide Tong Lau to the good old days in public housing neighbourhood, and to finally owning a dream house but trapped among identical shopping malls. These are the cruel reality of Hong Kong. The category ‘’Architecture and places’’ includes the introduction of buildings and places that recorded every moment of our living in this city. We wish to reveal the values and relationships between them and us and every one of you are part of the story. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #koncept #我港建築 #archi_kongcept #hkarchitecture #hkplaces #concretejungle #subdividedflat #hkneighbourhood #香港建築 #香港地方 #石屎森林 #劏房 #香港屋邨
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#我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 霓虹燈是如何運作的?需要電嗎?需要火嗎?電離? 讓我們一起認識它魅力的根源!⚡️ 「電離」的原理! / 如想製作霓虹燈管,你首先需要一條封閉的玻璃管,將兩端接駁電極和發熱線,注入不能缺少的主角 - 「惰性氣體」。準備就緒後,發動電源將發熱線通電,管中的氣體隨即產生「電離」~~~意思是高壓電流令管中的氣體能量提升,氣體以光線形式釋放儲存的不穩定氣體,發出我們熟悉的「霓虹光」。 相反,鎢絲燈需要達到高溫才能發光,所以我們靠近鎢絲燈時會感受到其熱力,你也會想像到大量的電能化成熱力流失於空氣中,你的電費也一樣下場。霓虹燈同時又被稱為「冷光管」,盡管閃亮著,保持你也能夠安心用手觸碰它的溫度,當然不同顏色的霓虹燈有着輕微的溫差。 你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?你心目中又有怎樣的聯想?喜歡王家衛的顏色藝術嗎? #KongceptualPop : 🎶血色幻燈泛起了千滴 渴望🎶 🎶翠色幻燈種出妄想和 荒唐🎶 🎶冷色幻燈引起了當日 百態怒放🎶 🎶暖色幻燈照出曠世鋒芒 光芒🎶 霓虹燈的個性: 形狀x顏色/ 霓虹燈的個性相信是來自它的形狀與顏色。如果你有發現,我們在《霓虹叢林》的歌詞裏有提到「血色、翠色、冷色、暖色幻燈」。不同顏色的霓虹燈是透過各種惰性氣體所產生的不同能量而演化而成。有趣的是,由於惰性氣體的能量會影響光線亮度,導致光線不足。例如較弱的「氬氣」,為了增加其紫外光度,製作時通常都會在玻璃管內加上「水銀」,若再將管塗上螢光劑,管內發出的紫外光就能夠化成我們肉眼所見的柔和藍色。日常中最常見的霓虹燈顏色則由氫(紅色)、氦(粉紅色)、二氧化碳(白色)、汞蒸氣(藍色)等氣體亮起。霓虹燈使用的玻璃管可以透過燒製彎曲成多樣的形狀,令創作的成品具有極大的靈活性,成為了「港式字體」的最佳拍檔。再加上一支質量合格的霓虹燈擁有20,000 - 30,000小時的壽命,即若三到五年,令它成為八、九十年代户外亮化燈制或招牌的最佳選擇。 -----《懷舊時光》JUSTIN WONG SOLO PHOTO EXHIBITION ----- 展覽將轉瞬即逝的瞬間描繪成電影般的場景,不論以數碼或菲林都能表達出每張照片背後故事的最深刻意義。Justin透過近期的作品試圖喚起我人們意識到招牌等香港傳統文化和價值的存在。 地點: 新城市廣場一期 250A鋪 - Shout Art Hub & Gallery 日期: 18/1/-18/2/2022 時間: 11:00-21:00 ——— The principle of ``ionization''! / If you want to make a neon tube, you first need a closed glass tube, and it needs to be connected with electrodes and heating wires at both ends. Of course, the protagonist-inert gas is indispensable in the glass tube.Turning on the power to energize the heating wire, the gas in the tube will be "ionized" immediately! The high-voltage current increases the energy of the gas in the tube, and the gas releases the stored unstable gas in the form of light, which is the neon light we are familiar with. What forms a perfect neon light? shape x color/ Common neon colours are formed by gases such as hydrogen (red), helium (pink), carbon dioxide (white), mercury vapor (blue), etc. In addition, a qualified neon lamp has a lifespan of 20,000-30,000 hours, which is approx. 3 to 5 years, that’s the reason it became the best choice for outdoor lighting systems or signs in the 1980s and 1990s.
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021 【1/8工藝精神:一代宗師也難逃行業的式微 @kongcept852】 關於 #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept 💬//香港工藝事業享負勝銘,”MADE IN HONG KONG” 一詞對世界顧客都有信心保證。可惜隨著科技進步,經濟發展等等因素,不少工藝已經式微。我講工藝希望與大家分享一些僅存的工藝,好讓更多一起欣賞和記得種種的工藝精神!// 手寫小巴膠牌/ 記得嗎?我們2020年尾介紹過香港小巴的歷史和文化,如果忘記了或未閱讀可以先看回!而今日會延伸介紹一種香港獨有的傳統工藝,見證著小巴這幾十年時光的藝術。走到旺角先達廣場附近便容易看到一排又一排的小巴在等候乘客,但我們怎樣分辨小巴s的目的地和收費呢? 線索就放在擋風玻璃上,那又紅又藍的白膠牌。 最後一位工藝師/ 每輛紅色小巴上都總會有幾塊小巴膠牌。現時小巴牌都是出自於同一位工藝師,麥錦生師傅。因為他已經是香港最後一位手寫小巴膠牌的工藝師。由於紅色小巴並沒有固定路線和收費,司機隨意更換小巴膠牌。而最為人熟悉定必是紅白藍三色的繁體字和價錢。別小看這一塊小膠片,原來當中大有學問⋯字的顏色方面,行內規定途經的地方是藍色、終點是紅色。例如圖1,就是途徑九龍城,前往黃大仙的小巴。而膠板也有學問,必須先用酒清消毒,逐一擦拭乾淨,因為若有靜電,會令油墨化開干擾筆跡。 繁體字的堅持與獨有字型/ 麥師傅的獨特字型也申請了專利。早期用毛筆沾油漆,字體夠大夠明顯就足夠。而油漆的濃稠度也非常講究,太稠的話字體會起泡,太稀的話字體會缺色。現今更要加上英文字。多年來,麥師傅都堅持使用繁體字,這才真正代表中文字。簡體字就像切開了一樣,缺乏了字體當中的意義。除了有一個字就是觀塘,麥師傅會寫做「官塘」,這是小巴司機要求,因為「觀」太多筆畫,遠處未必能夠清晰看見。 Hand-painted minibus plastic signs/ Do you still remember that we mentioned Hong Kong minibus history and culture earlier. So, what makes the passengers get the right minibus to their destination and charge? All these rely on the red and blue plastic signs on the windshield, a unique traditional craftsmanship in Hong Kong that has witnessed the past decades of minibuses. The only ONE craftsman left in HK/ Nowadays, most of the minibus signs used in red minibuses are from the same person, Master Mak Kam Sang. He is the last craftsman in Hong Kong to create hand-painted minibus plastic sign. This simple sign also takes a lot of learning. In terms of colour, there are regulations in the industry. Blue words indicate the place that would pass by, red words indicate the final destination. Insistence on using of Traditional characters and fonts/ Master Mai's unique font has even applied for a patent. For many years, Master Mai insisted on using traditional Chinese words to truly represent Chinese characters. Except for a special word, Kwun Tong, Master Mak would write "Kwun” (觀)into another word (官)which has the same pronunciation. That was required by the minibus drivers because there are too many strokes and may not be clearly visible from a distance on road.
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被掣肘的霓虹燈- 「條例和計畫」 除了城市發展模式的改變,政府也因樓宇結構安全問題而增加對霓虹招牌的管制,加劇了它的消失速度。 2013年9月2日,屋宇處增設了自願性「檢核計劃」,潛在風險較低並在當天前所建成的霓虹燈招牌,招牌的擁有人可參與將其保留。計劃會安排建築專業人士或註冊承建商會對有關招牌進行檢查、鞏固(如有需要)及向屋宇署核證其安全。通過檢核的招牌可保留5年,屋宇署暫不會干預已通過檢核的招牌。 事實上,這個做法只是政府的「通容」,由於那些招牌在相關的街道條例出現前已經出現,即使檢核後確保安全,仍然有違現時的建築工程條例。一但五年後,招牌必須重新進「檢核」或被拆除,以確保安全的結構。不少招牌擁有人為避免反覆的程序而選擇拆除。諷刺的是,政府屋宇署網站指出:「大部份現存違例招牌的存在確實對香港繁榮有一定價值。」但除了把霓虹招牌列入為違例招牌,就沒有其他方案處理? 在《我港專訪》中,劉師傅說到:「香港係拆得太誇張,條街好似原本一個smokey eyes孔妝,突然間變咗素顏咁啊。」,此段亦成了《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞 #KongceptualPop : 🎶假使卸下濃艷晚妝,通通都脫下,惟恐那色與慾無餘地再幻~化🎶 因時代而去 因時代而去/ 上一個時代的香港經濟蓬勃與政府對於霓虹燈牌的監管相對寬鬆,孕育了香港成為經典的霓虹燈街道畫面。輝煌時代過去,政府對招牌的規管也變得更加嚴厲,即使增設一個小型招牌也需提交多份文件和圖則,例如現在的招牌對面積和安裝地方都有複習的規限。加上LED 的出現,即使商戶們安裝一些戶外招牌都會因成本較便宜、維修等原因而選擇LED。種種原因導致今天霓虹燈絕跡,我們為霓虹燈與時代扣上不能分割的關係,但究竟霓虹燈能否在這時代中找到生存之道?(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等) Neon SIgnature - What is left?/ Signature owners are encouraged to join the Validation Scheme implemented by the Building Department since 2013, owners are required to appoint the prescribed building professionals or contractors to inspect, strengthen (if required) and certify the structural safety of the existing billboards that already existed before 2 September 2013. Even if the inspection is done, the safety check is still required to be carried out again every 5 years or the signature should be removed. The 5 years can be viewed as temporary permission, as most of the signature do not fit with the current regulations, they are still illegal technically. It is interesting that the website of the Building Department states that “many of the existing unauthorised signboards…...carries notable value for sustaining local commercial activities and contributing to Hong Kong’s prosperity”. So, are there any better regulations that the government can think of to preserve the neon billboards and ensure the persistent building safety problem? 🔔follow 《我港 Kongcept》IG/FB @kongcept852 🔗 https://linktr.ee/kongcept852 🔗 ➵Youtube 訪問片/未來大製作 ➵Instagram 最多內容 ➵Facebook 分享貼文,與長輩討論香港文化 #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlight #招牌 #霓虹叢林 #kongceptualpop
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🌱種出霓虹燈的土壤 - 「綜合用途建築物」/ 五十年代的城市肌理,正是霓虹燈生長的土壤。早在轉角唐樓的介紹裡有提過[註1],五十年代的政府為了回應戰後的人口膨脹和經濟復甦,修改了《建築物條例》,城市出現了大量「綜合用途建築物」,像彌敦道兩側盛放著霓虹燈的便是「商住兼容」的大廈群。當時政府並沒有刻意規管霓虹燈牌的大小、形狀和高度。七、八十年代經濟起飛之時,商家爭艷鬥麗,務求將街上的行人帶到自己的樓上舖。加上香港獨有的樓高街窄,才成就了其人人皆曉的霓虹場景 - 繁華盛世。 💭你能感受到《 #霓虹叢林 》歌詞的意象嗎?#KongceptualPop : 🎶牽掛這窄牆 牽掛這馬路 牽掛這漂亮🎶 🎶開遍這細巷 開遍這市面 開遍這世上🎶 🎶籠罩晚空內 每一道 狹縫🎶 🎶填滿記憶內 每分鬧~鬨🎶 🆕新市鎮:住宅與商業空間的分離/ 但隨著七八十年代後的城市發展以新市鎮為主,住宅與商業空間都清晰地分隔開,一個個大型屋苑與底座的商業空間分散於城市各處。加上以馬路優先規劃和住宅密度增加,街道減少了,取而代之是商場外牆的廣告面,霓虹燈失去所需的土壤,同時候政府設立了不同的條例和計劃(下個post會講,🔔開定通知等),清拆違例招牌同時,所有新建的招牌進出受更嚴格的監管。霓虹燈牌逐漸成為「舊區」的景象,卻未能遷移到新市鎮裡繼續繁殖。 Composite Building acted as the soil for breeding neon light/ The urban fabric in the 1950s formed the soil where neon light grew. As mentioned in the introduction of the Corner Tong Lau [Note 1], in the 1950s, the government revised the "Building Regulations", and a large number of "Composite Building" emerged in the city. Neon signages on both sides of Nathan Road are on buildings compatible with commercial and residential purposes. At that time, the government did not deliberately regulate neon signs' size, shape and height. Then, when the economy took off in the 1970-80s, the street was like having a beauty contest; gorgeous signages were installed to bring pedestrians upstairs. Then became the famous HK neon scene, with large volume&density. The detach between commercial and residential space/ However, as the urban development from the 1970s was dominated by new towns, where residential and commercial spaces were separate, and the commercial spaces of large housing estates and pedestals are scattered in the city. Also, the priority of road planning and the increase in residential density have reduced the number of streets and replaced them with advertising surfaces on the facades of shopping malls. As a result, neon lights have lost their soil and are seeking a wonderland. #我港 #kongcept #我港工藝 #industry_kongcept #kongceptualpop #project_kongcept #霓虹燈 #neonlights
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大牌檔: (一)大牌檔? 大排檔? 怎樣才算元祖大牌檔
大牌檔? 大排檔?/ 夥計,一打藍妹!🍻作為香港人對大牌檔一定不陌生,但現今真正保留著其獨特歷史文化的元祖級大牌檔還有多少間?最傳統的大牌檔是怎樣的?單是其名稱已眾說紛紜,據說真相是當年政府為了避免出現大量非法擺賣熟食的攤檔,所有大牌檔都需要於當眼處裱裝起一張註有持牌人及檔位資料,約A4大的「固定攤位(熟食或小食)小販牌照」,大牌檔亦因此成名。而「大排檔」有指源自廣東的「排檔」,代表一連成排的路邊餐檔。此外,大牌檔不一定提供小炒,亦有以麵、絲襪奶茶、輕食等作主調的店主。 元祖大牌檔/ 大牌檔的原型可以追溯到二次大戰後,港英政府設立的小販牌照。於1921年,小販分成俗稱大牌的固定小販牌照 和小牌的流動小販牌照(e.g.炒栗子🌰)兩種牌照。直至1950,由於戰後的香港處於百廢待興的狀態加上大批難民從中國大陸湧入,居民生活十分艱難,因優先考慮經濟困難和老弱的人士,港英政府將牌照二合為一並發放出去,為低下層其提供一個謀生的機會。由於牌照費不高和經營成本輕,大牌檔價廉物美的食物深受普羅大眾歡迎。但是1970年代香港經濟起飛和快餐文化(1968年的大家樂/1978麥當勞)興起,加上政府希望整頓市容而加強對大牌檔的經營限制,令大牌檔面臨危機。 大牌檔的變奏/ 於1972年,政府停止發牌,所有牌照持有者需要集中經營,如遷入「熟食中心」,不願意搬遷者則可交還牌照,並領取約六萬元的金額補償。同樣在1970年代初,政府推行了十年建屋計劃,為滿足居民日常生活所需,俗稱「冬菇亭」的熟食舖位伴隨公營房屋應運而生。由於大部分面積小的冬菇亭都喜歡往外搭建帆布帳篷以便擺放更多檯凳招待客人,令其外觀如同大牌檔。由於以上兩者與大牌檔有相似的經營模式,在現今世代亦會被稱為大牌檔。 直至2009年,政府才實施大牌檔保育計劃,為大牌檔建設排污渠及煤氣管,並且協助破舊的大牌檔進行翻新工程。此外,大牌檔牌照亦可以傳給牌主配偶和直系親屬。2015年,當局檢討在滿足環境衛生、污水排放及座位劃分等條件下,解凍已停止多年的大牌檔新牌照發放,在有附加條件下發出新牌照,同時亦研究放寬現有大牌檔牌照的繼承條件,可由直系家庭成員繼承牌照。大牌檔有以上變奏/保育,但我港認爲都未能充分體現大牌檔的神韻...大牌檔的最大特色是其環境,能感受街道上的各種不確定因素,在香港這個發達城市中,那份對比感更具風味。 The Intangible Culture - HKers’ Treasure/ Dai Pai Dong serves you with the most authentic and free eating environment in HK, . In 1950 post-war, Hong Kong was in a state of desperation, and with the large influx of refugees from mainland China, the residents in HK were having a tough time. The British-HK government prioritised the ease on elderly and people who can barely make a living. overnment issued a license that allows food stalls to be operated in public space. It provided a chance for the lower class to earn a living. In the 1970s, HK economy rocketed, fast-food culture entered HK and the government began to tighten the restrictions and even stopped issuing licenses in 1972. Stalls are required to concentrate into a cooked food centre(operating like an ordinary restaurant), or they will need to return the license and receive a compensation of about 60,000HKD. Meanwhile, the government implemented a ten-year housing construction plan. To meet residents' daily needs, cooked food stalls commonly known as Mushroom Pavilions came fundamentally with public housing and replacing Dai Pai Dong. In 2015, the license issuance finally unfrozen but its potential value is yet to be well exerted.
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究竟紅Van這個行業何去何從?變成過去成為歷史📜,還是具有香港特色延續下去?🚌 紅色小巴的(可見)將來/ 紅色小巴數量日益減少,行內人士更認為不久將來有機會在香港消失。隨著新型交通的發展,紅色小巴的角色越來越不重要。例如港鐵港島延伸至西環及南港島線開通後,相關路線和數以百計的紅色小巴一次性被淘汰了。預計未來沙中線全面開通後,業界又會面臨另一次淘汰潮。重重的限制令紅色小巴營運困難。事實上,政府如果能夠檢討和放寬對紅色小巴的限制,他們是有生存空間和價值。例如許多新市鎮到了深夜,主要公共交通停運,居民只能選擇繞路比較遠的巴士,或者被迫乘搭的士,如果是允許紅色小巴提供服務,路線會較直接,費用也一定比的士平。另外高速公路在日間負荷較重,禁止紅色小巴駛入,這是能夠理解的,但是到深夜,交通壓力下降,應該開放予他們使用。 🏎例子:旺角來往西貢的路線,紅色小巴只需要大概25-30分鐘的車程,相反巴士所需時間會多出一倍甚至更多。 如果香港政府未能夠充分利用小巴彈性服務優勢,這只會導致他們最後無法經營。對他們來說,唯一的出路就是將所有紅色小巴變成專營路線的綠色小巴,這同時意味着紅色小巴將會在香港永久消失。 The possible future of red minibus/ It can be seen that the number of red minibus is decreasing day by day, people in the industry even think that it may disappear in Hong Kong in the foreseeable future. With the development of new transportation, the role of red minibus is becoming less important. For example, after the MTR Hong Kong Island line extended to Kennedy Town and started South Island Line, numerous relevant red minibus routes are eliminated at a time. And after the full opening of the Sha Tin-Central Line, the industry will face another wave of elimination. Under different restrictions, the operation of red minibus is veering more difficult. In fact, if the government can review and relax the restrictions on red minibuses, there must be room and value for it survive. For instance, in late night, main public transportation in new towns are suspended and residents can only hop on the only available bus route which has a longer than usual journey and travel time or forced to take taxi instead. If the red minibus is allowed to respond to those needs, the route will be more direct and the cost will be far less than that taxi. It is understandable to eliminate red minibus from the highway due to heavy load during the daytime. However, at midnight, the traffic pressure drops and they can be opened for use. 🏎Example: Travel time of a red minibus from Mong Kok to Sai Kung takes 25-30 minutes. But takes more than an hour when by bus. If the Hong Kong government fails to take full advantage of the flexibility of red minibuses, they will no longer sustain their business. #紅van #minibus
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🚍🚌🚦小巴不只是一種交通工具,更是一種香港獨有的歷史和情懷,你對它又有甚麼認識? Minibus is not simply a public transport, it is the history and value of HK... 紅和綠/ 除了香港運輸處所設立的禁區外,紅色小巴基本上能在沒有固定路線、班次和票價的情況下前往香港所有地區。紅色小巴司機就像的士司機一樣工作,也是自僱人士。到了1974年香港政府建立了綠色專線小巴系統。綠色小巴有適當的時間表,固定的票價和指定的站點。毫無疑問,它對部份少乘搭小巴的乘客變得更方便。現今綠色小巴大都有特許經營權,例如有不少綠色專營小巴路線是由上市的AMS公共交通擁有,它更是香港唯一營業小巴生意至上市的公司。 總有你專屬的小巴路線/ 小巴不僅見證著香港歷史,而且對香港市民也具有一定價值。有別於視私家車為日常必需品的國家,由於香港土地有限和人口密度高,香港人主要依靠公共交通工具。小巴由於體積小、班次頻密和多而提供了更快,更高效的運輸解決方案。事實上,我自己也是每天需要乘搭小巴出入的一群。這無疑證明了小巴是具有最高性價比並在香港有極高需要的交通工具,上山過海無難度! Red and Green Minibus/ Red Minibuses have non-scheduled services, they are free to operate anywhere, except prohibited areas set by the Transportation Department. And there is no control over routing, frequency and fares. All drivers are self-employed like taxi drivers. Meanwhile, the HK government established the Green Minibus System in 1974, minibuses with green roofs. Green Minibuses have proper schedules, fixed fares and designated stops. With no doubt, it is more manageable and user friendly, although you still need to raise your courage to shout out at the right timing, “Stop please!”. Chin up, and you are good to go. Green Minibuses today are operating as franchises controlled by different companies, for example, many are owned by the publicly listed AMS Public Transport (the only listed minibus company). Unlike Red Minibus drivers, Green Minibus drivers are company employees with fixed salaries. Your Personalised Route/ Minibus is not only a historical witness, it has a unique value for Hongkongers. Due to limited land and high population density in HK, owning a car is never a necessity and Hongkongers mainly rely on public transportation. Minibuses offer a faster and more efficient transportation solution with its small size, high frequency and diverse range of routes. To be precise, minibus drivers are always speedy and provide the highest cost-performance wise service among other HK transportation systems. 📷 @mr_nkf #我港 #kongcept #香港工藝 #香港精神 #生活節奏 #香港日常#hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #minibus #hkminibus #小巴
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Countdown2️⃣ 發展和傳承之間🔨 Between Development and Preservation 香港,短短幾十年,由一個小魚村發展成為今日的國際金融中心。不能不提的是,各種行業的興旺和發展都是孕育出今日香港的重要一環。可惜的是,營運成本、產品需要、經濟回報等種種困難,許多昔日的香港傳統行業變得不合時宜,漸漸淡出大眾視野。然而,現時本地的傳統工藝行業並非完全消失,它們只是在經歷輝煌之後,退居二線。事實上,有些工藝師仍然默默耕耘地繼續傳統工藝製作。我們希望通過介紹他們的故事,了解他們的價值並討論如何能夠在社會發展和傳統手藝的保育和傳承間取之平衡。 _______________________________________________________ Hong Kong, in just a few decades, has developed from a small fish village to today's international financial centre. There is no doubt that the prosperity and development of various industries play an important role to the Hong Kong we know nowadays. It is a pity that with various difficulties such as operating costs, product requirements and economic returns, many traditional Hong Kong industries in the past have become untimely and gradually fade. However, some of the local traditional craft industries have not completely disappeared, they just retreated to the second line after experiencing glory. In fact, some craftsmen still work silently to continue their traditional craftsmanship. We hope to introduce their stories, understand their value and discuss how to balance social development and the preservation and inheritance of these traditional craftsmanship. . 📷 @mr_nkf . #我港 #kongcept #藝術品 #香港工藝 #生活節奏 #香港日常 #hkindustrial #hkcraft #craftsmanship #preserveculture #hongkongspirit #hkfinance #neonlights #taxi #ฮ่องกง #hkspirit #hongkongneedshelp #hongkonger #hkig #insidehongkong #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #oldhongkong #awesomehongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 豆豉與鯪魚的邂逅/ 隔離期間食太多午餐肉?由細食到大嘅豆豉鯪魚呢?1893年,第一罐豆豉鯪魚在廣洲廣茂香罐頭廠面世。這可追溯十九世紀時,依水為生的珠三角勞工,偶然發現鯪魚的甘鮮和豆豉的咸香十分配合。豆豉、鯪魚和調味料的配方一直長相廂守至今,你能想像一樣的味道能流傳百年嗎? 雖說豆豉鯪魚起源於廣州,但絕對不輸午餐肉的「頹人恩物」,美味的鯪魚加上豆豉汁撈飯可能是很多香港人的日常,它的味道也讓很多移居外國的香港人回憶家鄉的感覺。在疫情如此嚴重的時刻,跨境運輸的阻礙更令它的價錢一度上調至💰50元!!!祝願大家仍能在超市找到罐豆豉鯪魚😂 百年不變的制作方法/ 豆豉味滲進魚肉,魚汁浸泡豆豉,互為融合,但其實制作過程中,豆豉和魚是入罐後才相遇的。首先將豆豉入罐,再把解凍好的魚乾和調料液里浸泡一定時間,他倆才能相遇,最後注入精煉豆油。一罐豆豉鯪魚在高溫消毒後便成香氣與味覺滿分的完成品。 The encounter of tempeh and dace/ Beside spam, canned “Dace in Tempeh” is an other top can food in Hong Kong. In 1893, the first can was launched at a factory named 廣茂香 in Guangzhou. Tracing back to the 19th century, when workers in the Pearl River Delta who depended on the water for a living, accidentally discovered that the sweetness of dace and the salty aroma of tempeh go very well together. Then the recipe passed down for a hundred years… Although Dace in Tempeh originated in Guangzhou, having a bite of delicious Dace in Tempeh with rice is the daily life of many Hongkongers and the taste of it may even recall the feeling of home when you away. Nevertheles, its price increased to 💰HKD50 per because of cross-border transportation issue. Hope that everyone can still find cans of Dace in Tempeh in the supermarket 😂 The production method that has not changed for a hundred years / First put the tempeh in the can, then soak the thawed dried fish and seasoning liquid for a certain period of time before they are canned together, and finally inject refined soybean oil. After a can of tempeh dace is sterilized at high temperature, it becomes a finished product with perfect aroma and taste.
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#我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 午餐肉的港式生活 - 疫情良物🥲🥩 午餐肉的一段風光史/ 午餐肉源自於美國,由Jay Hormel在1937年發現,取名為大家很熟悉的SPAM。當時正值經濟大蕭條,Jay 將豬肉、鹽、水和馬鈴薯澱粉製造成午餐肉。因為加入了硝酸鈉,所以才會呈現出我們平常看見的粉紅色。雖然午餐肉是較平宜的食物,但是只有中產及富豪階層才會常吃,也只有他們才吃得起午餐,當時他們的午宴(Luncheon)流行吃SPAM,因此SPAM又稱為Luncheon Meat(午宴吃的肉)。 美國傳到冰室 - 餐蛋麵的日常🍳/ 午餐肉很快就流傳到英國,他們將午餐肉配搭生菜薯仔沙律。但這個飲食文化並沒有傳入香港(好彩冇咋!)。在50年代,冰室盛世的時期,廉價又方便的午餐肉成為了冰室的囊中物,加入荷包蛋、兩條菜和即食麵,制作成平宜又飽肚的餐蛋麵。直到現在,餐蛋麵成為香港人的最懶之選和Comfort Food,如果你說你只識煮餐蛋麵,多會被冠上「你根本就唔識煮野食」之名。 但其實午餐肉要煎得好吃也很講究!首先午餐肉就像牛排,肉排必須保持外層焦香與內部軟嫩多汁,切的厚度約5毫米。 注意午餐肉本身已附有很多油份,所以落少量的油即可,然後煎到兩邊金黃色。(你唔好煎午餐肉都煎濃啊XD) 附上餐蛋麵食譜(希望大家都唔需要😂),一齊捱過第五波疫情! PS: 正在強制家居隔離中🥲
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《我港 Kongcept》批鬥大會 2021【 5/8:紅豆西多,香港人的下午 @kongcept852】 ***31/12投選你最喜歡的貼文種類*** 關於 #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept 💬//我港從生活和飲食入手,探討香港人間的微妙連結。無形的種種讓我們產生“共鳴”、“安心”,而一切其實有跡可尋。// 香港人的滿分下午 💬//紅豆冰配西多士係定律!// / 跟大家分享過,傳統冰室是屬於較高級的場所,蘊含的文化內容包括下午茶、咖啡廳、舊香港的社會環境等等...冰室的招牌菜式,香港人最渴求的下午茶,非紅豆冰和西多士莫屬!兩者都是源於香港的冰室,極具本土風味! 紅豆冰/ 說到豪華高級的港式飲品,童年時的最愛,一定是始於香港冰室的「紅豆冰」- 像是冰室化後的紅豆沙。把綿綿的紅豆、白滑的三花淡奶、涼透心的碎冰放進高身的蓮花杯,再用長長的鐵匙搞拌,把紅白色分明的它混合成紫紅色,大吸一口...簡單的快樂和治癒感。傳統紅豆冰多從大冰塊刨出碎冰製作飲料,但因成本較高而被淘汰,並以製冰機造的冰粒或碎冰代替。當然,在香港無法自行製冰的年代,紅豆冰是格外珍貴的飲品。有別於大x樂之流,上水的「廣成冰室」創立於1962年, 四個大字的招牌、通透的門面、天花板的大風扇、還有招牌紅豆冰!3/5杯的豆紅色+1/5杯的奶白色+1/5利用古董刨冰機手刨出的刨冰柱,6/70年代的傳統冰室味道透入你心。 西多士/ 西多士HK French Toast,原型大概是歐洲流行的法蘭西多士French Toast,分別在於前者是「炸」香夾層中有花生醬的兩塊麵包,塗上牛油和糖漿(有茶餐廳會加入火腿)食用;後者是「煎」香一塊塊的麵包,配上糖漿或水果等食用。西多士實際的歷史故事無從得知,但French Toast的製作手法原是為了善用不新鮮麵包而出現的一條妙計。對於某些老一輩,最著緊的可能還是那英國出品的高級糖漿,那份港英時期的味道。 💬//有人話我知邊到嘅西多士好食就好啦😚// Cover Photo📷: @mr_nkf The best 2-Course Tea Set/ Talking about a perfect authentic taste at the Bing Sutt, “HK French Toast” and “Red Bean Ice” form a destined set. Both of them originated in the Bing Sutt industry of HK. Given the high calories and memories that Hongkongers had with them, they can offer you the most authentic taste of HK. “HK French Toast” is a twist from the classic French toast in Europe, except in a sandwich form that is traditionally stuffed with peanut butter (sometimes with condensed milk or ham) and deep-fried. Then, served with a glaze of syrup and butter on top. On the other hand, traditionally, “Red Bean Ice” consists of 3/5 cup of red bean, 1/5 cup of evaporated milk, and hand-shaved ice. #我港 #kongcept #西多士 #紅豆冰 #冰室 #茶餐廳 #下午茶 #FrenchToast #廣成冰室
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歎一杯好的咖啡或茶的同時,你有嘗試感受四周的空間和氣氛嗎?☕ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 🎁送禮遊戲!看第四頁指引 以「鴛鴦」命名由咖啡混合奶茶而成的港式飲品,是取自其物種的特性,雌雄有著截然不同的外貌卻能共處,正如中西文化在港融合。每個香港人平均只有2.8平方米的居住面積,咖啡店和茶室是他們重要的社交場所,建築設計公司 Building Narrative @building_narrative 把「鴛鴦」延伸成「穿梭於香港每個角落的咖啡店與茶室」,探討他們在香港的社會角色。 香港人IG的saved post塞滿各式的咖啡店與茶室,每逢假日都愛到「打卡Cafe」chill一chill,約會、思考、看看街上的人、物和事。其實咖啡店與茶室是紮根於社區的公共空間,透過設計和環境營造出能促進人交流的氣氛。 //那麼...你知道你口中的Chill是源自哪裏嗎?// //每間別樹一格的Cafe或Tea House蘊藏了甚麼設計意圖?// 「鴛鴦」的作者拜訪了25間咖啡店與茶室,透過訪談形式深入認識了每個地方的故事與設計含意,利用故事陳述與設計構想角度,幫助讀者認識設計背後的意圖、感受空間的意義。書中除了看似普通的街坊聚腳點,亦有備受注目的項目,例如由國際著名建築公司OMA設計的 K11 Musea KUBE 。 //致建築師、設計師、香港人:// //讓我們感受這一波咖啡店與茶室的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! // 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》Giveaway!!!📖 🎁 Step 1 - 留言分享一個你最印象深刻的香港咖啡店和茶室 + Tag至少兩位朋友 Step 2 - 分享這個post到story,tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3 - Follow Kongcept 然後把story截圖DM給 @kongcept852 💛我們會當中揀選兩位幸運兒送上新書一本,並被邀請到下星期三的新書會💛 Purchase Link: https://www.buildingnarrative.com/store ‘’ Yuen Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book that illustrates and presents coffee and tea houses in HK through story-telling and from a design perspective. While Cha Chaan Tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that goes well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that becomes the new amenities of our local communities and plays a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. 🎁 📖《我港 Kongcept》 Giveaway !!!📖 🎁 Step 1-Comment to share your impressed coffee and tea houses in HK + Tag at least two friends Step 2-Share this post to IG story, tag @yuen_yeung and @kongcept852 Step 3-Follow us and screenshot the story and DM to @kongcept852 💛 We will select two winners to give out a FREE book and be invited to their book launch on next Wednesday 💛
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🧪Neon(氖)由英國化學家發現,再於1910年由法國化學家George Claude發展成「Neon Light」,漢語以音譯相近,帶有彩虹含義的「霓虹」命名。1912年於蒙馬特大道出現世界上第一塊霓虹廣告牌,其後於歐美盛行,2、30年代發展到上海,伴隨上海的專才(霓虹師傅、書法家等)移民到港,50年代發展到香港並開始發展。 🇭🇰談及世界對香港的印象,西方電影總喜歡包含夜景、黑社會、Cyberpunk等等,而「霓虹燈 Neon Light」是當中不可或缺的元素;有色慾的紅色、富裕的黃色、神秘的紫色。王家衛的電影入《旺角卡門》亦經常看到。8/90年代是香港霓虹燈的高峰期,形形色色的霓虹燈箱籠罩香港晚空內每一道狹縫,以及記憶內的每分鬧鬨。在香港最輝煌的時期,有霓虹燈,曾經維港海旁的高樓頂層,都有大型霓虹燈招牌,不但形成五光十色的夜景,也象徵了香港的輝煌 - 「東方之珠」。 「以前有一句說話,香港繁榮靠設計,就係講霓虹㗎啦。」 - 劉穩師傅👨‍🏫 法國發明的霓虹燈與香港有甚麼關係?霓虹燈象徵香港8、90年代的繁榮背景、明星般的氣場和社會氛圍。當時「搵錢易」的氣氛促成香港的消費主義生活方式,不論是百貨公司、餐廳、酒店、企業都以霓虹燈作為宣傳工具,加上,引發「霓虹燈箱」宣傳戰。市民相約朋友,會以霓虹招牌作地標。香港當時唐樓和綜合用途建築物的建築結構(下舖上居),以及寬鬆的管制和有限的空間,香港霓虹燈在狹窄的街道上拼湊成層層疊疊的獨特景象,當中的density & volume便是香港霓虹燈的獨特風貌 - 「霓虹叢林」。 The Chinese name 霓虹 is similar to the transliteration of "Neon Light" with the meaning of rainbow. The world’s first neon billboard was built on Boulevard Montmartre in 1912, it spread to Shanghai in the 20/30s. There was once a storm of Shanghai’s professionals (neon masters, calligraphers, etc.) immigrating to Hong Kong, which initiated the beginning of HK in the 50s. The HK that you see in western movies is always linked to "Neon Light"; red for lust, yellow for wealth, and purple for mystery etc. The 8/90s were the peak period of HK’s neon lights. All kinds of neon signs covered every slit in the night sky of HK, and every bit of the memory of Hongkongers at that time. Talking about the night view along the Victoria Harbour, many huge neon signs can once be found on the rooftops of those skyscrapers which created a colourful night scene and also symbolized the glory of HK - "Pearl of the Orient". "There used to be a saying that Hong Kong's prosperity depends on the design, which refers to neon signs."-Master Liu, neon signs creator. In the 80/90s the ever-rising economy of HK promoted a consumerist lifestyle, all walks of life had a bright future. Department stores, restaurants, hotels, and enterprises, all used neon signs as a promotional tool. A "neon signs" competition is formed which the champion of it was treated as the most powerful party. HK's neon lights are patched together into a unique street scene, high density & volume. Such a unique style of HK's neon lights-"Neon Jungle".
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☕️🧇 上回提到,冰室和茶餐廳之間的分別,早期兩者連牌照上也有所不同。今次我們嘗試拆解現時最常見的可供堂食的兩種飲食牌照。 「細牌」/ 當時冰室的牌照與現時小食食肆牌照類似,俗稱「細牌」,與普通食肆牌照一樣可以堂食,但只可售賣《⼩⻝⻝肆獲准烹製及售賣的⻝物》內所列明的“已預先製作”的⻝物。持有細牌的食肆只准烹製及售賣被規定的六種類内其中一種。 「大牌」/ 相反,普通食肆牌照又稱「大牌」,只要不是售賣受限制的食品,例如壽司🍣、生蠔🦪等,准許持牌人基本上是沒有限制的,而且食客也可以堂食。 茶餐廳牌照/ 衛生局 於1960年設立了「茶餐廳牌照」,但現時已被廢除。有關牌照的特性和廢除的原因,我也沒有太多資訊,我嘗試聯絡過相關部門但都空手而回。然而我們相信現時所有茶餐廳領取著普通食肆牌照。若讀者們知道這些歷史和條例,不妨與我們分享。 今時今日的冰室/ 現時大部份的所謂冰室也領取着「普通食肆牌照」。除了裝修外,實際上他們所提供的食品與普通茶餐廳沒有太大的分別。所以現在我走進冰室,吃的主要是當年環境氣氛的感覺,食物種類和質素是次要的。 Types of restaurant licenses/ As mentioned last time, in the 1980s and early 1990s, the licences of traditional “Bing Sutt” and “Cha Chaan Teng” were different. Today let’s illustrate the two most common catering licenses which are available for dine-in service. “Small license"/ In the earlier stage, the “Bing Sutt’s” license was similar to the current light refreshment restaurant license, commonly known as "small license". It allows dine-in service but strictly restricted the food items that the licensee can prepare and sell for consumption, only one group of the food items as stated can be chosen. “Big license”/ On the contrary, ordinary restaurant licenses are known as "big license." As long as licensee does not sell restricted food items, like sushi and oysters, that require a specific permit, the licensee basically can sell anything and is also available for dine-in. “Cha Chaan Teng’s” license/ This license was established in 1960 by the former Health Bureau but has now been suspended. And we believe all Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong nowadays have a general restaurant license. Detailed information and the reasons for its suspension are hard to find, so if you know anything about the history and regulations, please do not hesitate to share them with us. Today’s “Bing Sutt”/ Basically, most of the so-called “Bing Sutts” are now holding general restaurant licenses. Except for the decoration, their menu is more or less the same as ordinary “Cha Chaan Teng”. For me, when I now walk into Bitt Sutt, what I am enjoying the most is the taste of time rather than the taste of food.
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茶餐廳: (二) 香港生存食糧
今天的香港,冰室 和 茶餐廳 遍佈街頭小巷,但兩者有甚麼分別?上回談到傳統冰室只能販賣飲品和小吃,打造《港式優雅生活》。今日繼續旅程,認識茶餐廳... 茶餐廳=餐廳+冰室/ 隨著中西方文化的融合,冰室的數量節節上升,而50年代香港經濟「火箭升空」引致「西餐館」和「咖啡室」變得更普遍;市民消費能力更高;飲食界變化與競爭更激勵。傳統冰室行業承不上這枝火箭,落後於大市。為了生存,店主們設法納入餐廳元素,售賣中西小炒以及各種飯類,開拓新戰線 - 《打工仔生存食糧》。傳統冰室行業於60年代開始正式面臨建構性壓力,大部份只領「小牌」的冰室已於80-90年代式微,而隨社會演變應運而生的便是 -《茶餐廳》。 👨:「幾多位?依到啦!」 (啪啪,夥計放下兩杯清茶) 👨:「想食咩?」 ☕冰室有冰,茶餐廳有茶,每間茶餐廳都會為客人奉上清茶(Local Tips:香港人不會喝),食品種類應有盡有,除冰室之選外,更提供中西式正餐如燴意粉、碟頭飯(蓋飯)、粥麵etc。香港經典食品如沙爹牛肉麵和蛋撻亦是來自茶餐廳。作為冰室的變體,茶餐廳有別於街邊的大牌檔,於舊時屬中檔食肆,配有妥當的裝修和較整潔的環境。據說1946年的蘭香閣茶餐廳是第一間以茶餐廳命名的鋪;而政府衛生局則於1960年才新設了「茶餐廳牌照」,第一個牌照由「漁利泰茶餐廳」獲得。時至今天,很多市肆都以「冰室」為名作招徠,但實際與茶餐廳無明顯差別,皆以茶餐廳形式營運。 🇭🇰香港象徵/ 傳統冰室的一杯冷飲一碟小吃,為香港人提供生活中的調製,展示出香港中西文化的交匯 ; 而茶餐廳則支撐著香港人的的日常飲食,盡顯香港人努力和 #平靚正 的精神。兩者都伴隨香港人的生活而生,與香港人的生活和香港歷史不可分割。茶餐廳食物配搭多變而且份量十足,是普羅大眾的食堂,由落單、上菜、到結帳,最緊要快!果腹後繼續工作!回應著一項傳說:「香港人最喜歡工作、最勤力、最高效率。」 A blend of Bing Sutt and Restaurants/ The word-word translation of Cha Chaan Teng is “Tea Restaurant”, while they would greet customers with a cup of tea (Local Tips: Hongkongers won’t drink it) and you can enjoy a decent Silk-stocking Milk Tea. Cha Chaan Teng and Bing Sutt are not the same but connected. While traditional Bing Sutt can only serve drinks and snacks(can ref. to previous post), Cha Chann Teng provides a full and wide range of F&B. 👨: "How many people? Sit here la." (Waiter puts down two cups of tea) Today, traditional Bing Sutt is rare and most of them are operating as a Cha Chaan Teng. Looking back to the 50s, the number of Bing Sutt peaked, when the rocketing period of HK economy boosted citizens' purchasing power and caused the number of "western restaurant" and "cafe" to increase, the catering industry became too competitive for Bing Sutt to survive. Therefore, Bing Sutt owners expanded their service spectrum by adding Chinese and Western main courses to their menu and created authentic HK dishes like Satay Beef Noodles. Instead of the cafe vibe of Bing Sutt, Cha Chaan Teng is more like the "Survival Kit for Workers". The govt. established an official "Cha Chaan Teng” License in 1960. Cha Chaan Teng supports the daily diet of Hongkongers, demonstrating the general 3E desire of the city: economic, efficient, effective .HKers love working?
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冰室: (一) 舊香港優雅生活
🧊冰室是否屬於香港?/ |雖然|冰室這個詞可能並不是由香港創造,|但是|港式冰室是屬於香港的。 冰室與廣州或上海的冰廳相類似,同樣是東西文化交匯的產物,會售賣冷飲及雪糕等小食,但兩者有著關鍵性的分別。港式冰室的 #Kongcept 源自香港的獨特環境和社會狀況,而內容亦與廣州的冰室有所不同,當中涉及以下的題目: 1)英式下午茶文化和英式咖啡室; 2)製冰業的興起; 3)香港自創的Fusion飲食 🇭🇰冰室起源/ 港式冰室於戰後的香港興起,冰室早期的主要客源為受西方文化薰陶的白領。港式冰室的起源可以追溯到英國維多利亞時代,當時的Coffee Shop及Tea House如雨後春筍般開業,加上製冰技術面世,英國的下午茶文化以及咖啡廳形式漸漸傳到香港,平民咖啡室因而出現 - #港式冰室。聽說最早的冰室出現於20年代,但資料已經難以追尋,只知道由40年代開始廣為人知,而50-60年代為冰室的盛世。 早港英時期,西式餐點只能在稱為「西菜館」或「餐室」的高級西式餐廳嚐到,價錢非一般人能承擔。直至二次大戰後,市民對西式食品的好奇,引致40年代初「冰室」的冒起,提供價錢較便宜的「彷西式食品」。由於冰室只持有市政局辦發的「小食菜館牌照」(小牌),只可以提供飲品和輕食如三文治,不能明火賣飯。有一些冰室更會配搭烘製麵包拍照。 🧊何謂啊「冰」?最緊要正/ 舊時候的廣州很流行「飲冰」這個詞,意指「喝冷飲」,而喝冷飲的店便稱之為「冰室」,據說名字背後與清未民初的中國思想家梁啟亦有關...詳情暫且不說。回望香港,其實除了冰室,還有相類似的業務被稱為咖啡店、咖啡廳、茶冰室等等,象徵著一樣的 #kongcept 。除了仿西方咖啡室外,與香港的社會狀況亦有密切關係,舊時候一般香港家庭負擔不起冷氣機或雪櫃的價錢 ,香港的冰室見機創造了各種冰凍飲品如紅豆冰作為招徠,再配上天花板的大吊扇為客人送爽。所以冰室曾經算是一種較高級的場所,屬於香港人的一種優雅生活態度~ 下回續...🔔 Bing Sutt - A blend of Western and Eastern culture/ The word-for-word translation of Bing Sutt is “Ice Room”; it, traditionally, is only allowed to serve drinks and light meals due to its license. It is characterised by its hanging fans, iced drinks, and Eastern-Western fused beverages and foods. It began by targeting white-collar workers who were fascinated by the Western culture. Tracing back to the Victorian era in England, when the advent of ice making technology, the British afternoon tea culture, and coffee shops have spread to HK. The HK-style ice room imitates the high-end cafe in the western restaurant. They have been widely known since the 1940s, and the 50-60s were the flourishing age of Bing Sutt. In the early days of British-HK, Western style meals can only be tasted in high-end Western-style restaurants and the price was not affordable for ordinary civilians. Until the Second World War, the public's curiosity about Western-style food led to the emergence of "Bing Sutt" in the early 1940s, creating a series of fusion food & beverages that fit the locals’ appetite, acting as cheaper alternatives to western-style food. Bing Sutt is named when the average family cannot afford to pay for an air conditioner or refrigerator. To be continued…🔔 📸: @mr_nkf
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冰室&茶餐廳: (序) 美食天堂的中流砥柱
美食文化的幕後功臣-飲食文化的進程/ 飲食是生存必需品和生活的調劑,而飲食文化見證人和社會的成長。基於70年代香港經濟起飛和其獨特的國際身份,香港成為了美食天堂,世界美食的匯聚點。在此背後默默支撐著一切的是最地道且屬於香港人的本土飲食文化,見證了香港的歷史進程,支持著每個香港人的日常。 香港介紹過: (1)《大牌檔》由二次大戰後開始支撐著香港人的每一餐; (2) 大牌檔創出《絲襪奶茶》流芳百世; (3)《港飲文化》相繼而生; 今個月開始,我港會帶領你探索《冰室》和《茶餐廳》。 去 @kongcep852 右上角開著 🔔 通知,今個月唔會令你失望! The Inner Side of the Food Paradise – HK Food Culture/ Food culture witnesses the history and growth of a society. In light of the take-off of Hong Kong economy in the 1970s and its unique international identity, HK has become a food paradise with Michelin Starssss. And when we see through all the fame and spotlight, there is something more valuable to Hongkongers, the most authentic food culture which has recorded the history and story of HK, and supported the daily life of every Hongkongers. Previously, @Kongcept852 introduced you the “Dai Pai Dong”, “Silk-stocking Milk Tea” and “HK Beverage Culture”. In the upcoming weeks, let’s begin to drill into "冰室Bing Sutt" and "茶餐廳Cha Chaan Teng". 📸: @mr_nkf Visit @kongcept852 and turn on the 🔔notification on the top right hand corner, and be prepared. #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #lifestyle_kongcept #冰室 #茶餐廳 #茶記 #chachaanteng #bingsutt #香港文化 #hkfoodblogger #hkfoods #hkdrinks #自己香港自己救 #ฮ่องกง #홍콩 #hongkonger #hkculture #hongkongmoment #capturehongkong #hkblogger #japaneseinhk #在香港的台灣人 #lifeinhongkong #hkphotography #visualhongkong #香港生活 #香港好きな人と繋がりたい
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香港農曆新年: 盆菜起源
🧧我港拜年/ “我港仝人向各位拜個年,祝大家牛年快樂、百毒不侵、心想事成,新一年我港會繼續努力,以更引人入勝的表達,為你帶來更豐富的內容。” Bio有link:🧧 https://payme.hsbc/kongcept852🧧 歡迎各位善長人翁獻出一點點的支持與愛心❤️ 利是可以寫上你對我港的期待或意見~ ——————————————————————————— 香港人的那兩個新年/ 🎆 👫🏻👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻10 9 ...3 2 1 新年快樂!! 🧨 👨‍👩‍👦🏠恭喜發財身體健康...x 100times 基於香港獨特的歷史背景,慶祝兩次新年已是屬於香港人的一套文化,雖然兩者的意義有所不同但於香港皆受到重視。港英年代時,雖然 #西曆新年 作為節日登陸了香港,但港英政府並沒有干預當時的傳統習俗,更於1965年起,每逢農曆新年前夕都會有港督發表新年賀詞,孕育出中西文化交融的環境。香港人慶祝西歷新年是現代化和社會的體現,獨立性較高,作為生於香港的都市人,經歷了一年的 #最長工時 後與愛人和朋友狂歡並發洩出所有壓力,然後1月1日為自己訂立新一年的Smart Goal和人生計畫。相反, #農曆新年 則注重傳統習俗、信念和親情,並為新一年作準備。由「年廿八,洗邋遢」到「年三十團年」和「年初一拜年」等等,雖然習俗較多但當中所有活動都是以「家」為單位。即使你不相信某些習俗背後的寓意,這些都是和家人親戚共處的好機會。🌃😢如你曾到外國留學或工作,身處異地,你最想念家的日子就是農曆新年時份。大家適逢農曆新年請好好與家人共度時光。 香港農曆新年,飲食/ 作為全世界華人的節日,不同地方都有着不同的慶節食品,而香港許多賀年食品的由來都是源於粵語的諧音。例如年糕,顧名思義有着年年高的意思,男女老少都適用,而在職認識會希望事業更上一層樓,小朋友則祈求快高長大。另外,髮菜蠔豉正是寓意發財好市,有別於一般賀年食品原來這個菜式並不油膩,而且營養價值更頗高,髮菜高鐵高鈣高蛋白而蠔豉有着多種良好氨基酸有助去除體內有毒物質,有助預防動脈硬化。 至於🥘 #盆菜 呢?這是 #香港飲食文化 ?!盆菜起源 於南宋末年,宋帝與多名大臣南下時來到香港新界圍村,當時他們飢餓萬分,村民得知皇上到來不敢怠慢,於是各家各戶拿出各自最好的食材。但由於時間緊急,一時三刻沒有足夠的盤碟承載食物供給多人享用,村民於是利用洗衣服的木盤作為代替,把所有食物一同放進去,成為「盆菜」。時至今日每逢有喜慶活動,圍村的村民都會聚在一起吃盆菜,成為香港獨有的文化。加上今年受疫情所影響,團年及農曆新年大家都未能夠外出當食,不少食肆也推出盆菜,方便大眾與家人慶節。 #我港 #kongcept #我港生活 #農曆新年 #西曆新年 #香港文化 #傳統 #利是 #家 #祝福 #恭喜發財 #盤菜 #圍村 #身體健康
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好的咖啡或茶不僅只著重質素,還有氣氛和環境! ☕️ A cup of good coffee or tea is not just about its quality, but also the atmosphere! 「鴛鴦」由建築設計公司 Building Narrative 出版的書。他們希望透過故事陳述與設計構想角度去介紹香港的茶舍與咖啡廳。雖然茶餐廳向來「快、靚、正」的賣點,一直都穩固地作為香港人用餐的首選,但新式的茶舍與咖啡廳不僅僅是提供飲食的地方,而成為了我們新的社區休憩空間。作者希望透過這本書讓讀者認識每個茶舍與咖啡廳經營者的理念其實構成了一個新的社區休憩網絡。致建築師、設計師、香港人:讓我們感受這一波茶舍與咖啡廳的浪潮吧! 也千萬別忘了感受生活! 請稍移玉步先去看看他們的IG,「鴛鴦」的實體書很快就會面世! ‘’ Yin Yeung’’, by Building Narrative, is a book to illustrates and presents tea house and cafes in Hong Kong through story-telling and from a design perspective. While cha chaan tang has always been the favourite spot for the locals, in light of its efficiency and unfussy everyday meal, modern coffee shops and tea houses offer something that go well beyond traditional eateries or drinking places. They create a space that become the new amenities of our local communities and play a part in fulfilling new-gen HKers’ pursuit of lifestyle and wellbeing. For the owners of the coffee shops and tea houses that are featured in this book, their vision have together created a network of amenities all over the territory for fellow HKers to enjoy. This is not only a book for architects and designers; it is a present for all HKers who have immersed themselves in this new wave of coffee and tea culture, and who totally enjoy it. As starter, enjoy their Instagram introduction of each tea house or café! The book will be released very soon! #kongcept #我港 #yinyeung #hkcafe #hkteahouse
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🧐Kongcept 飲品大全/ 每次步進港式咖啡室/餐廳,你只會叫奶茶、咖啡還是檸檬茶?可惜!…香港地道飲品其實五花八門。 入門:黑與白的大戰/ 「呵瀝&華田」(Holicks&Ovaltine)兩者都是麥芽飲品,雖然不是本土特產但經過年月的洗禮,現已成為大眾的兒時回憶,茶餐廳更會把兩者混合為兒童或黑白鴛鴦,一句到尾,呵瀝更好飲! 初級挑戰:汽水/ 各種外國引入的汽水也被香港人玩弄於股掌之間,像雞尾酒般調配。源自70年代尾的忌廉溝鮮奶,必須先把牛奶倒進杯然後才加入當時稱為荷蘭水的玉泉忌廉;熱檸樂煲薑,這是一種是香港一種民間食療,因舊時的公共醫療體系尚待發展完善,難以負擔診金的市民便希望以此治療感冒。雖然其藥效不明,但暖水和薑至少可以紓緩發冷及喉嚨不適。 中級挑戰:走/ 絲襪奶茶是香港之光,而茶走是它的演變體,據說從前食客害怕奶茶加入砂糖會惹痰,所以店家開始以煉奶代替砂糖,成為「茶走」,漸漸更出現鴦走和華田走等等的煉奶飲品。 地獄級:滾水蛋/ 這是只有老牌餐廳才會提供的飲品,做法是把一顆生蛋雞打進一杯滾燙的熱,攪拌開來後再加上砂糖調味。古曰,雞蛋進水有如「跳海」;蛋白花開彷如「袈裟」,輕飄落下;蛋黃之圓滑,就如「光頭」。這飲品又名為「和尚跳海」。由於舊時香港物資匱乏,「滾水蛋」是當時的一款營養食品。 愛我請分享/ 融合、創新、演變、再創新,被外國朋友問及香港文化時,大家都理應可以滔滔不絕的自豪地介紹。喝哪種飲品?如何品嚐一杯絲襪奶茶?如何用廣東話下單?這些話題都已足夠打動你的外國朋友,試利用一個下午茶的時間去介紹,你好 鍾意的香港。 Kongcept Drink Menu/ Are milk tea, coffee or coke always your choices of drinks? Shame, you are missing out a lot... Beginner Challenge: Soda/ There are different kinds of soda mocktail in HK. For instance, adding preserved limes and fresh lemon into 7up is the summer cure. Health-wise, boiling Coca Cola with ginger and lemon is a kind of folk diet therapy in old HK. When the public medical system has yet to be well developed, citizens who cannot afford the consultation fee would try to treat flu with this drink, although its efficacy is not proved, it at least relieves sore throat. Intermediate Challenge: “走jau2”/ Silk stocking milk tea is the pride of HK, and when you replace the evaporated milk and sugar in it with condensed milk, it becomes “茶走cha4 jau2”. In the past, diners were afraid that adding sugar to milk tea would cause phlegm, so the store began to replace sugar with condensed milk. Likewise, adding the word “走” at the end of any HK local beverage could means the use of condensed milk. Boss: Monk Jumping into the Sea/ This is a drink that only the oldest HK restaurants can offer, it’s made by adding a raw egg into a cup of boiling water. Egg yolk represents the shiny bald head of the monk and egg white that spread over the water is like the monk cassock. This drink was treated as a power drink for the lower-class. Complicated yet Loveable/ Learning but not blindly pursuing; harmonious but diversified. The concept of Yin Yeung represents the culture of HK.
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品味奶茶🏝️Luxurious Milk Tea 習以為常的錯/ 有時候對茶餐廳不能要求太多,但有一杯好飲的絲襪奶茶絕對係點綴! 絲襪奶茶已有多年歷史,由50年代藍領階層的恩物變成照顧全香港市民的獨特文化。發展至今,絲襪奶茶於香港已經隨處可見,不論是日式餐廳或以港式奶茶為招徠的店鋪層出不窮,奶茶雪糕,奶茶爆谷,奶茶味乳清蛋白…縱使有金茶王大賽或港式奶茶機械人等相關事物,但針對奶茶本身的發展還是較遜色。「絲襪奶茶已是香港最多人喝的飲品,你還要求什麼?」,無可否認,香港人每年對奶茶的消耗量高達9億杯,但習以為常換來的會是價值的下降和冷漠的對待,比起作為一杯跟餐的免費飲品,絲襪奶茶值得擁有更多。 絲襪奶茶的調配很講求多階段的技巧,一沖、二焗、三撞、四回溫為基本的沖茶步驟。作為靈魂的茶膽則以三到六種不同粗幼的茶葉拼成,粗茶香氣濃郁而茶色清澈;幼茶色澤較深而茶味最濃;至於中粗茶的質素則較平均,用作平衡茶膽。箇中的學問為此飲品增添了一定的價值,有很大的進步和發展空間。或許絲襪奶茶可以代替咖啡,成為你和我的生活品味,手工絲襪奶茶店於世界偏地開花亦非空想。先生小姐,請問想要咖啡或茶? Taste of HK Lifestyle/ Silk Stocking Milk Tea has now become the most famous and sometimes complimentary beverage in Hong Kong, from the energy drink for blue-collar workers in the 50s to a necessity for every Hong Konger. In recent years, it even bloomed as a gimmick in different areas, silk stocking milk tea flavoured ice-ream, popcorn, whey protein powder, the sky is the limit. However, the study and development of the milk tea itself are lost behind, despite there are even related competitions such as the KamCha. Although Hong Kongers drinks 900million milk tea every year, it is actually being treated as a super ordinary drink as people don't value the things they get for free. Making a decent cup of Silk Stocking Milk Tea requires different techniques, with proper blending and selection of tea leaves and evaporated milk, you enjoy the perfect balanced milk-rich layers of tastes. Silk Stocking Milk Tea has a high potential, decent cupping and tasting are granted, let us stay tuned for the bloom of Silk Stocking Milk Tea industry. I don’t need a Barista, I want a Milkteaista! . . 📷 @mr_nkf . #lifestyle_kongcept #我港生活 #kongcept #我港 #絲襪奶茶 #生活品味 #hkmilktea #silkstocking #milkteaalliance
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愛上絲襪 🦵🏻☕The silk stocking fantasy~ 奶茶聯盟/ 泰國有泰式奶茶,台灣有珍珠奶茶,印度有香料奶茶,香港呢?港式奶茶又名為絲襪奶茶,作為香港非物質文化遺產,它以港式奶茶製作技藝被歸類為傳統手工藝。嘆一杯絲襪奶茶,憑:色、香、味、口感、回甘和故事。絲襪奶茶的馥郁芳香反映了香港中西文化的交融與發展。​ 中西交融/ 港式奶茶的原型為英式奶茶,於港英時期,英國人喜歡使用錫蘭(現稱斯里蘭卡)的紅茶加糖和鮮奶飲用,但當時英式奶茶大多使用貴價材料,只有達官貴人才可以在高級西餐廳享用,味道較絲襪奶茶清淡。事至大約於二次大戰後,喝奶茶的文化才漸漸普及化,當時政府為解決市民的就業和飲食需要,發出眾多大牌檔牌照,使服務基層市民的大牌檔等食肆興起,從中脫穎而出的便是於1952創立的「蘭芳園」,其創辦人為林木河先生,或稱絲襪奶茶之父。 絲襪奶茶的雛形源於林先生於三角碼頭(香港的第一個碼頭)的一個偶遇,話說當時他正學習調配英式奶茶,獲一位剛上岸的海員贈送錫蘭紅茶葉後他開始細心鑽研,首創以體積較小的銅製梯壺沖茶以減少苦味,然後利用林太自製的高密度白布茶袋濾走茶渣以令奶茶更香滑。經重複使用後的白布袋染上茶漬而顏色變黃,加上其彈性仿如女性用的絲襪,因而被當時的一些咕喱(Collie) 命名為「絲襪奶茶」。與英式奶茶相比,絲襪奶茶採用更濃的紅茶葉並以淡奶代替鮮奶泡製。 Milktealogy/ Thai milk tea, bubble tea, chai milk tea or the Silk Stocking Milk Tea from Hong Kong? The making of the HK-style milk tea requires traditional craftsmanship which is one of the HK Intangible Cultural Heritages, its fragrant taste and smooth texture are the basis of this signature drink. And the history behind has made it become the perfect icon of the integration of eastern and western culture in HK. Origin and the Cultural Integration/ In the era of British Hong Kong, the British “afternoon tea” culture has come along, serving a black tea with fresh milk is the golden rule. Initially, it is only shared among the upper class of society, and until the end of the second world war, it started to gain popularity. At that time, the government established a large number of the cooked-food stall (Dai Pai Dong) licenses to settle public chaos and needs, and provided a chance for the growth of local food and beverage industry. Remarkably, there is a standout Dai Pai Dong named Lan Fong Yuen whose founder is the father of the Silk Stocking Milk Tea - Mr.Lam. The Silk Stocking Milk Tea is made by blending at least three types of Ceylon tea leaves with different coarseness and replacing fresh milk with evaporated milk to balance the bitter taste. Crucially, a customised sackcloth bag made by Mrs.Lam is used to filter tea leaves for a smoother texture. Since the black tea dyed the frequently used bag and it has an elastic texture, some fans dubbed it the name Silk Stocking. . . #lifestyle_kongcept #我港生活 #kongcept #我港 #絲襪奶茶 #生活品味 #hkmilktea #silkstocking #milktea
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我港語文系列 : 關於字體
#我港語文 #language_kongcept 我港語文系列 - 關於 #字體 ✍️/ 每個字有獨特的意思/故事/意象,而字體則是傳播字意的渠道,更是一門藝術。字體是娛樂,供人欣賞;是工具,操控閱讀者的心理,影響文字的傳達;是文化,能反應時代的背景;是歷史,字體的發展歷史就是一個地方的發展歷史;是你的生活,陪伴你成長,塑造你的回憶,大至霓虹燈牌小至路邊街招。(🤫祖國啲banner字體夠晒記憶點) 未來我港語文會介紹各類型的字體以及文字工作者。今日的主角是現處於眾籌階段的《思緒重生體》。九十後字體設計師Roy Chan創立了《思緒俠造字》團隊,希望透過更多的創作喚醒香港人對字體的感覺,希望更多人重視字體設計。《思緒俠造字》現今已有超過200款字體成品,是香港字體的推動者。《思緒重生體》眾籌將於2022年3月10日 - 23:59完結。🔗 https://wabay.tw/projects/reborn-font?locale=zh-TW&ref=dea7f2d3de ✍️字體:思緒重生體 |👨嘉賓:Roy Chan|🚩捍衛繁體字,由文字設計做起🚩 Q. 關於思緒俠造字? Roy: 香港字體研發及教育團隊。旨在保育屬於我們的繁體字,繼而創造新的造字風氣。早年以獨特文字設計產品為媒介,引導大眾認識字體設計; 繼而製作第一套字體【思緒重生體】,教育大眾付費使用字型和版權認知; 未來期望吸引更多設計師入行字體設計,慢慢匯聚成行業。 Q. 關於思緒重生體? Roy: 《思緒重生體》字型設計結合宋體 x 黑體,寓意新舊融合、吶喊喚醒昔日香港露魂!經過推出「千字試用版」,越來越多人使用思緒俠造字的字體。希望透過募資借助大家的支持完成一套約五千字的字型,為香港的繁體字和廣東話努力,讓香港的文化和靈魂延續下去。 Q. 你對香港有什麼感覺? Roy: 我心目中的香港是有種得天獨厚的魅力,長居於此的人會被壓力逼得喘不過氣,但只要跳岀框框,敢於想像,還是座充滿活力的城市。 #我港 #kongcept #兩文三語 #香港歷史 #法定語文條例 #廣東話 #粵語 #字體 #香港字 #書法 #繁體字 #香港語文 #cantonese #font #caligraphy #traditionalchinese #hklanguage
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我港語文系列 - 關於 #認識香港文化,先從語言文字著手
#我港語文 #language_kongcept 我港語文系列 - 關於 #認識香港文化,先從語言文字著手 🇭🇰/ 💬「我港,我講文化,但我用咩講?點解咁講?」 語言和文字是文化中的主要成份,構成我們的身分認同,記載並幫助文化的承傳,與社會一同變遷。今個系列與大家一同認識香港人的語和文,並帶領你認識在這個領域裏的人、事、物。💬「唔好連自己講緊咩都唔知。」 有見及此Kongcept 將會有一個新系列:#我港語文 ,與你分享我們每天所使用的繁體字、字體、粵語、俗語典故等...。總言以之,一起認識更多自己的母語和文字歷史。 1841_香港開埠 1933_第一部粵語電影《白金龍》 1970前_英語為唯一法定語言 1970_香港教育界及大專學生爭取香港人最常用的中文成為法定語文。 1974_政府正式修改《法定語文條例》,中文獲立為法定語文。 1987_進一步規定所有法例都必須以中英文制定和頒布。 1995_12月4日香港法庭首次以中文(粵語)進行審訊 1997_香港政府實行「兩文三語」:中文、英文書寫,粵語、英語和普通話口語。 1997後??? Announcing Kongcept’s new series: #language_kongcept . Understand what we speak & write, Chinese Characters/Cantonese/Font/Phrases…etc. 1841_Hong Kong Foundation Day 1933_The first Cantonese film 《白金龍》 Pre1970_English was the only official language 1970_Educator and students strive for Chinese to become the official written language 1974_Govt. officially revised the "Official Languages Ordinance", Chinese was established as the official language. 1995_First Cantonese trial in Hong Kong court 1997_Implement "biliteracy and trilingualism" Written: Traditional Chinese, English Spoken: Cantonese, English and Mandarin After 1997_??? #我港 #kongcept #兩文三語 #香港歷史 #法定語文條例 #廣東話 #粵語 #字體 #香港字 #書法 #繁體字 #香港語文 #cantonese #font #caligraphy #traditionalchinese #hklanguage
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